Justin Bieber

Image of Justin Bieber
I always looked really young. I matured pretty late.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Young
Image of Justin Bieber
He [Timbaland] meshes well with a lot of great people, like he meshes well with Timberlake, Missy Elliott, Nelly Furtado. I'm hoping I'm another one that he meshes well with, because it could be really genius.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: People
Image of Justin Bieber
My fans and I have that special connection because whenever we talk on Twitter and Facebook we really have that one on one connection and I feel that's important.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Special
Image of Justin Bieber
somtimes people say that you can not live your dreams. sometimes people say that you can not sell out madison square garden. well this is what i tell them-NEVER SAY NEVER
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Dream
Image of Justin Bieber
Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Two
Image of Justin Bieber
People write to me and say, 'I'm giving up, you're not talking to me.' I just write them a simple message like, 'Never give up,' you know? And it changes their life.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Justin Bieber
My favourite shower jam song is 'Teenage Dream' by Katy Perry.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Dream
Image of Justin Bieber
I don't want to start singing about things like sex, drugs and swearing. I'm into love, and maybe I'll get more into making love when I'm older. But I want to be someone who is respected by everybody.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Sex
Image of Justin Bieber
I give up so much to do what I do. Like, I give up a personal life. I give up my friends, my family. I give up a lot of stuff to pursue what I love and to make my fans happy. I give up so much. So, I'm going to be the best.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Justin Bieber
This letter really touched my heart. Sabrina says when she lost all her hair during chemo, she wore the cap I gave her.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Heart
Image of Justin Bieber
I just want to be the biggest artist that I can be, and I want to make a difference. I feel like Michael (Jackson) made a difference with everything that he did. He was so charitable and just always on-point. I just want to be where he is, as an artist.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Artist
Image of Justin Bieber
If I was your boyfriend <3
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Your Boyfriend
Image of Justin Bieber
When I get off a flight, I'm not trying to sit there and let them take pictures of me. I'm tired. I'm scratching my eyes. I just don't like taking pictures in general.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Tired
Image of Justin Bieber
Its a Bieber world live it or die.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: World
Image of Justin Bieber
I'm just trying to get the best sound and have it be consistent and make sense with what I'm going through in my life.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Trying
Image of Justin Bieber
Me plus you. (Imma tell you one time) Me plus you. (Imma tell you one time) Me plus you. (Imma tell you one time) One time. When I met ya girl my heart when knock (knock knock) Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop (stop stop) Even love is a struggle and it's all we got. So we gun keep keep climbing to the mountain top. 'Cause your world, is my world, and my breath is your breath, and my heart is yours.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Girl
Image of Justin Bieber
You know me... I can't resist a good prank.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Pranks
Image of Justin Bieber
I think that being a gentleman is what matters; taking them out to a nice dinner, open the doors, stuff like that.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Nice
Image of Justin Bieber
I'm not sure about the parties. But whatever they have in Korea, that's bad.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Party
Image of Justin Bieber
Haters call me 'gay,' but their girlfriends want me more than them.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Justin Bieber
It's everyone's own decision to [be gay]. It doesn't affect me and shouldn't affect anyone else.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Gay
Image of Justin Bieber
It's okay for my Beliebers to have a boyfriend, but please don't kiss them in front of me because I get jealous.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Jealous
Image of Justin Bieber
I don't like it when a girl trys to hard and puts loads of makeup on. You gotta show some of yourself.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Girl
Image of Justin Bieber
German? I don't know what that means ... we don't say that in America.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Mean
Image of Justin Bieber
Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Girl
Image of Justin Bieber
Anything above 40 is a little too old for me. I just look for a girl who is funny and has nice eyes and a smile.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Girl
Image of Justin Bieber
I think my home country, Canada, has the most vocal fans. It feels unbelievable when I go home to feel such love. It's amazing whenever I get that kind of support, but to be able to connect with my fellow Canadians is awesome!
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Country
Image of Justin Bieber
I was found on Youtube. I think I was detrimental to my own career.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Thinking
Image of Justin Bieber
I have crushes, but they're all too old. Like Beyonce -she has a husband, I might get shot. I went up to give Beyonce a hug at the Grammys and Jay-Z said, watch out buddy! He was kidding, but you know.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Crush
Image of Justin Bieber
I'm 18 so I'm still young and I'm still learning. But I mean, relationships in general are hard.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Mean
Image of Justin Bieber
When you are following me on Twitter, you are literally following my life. I think that's pretty cool.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Cocky
Image of Justin Bieber
I'm 19 years old. I think I'm doing a pretty good job...Basically from my heart I really just want to say it really should be about to music. It should be about the craft that I'm making. This is not a gimmick and I'm an artist and I should be taken seriously.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Jobs
Image of Justin Bieber
My fans are sexy. Yes they are. They can't help themselves. It is just how they do.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Sexy
Image of Justin Bieber
I turned a lot of people off over the past few years, but I know I can still turn out good music and turn everything all around, i've lost some of my best qualities. For that, I am sorry.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Music
Image of Justin Bieber
So remember this is a bieber world.your just living in it. Bieber or die.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: World
Image of Justin Bieber
I usually have to be home by 10 o'clock and my mom takes my computer away at 10.30pm every night.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Mom
Image of Justin Bieber
Without the Internet I would have no fans and I wouldn't be in this business. I owe everything to the Internet and my fans.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Fans
Image of Justin Bieber
We never destroyed anything major, but there were a few small casualties. A couple of lamps were sacrificed.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Couple
Image of Justin Bieber
You're my favorite part of the day and every morning I look forward to seeing your face.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Song
Image of Justin Bieber
If I believe the good, then I have to believe the bad.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Believe
Image of Justin Bieber
I want to thank everybody, all my fans in Israel, all the children, everybody, it's amazing.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Children
Image of Justin Bieber
My beloved beliebers I'm officially retiring.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Beloved
Image of Justin Bieber
I have a swagger coach that helps me and teaches me different swaggerific things to do.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Different
Image of Justin Bieber
I just want to be young and fun and you know I think people should all wear yellow shoes.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Fun
Image of Justin Bieber
Yeah, I'm a great kisser.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Yeah
Image of Justin Bieber
Now I’m really glad that I speak French, because, let’s face it, girls dig it when a guy speaks French. They call it the language of love, and that ain’t no coincidence. Plus, I love my French fans! Très jolie!
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Girl
Image of Justin Bieber
It's crazy that I have so many fans that will appreciate me that much. It really gives me - I'm like, I wish that I really could love someone that much. Just think that there's so much power in being young and stuff like that.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Crazy
Image of Justin Bieber
I have my romantic moments - for sure.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Moments
Image of Justin Bieber
I wear black diamonds instead of regular ones because I’m not flashy, just flossssy.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Black