Top Flirting Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Flirting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Rachel Weisz
At the end of the day, flirting is a pretty universal language. Americans are more direct. British people are more indirect about everything
- Rachel Weisz
Collection: Flirting
Image of Andre Breton
Words have finished flirting. Now they are making love.
- Andre Breton
Collection: Flirting
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Flirtation is a circulating library, in which we seldom ask twice for the same volume.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Flirting
Image of John Scalzi
If your flirting strategy is indistinguishable from harassment, it's not everyone else that's the problem.
- John Scalzi
Collection: Flirting
Image of Dan Wells
If I'm going to spend the whole night waiting for you guys to stop flirting and shoot each other, I want to at least be entertained.
- Dan Wells
Collection: Flirting
Image of Rohinton Mistry
Flirting with madness was one thing; when madness started flirting back, it was time to call the whole thing off.
- Rohinton Mistry
Collection: Flirting
Image of Bradley Whitford
People always say, "Could it have been a show about a conservative Republican administration?" No! Nobody wants to watch that! Watching Republicans flirt makes people queasy!
- Bradley Whitford
Collection: Flirting
Image of Charlize Theron
I've always said that I worry about being with a man who doesn't flirt.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Flirting
Image of George Saintsbury
But dinner is dinner, a meal at which not so much to eat - it becomes difficult to eat much at it as you grow older - as to drink, to talk, to flirt, to discuss, to rejoice "at the closing of the day". I do not think anything serious should be done after it, as nothing should before breakfast.
- George Saintsbury
Collection: Flirting
Image of Elif Batuman
Part of flirting is that you tend to give each other a little extra slack to be obscure - to say things that are suggestive and nuanced, rather than clear and comprehensible, things you wouldn't put up with in an essay or something written by a stranger - and that can be so exciting.
- Elif Batuman
Collection: Flirting
Image of Piolo Pascual
Are you flirting with me?
- Piolo Pascual
Collection: Flirting
Image of Liam Payne
On a scale of one to ten, I'm probably a six when it comes to flirting. I'm quite shy.
- Liam Payne
Collection: Flirting
Image of Donald Grant Mitchell
Coquetry whets the appetite; flirtation depraves it. Coquetry is the thorn that guards the rose - easily trimmed off when once plucked. Flirtation is like the slime on water-plants, making them hard to handle, and when caught, only to be cherished in slimy waters.
- Donald Grant Mitchell
Collection: Flirting
Image of Sonia Braga
Women at my age they are making love, they are feeling sensual, they flirt, they have boyfriends, they have a sexual life. They are just not being represented in the movies.
- Sonia Braga
Collection: Flirting
Image of Rapsody
Don't be flirting with your gift, you better marry it
- Rapsody
Collection: Flirting
Image of Clara
For the record, if there's anyone who could flirt with a mountain range, it's probably the person standing in front of you.
- Clara
Collection: Flirting
Image of Tim Schafer
I've always seen this overlap between medieval warfare and heavy metal. You see heavy metal singers and they'll have like a brace around their arm and they'll be singing about Orcs. So let's just make a world where that all happens. That all gets put together, the heavy metal, and the rock, and the battling, actually does happen. Let's not flirt around with this let's just do it.
- Tim Schafer
Collection: Flirting
Image of LIZ
You can do some serious subway flirting before you realize the guy is homeless.
Collection: Flirting
Image of Alphonse Karr
One expresses well only the love he does not feel.
- Alphonse Karr
Collection: Flirting
Image of Charley Harper
A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium-a frenetic flamingle-mangle-a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.
- Charley Harper
Collection: Flirting
Image of Willis Regier
Flattery.... gets its kicks by flirting with insult and ridicule.
- Willis Regier
Collection: Flirting
Image of Lauren Hutton
People say you're flirting with death but really you're flirting with life.
- Lauren Hutton
Collection: Flirting
Image of Margery Wilson
Flirting is a cheap, dangerous shortcut to get something you can't hold after you get it.
- Margery Wilson
Collection: Flirting
Image of David Levithan
Things that matter are not easy. Feelings of happiness are easy. Happiness is not. Flirting is easy. Love is not. Saying you’re friends is easy. Being friends is not.
- David Levithan
Collection: Flirting
Image of Gretl Braun
Hitler was flirting and courting Eva [Braun] I would say, but he was not serious about her yet. That took awhile to develop.
- Gretl Braun
Collection: Flirting
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
A flirt is like a dipper attached to a hydrant; every one is at liberty to drink from it, but no one desires to carry it away.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Flirting
Image of Julia Quinn
He’d spent his life being a perfect gentleman. He’d never been a flirt. He’d never been a rogue. He hated being the center of attention, but by God, he wanted to be the center of her attention. He wanted to do the wrong thing, the bad thing. He wanted to pull her into his arms and carry her to her bed. He wanted to peel every last inch of her clothing from her body, and then he wanted to worship her. He wanted to show her all the things he wasn’t sure he knew how to say.
- Julia Quinn
Collection: Flirting
Image of Jean Baudrillard
The new shopping malls make possible the synthesis of all consumer activities, not least of which are shopping, flirting with objects, idle wandering, and all the permutations of these.
- Jean Baudrillard
Collection: Flirting
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
To boast that one never flirts is actually a kind of flirtation.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Flirting
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Women do not know all their powers of flirtation.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Flirting
Image of Frank Zappa
He likes to flirt with all the boys in the class.
- Frank Zappa
Collection: Flirting
Image of Kenny Rogers
We did some massive flirting in front of the nation, but there was never anything more than that.
- Kenny Rogers
Collection: Flirting
Image of Christian Nestell Bovee
Alas, the transports beauty can inspire!
- Christian Nestell Bovee
Collection: Flirting
Image of Stephen Schwartz
Popular, You're gonna be Popular! I'll teach you the proper ploys when you talk to boys! Little ways to flirt and flounce! I'll show you what shoes to wear, how to fix your hair, everything that really counts, to be POPULAR!!
- Stephen Schwartz
Collection: Flirting
Image of Dolly Parton
Yeah I flirt, I'm not blind and I'm not dead!.
- Dolly Parton
Collection: Flirting
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
One kind of flirtation is to boast we never flirt.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Flirting
Image of Antoine Rivarol
There are some women who are flirts upon principle; they consider it their duty to make themselves as pleasing as possible to every one.
- Antoine Rivarol
Collection: Flirting
Image of Mae West
I always did like a man in uniform. And that one fits you grand. Why don't you come up sometime and see me?
- Mae West
Collection: Flirting
Image of Julia Quinn
He gave her his best smile. His best I-almost-died-so-how-can-you-deny-me smile. Or at least that’s how he hoped it appeared. The truth was, he wasn’t a very accomplished flirt, and it might very well have come across as an Iam- mildly-deranged-so-it’s-in-all-of-our-best-interests-if-youpretend- to-agree-with-me smile.
- Julia Quinn
Collection: Flirting
Image of Robert Southey
She comes majestic with her swelling sails, The gallant Ship: along her watery way, Homeward she drives before the favouring gales; Now flirting at their length the streamers play, And now they ripple with the ruffling breeze.
- Robert Southey
Collection: Flirting
Image of Sydney Smith
How can a bishop marry? How can he flirt? The most he can say is "I will see you in the vestry after service."
- Sydney Smith
Collection: Flirting
Image of Conan O'Brien
At the economic summit in China, Vladimir Putin is being accused of flirting with the first lady of China. Then again, Putin does have a history of not respecting boundaries.
- Conan O'Brien
Collection: Flirting
Image of Tim Winton
It’s how I fill the time when nothing’s happening. Thinking too much, flirting with melancholy.
- Tim Winton
Collection: Flirting
Image of Anthony Trollope
Flirting I take to be the excitement of love, without its reality, and without its ordinary result in marriage.
- Anthony Trollope
Collection: Flirting
Image of Nalini Singh
I can smell blood, Elena,” Dmitri drawled, walking back into the room. “Are you trying to flirt?
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Flirting
Image of Andy Stanley
Most of us are married to a model of ministry and we flirt with the Great Commission.
- Andy Stanley
Collection: Flirting
Image of Jeaniene Frost
That one tickled. If electrocution is your way of flirting, I commend you on your originality.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Flirting