Julie Garwood

Image of Julie Garwood
Your trying to take them away from me, and I can't let you do that.I'm not ready to let go." "Exactly what am I taking away?" "My family." "Brenna..." She wouldn't let him continue. "You are trying to take them away, aren't you? And if you succeed, what will I have left?" "Me.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Julie Garwood
She surprised him by agreeing. "Yes, I was simply curious, and no, I would never criticize you in front of your followers. Do you have the patience to endure one more question, husband?" "What is it?" "When do you suppose you'll leave me behind?
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Husband
Image of Julie Garwood
-"Nick?" "I'm still here, Laurant." -"Did you tell Tommy we slept together?" "No, but you just did. He's standing right here." She fell asleep. But this time she didn't have any dreams or nightmare.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Dream
Image of Julie Garwood
The little boy leaned against his father's chest and slowly nodded. "Yes," he said. "I heard all of the names, but I don't remember the other two… just the man who hurt Gillian." "That's the name I most want," Brodick said softly. "Who is he, Alec?" "Alec, please," Gillian began. "Tell me, Alec. Who is he?" "Baron," Alec whispered. "His name is Baron.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Hurt
Image of Julie Garwood
Don't you dare weep," he commanded. "You've broken my heart." "I 'll fix it later.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Heart
Image of Julie Garwood
Get off me. You weigh more than the doors to your home.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Home
Image of Julie Garwood
Carter was so taken aback by her attack he dropped his knife. “You knocked him stupid,” he bellowed. “No,” Emily corrected in what she believed was a reasonable tone of voice. “He was already stupid. I knocked him out.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Stupid
Image of Julie Garwood
He held her gaze steady while he summarized her promises. “She will honor me, protect me, obey me only when she believes I’m being reasonable—but I shouldn’t hold out hope that that day will ever come—try to love me before she’s an old woman, and I’d better get it straight in my mind that she will respect me until or unless I do something to prove I’m not worthy, and God save me then. Have I left anything out, Brenna?
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Believe
Image of Julie Garwood
Douglas: You really got to stop doing that. Isabel: Doing what? Douglas: Getting prettier everyday.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Everyday
Image of Julie Garwood
– Diana: “Christina said the strangest thing.” – Lyon: “Of course she did.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Diana
Image of Julie Garwood
Your eyes have turned as black as a Crow’s,” she blurted out. He didn’t even blink over her bizarre comment. “Not this time, Christina,” he said in a furious whisper. “Compliments won’t get me off balance again, my little temptress. I swear to God, if you ever again dismiss me so casually, I’m going to––” “Oh, it wasn’t a compliment,” Christina interrupted, letting him see her irritation. “How presumptuous of you to think it was. The Crow is our enemy.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Eye
Image of Julie Garwood
You've given me value, Dun­can. In my heart I know I mat­ter to you.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Heart
Image of Julie Garwood
Made­lyne, I would like to speak to you in pri­vate after din­ner." "Speak to me about what?" Made­lyne de­manded with a dis­grun­tled look. "Men and their horses," Dun­can told her
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Horse
Image of Julie Garwood
My wife." "By what name is she called, Kincaid?" "Mine.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Names
Image of Julie Garwood
I love you. We’re getting married, and that’s the way it is. Get used to it.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Love You
Image of Julie Garwood
I am not a poor child, Lady Eleanor," Madelyne announced, letting her anger sound in her voice. "Duncan won't marry you. He won't sign the contracts. He'd have to give up his greatest treasure in order to marry you." "And what be that treasure?" Lady Eleanor inquired, her voice mild. "Why, I'm Duncan's greatest treasure. He'd be a fool to give me up," she added. "And even you must know that Duncan is anything but a fool.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Children
Image of Julie Garwood
It's a shame you know," he called over his shoulder. "What's a shame?" Duncan asked. "That I didn't capture her first." Duncan smiled. "Nay, Edmond, it was a blessing. God's truth, I would have taken her from you.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Taken
Image of Julie Garwood
I know the truth now. You've figured out I'm falling in love with you and you're trying to make me stop by hurting me this way. Well it won't work.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: I Love You
Image of Julie Garwood
Let go of me or slow down," she demanded as she tried to keep pace with him. He slowed down. "I swear to God, you try the patience of a saint." "You aren't a saint, Brodick, no matter what your mother might have told you.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Julie Garwood
When you brush your teeth, I'll squeeze the toothpaste.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Teeth
Image of Julie Garwood
Every man has a weakness," he patiently explained. "I'll find theirs, I promise you." "Every man?" "Yes," he answered emphatically. His hand moved to the back of her neck. Twisting her curls around his fist, he jerked her head back. His face loomed over hers, his breath warm and sweet as he stared down into her eyes. "What is your weakness, Brodick?" she asked. "You.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Sweet
Image of Julie Garwood
She couldn't believe what she did then. Before she could stop herself, she leaned up on tiptoes, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him on the mouth. Her lips brushed over his for the barest of seconds, but it was still a kiss, and when she came to her senses and dared to pull away and look at him, he had the most curious expression on his face. Brodick knew she regretted her sponatenity, but as he stared into her brilliant green eyes, he also knew, with a certainty that shook him to the core, that his life had just been irrevocably changed by this mere slip of a woman.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Believe
Image of Julie Garwood
courting is for those who have not declared their love for one another- should not be considered a task.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Tasks
Image of Julie Garwood
physical beauty should have no importance in a lasting relationship.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Should Have
Image of Julie Garwood
You're taller than I am, but I'm stronger, and meaner right this minute than you could ever imagine" - Lady Madelyne.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Stronger
Image of Julie Garwood
Madelyne, we're married now. 'Tis a usual occurrence to bed one's wife on the wedding night.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Night
Image of Julie Garwood
I've just vowed my love for you. Have you nothing to say in return?" Duncan asked. "Thank you, husband.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Husband
Image of Julie Garwood
You're bruised, as ugly as one of your Cyclops, and I can barely stand to look at you." - Duncan to Madelyne.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Looks
Image of Julie Garwood
You're English," he said. "And I will therefore make certain allowances for you. I realize you don't understand you shouldn't argue with me, and so I'll explain it to you. Don't argue with me." Incredulous, she said, "That's it? 'Don't argue with me' is your explanation as to why I shouldn't argue with you?
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Arguing
Image of Julie Garwood
She let him know how much she liked what he was doing by scoring his back with her nails and crying out with pleasure. "Oh, God." "Nay, lass. Connor.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Nails
Image of Julie Garwood
As soon as the boy left the hall, Ramsey suggested that Brodick fill Gideon in on all that had transpired. "Our commanders are going to have to coordinate their efforts for the attack," he said. "Iain wants Winslow and Dylan and you to handpick the soldiers who'll ride with us into England." "We're attacking England?" Gideon asked, astonished. "No," Brodick answered. "Though the thought of it warms my heart.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Heart
Image of Julie Garwood
It's a sin to hate, and for that reason alone, we must not hate the Normans... We can, however, thoroughly dislike them, Alice.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Hate
Image of Julie Garwood
He shrugged. "I was...thinking." "About what?" "The fires of purgatory." She had to sit down. He wasn't making any sense now. "What does that mean?" she asked. "Patrick told me he would walk through the fires of purgatory if he had to in order to please his wife." She went over to the bed and sat down on the side. "And?" she prodded when he didn't continue. He stripped out of his clothing and walked over to her. He pulled her to her feet and stared down to her. "And I have only just realized I would do the same for you.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Mean
Image of Julie Garwood
I'm wearing clothes in my thoughts and dreams though. What am I wearing in yours?" she asked. "Me." Conversation between Mary Rose and Harrison in Julie Garwood's FOR THE ROSES
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Dream
Image of Julie Garwood
The man irritated her just like a rash.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Men
Image of Julie Garwood
Do you have feelings for this kind man?" "You shouldn't ask her such a question," Frances Catherine said. "But do you, Gillian?
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Men
Image of Julie Garwood
I will find her." "And when you do?" Roger asked. "I will make her mine," the warrior answered in a hard, determined voice. "She will be mine." The vow was made.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Warrior
Image of Julie Garwood
Go and change your gown, Mary," Daniel interjected. "I'm partial to gold. If you've a gown in that color, wear it to please me. If not, white will do well enough. I'm wedding you, Lady Mary." Lord Daniel Ferguson caught Lady Mary before she hit the floor. He wasn't at all irritated that his intended had just fainted dead away, and he actually let out a full burst of laughter as he swept Mary up into his arms and held her against his chest. "She's overcome with gratitude, Alec," Daniel called out to his friend. "Aye, Daniel, I can see she is," Alec answered.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Julie Garwood
For though Duncan was a mere mortal, flawed as well, he'd accomplished a daring feat. Aye, he'd captured an angel. And she belonged to him.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Angel
Image of Julie Garwood
Gabrielle turned to Colm. “These men will be of interest to you.” Colm looked them over. “Why is that?” he asked. With her back to the infidels, she whispered, “They like to dig holes.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Men
Image of Julie Garwood
But she would never forget Brodick... or the spontaneous kiss he'd given her that had meant nothing to him and everything to her.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Kissing
Image of Julie Garwood
Daydreams were dangerous because they made her wish for things she could never have.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Wish
Image of Julie Garwood
Going to university is only one avenue to gain knowledge. There are others. A degree isn't insurance against ignorance.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Julie Garwood
The surgical nurses were right. Theo Buchanan was gorgeous.. and sexy as hell. But none of that should matter. She was his physician, nothing more, noting less.. His hair was sticking up and he needed a shave, but he was still sexy. There wasn't anything wrong with her noticing that.. unless, of course, he noticed her noticing.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Sexy
Image of Julie Garwood
Take pride away from a man and you might as well run a knife through his heart.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Running
Image of Julie Garwood
Flirting is the first step in a long process of finding the right man or woman.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Flirting
Image of Julie Garwood
I love historical romance, absolutely love it.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Romance
Image of Julie Garwood
I like writing about friends.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Julie Garwood
Knowledge is freedom and with freedom comes understanding.
- Julie Garwood
Collection: Understanding