Julie Delpy

Image of Julie Delpy
I have a few other films in my life where I'm not attached and for a long time it was too complicated. Now it's starting to change because other actresses actually want to work with me, which is great.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Long
Image of Julie Delpy
Usually I'm able to imagine something and it comes out as I imagined, more or less.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Able
Image of Julie Delpy
And I realized that directing actors is really important because that's what ends up on screen.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Important
Image of Julie Delpy
I like doing sequels. Basically, I think it's a fun thing to follow characters in time. In real time.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Fun
Image of Julie Delpy
I think it's nice when everyone's happy. I'm that kind of person. But then sometimes you have people that are never happy, which also happened to me a little bit, people that always find ways to complain about everything. But if they're never happy, that's the way they are.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Nice
Image of Julie Delpy
We didn’t want to disrupt the creative process. We have the chance to make the films we want because the films are not expensive. It’s very rare to be able to do that. It’s completely pure.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Creative
Image of Julie Delpy
I can't really explain the feeling of acting. It makes you the most insecure you can possibly be.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Insecure
Image of Julie Delpy
Men go out with me, we break up and then they get married. And later they call me to thank me for teaching them what love is. That I tought them to care and respect women. (...) I wanna kill them! Why didn't they ask me to marry them? I would've said no, but at least they could have asked.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Teaching
Image of Julie Delpy
I'm a very direct person and, sometimes, when I want something, I will push it until I get it. But, it's OK. It's not as bad as some people. When I have an idea in my head, I'm pretty stubborn.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Want Something
Image of Julie Delpy
My experience is that relationships can be difficult, hard work. I love to be in a relationship.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Julie Delpy
Very quickly I realized that directing is a combination of things: It's visual, it's directing the actors, it's telling a story. And people don't always mention this part of directing, but it's also knowing how to really edit something into something that makes sense.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Knowing
Image of Julie Delpy
Being happy is not all about love! Love is not everything. Work, friends, and achieving things... your finite thing in life can't be getting married and having children. Like, creating a life for myself that's my own, and my own road? That was always the most important thing for me. Right now, I have a kid and stuff, and it's fantastic to be a mother, but it's not the final thing. You want to stay an individual. You need to stay an individual for your kid, as an example of what a human being should be! You want to stay true to yourself and not become a half a person. That is so, so important.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Mother
Image of Julie Delpy
Few years ago, I said something about the Academy being very white male, which is the reality, and I was slashed to pieces by the media.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Reality
Image of Julie Delpy
Feminists is something people hate above all. Nothing worse than being a woman in this [movie] business. I really believe that.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Hate
Image of Julie Delpy
When people go through a fight, they're saying things because they hurt, and they want to hurt the person back. Sadly, that's the nature of a relationship. It's one moment where you aren't very adult, but that's how love and a certain passionate relationship exists. When you love someone, it doesn't mean you become a perfect human being, do you?
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Hurt
Image of Julie Delpy
Some films do portray women in their 40s well, and some other films don't. Some films are written by women, so maybe there's a little more accuracy there.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Littles
Image of Julie Delpy
Some people are still very romantic! I mean, those funny vampire films are super romantic, and I don't think that's bad. It means there are a lot of people who still believe in love in a weird way. Okay, it's a cheesy way, and I guess if you think about it, you're like, "Wait, you can love them as long as they're dead?" Maybe that's the point. Maybe it's more twisted than I thought. You can love but you can't age.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Believe
Image of Julie Delpy
Performing is the hardest thing. Even though I've done it for so many years, it's still exposing yourself. You suddenly become extremely vulnerable when you're on camera. You're filmed and you're being observed. It's a bit of a violation each time.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Years
Image of Julie Delpy
I think it's obsessions that a lot of people share, but they don't dare to talk about openly.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julie Delpy
I actually love Scorsese comedies. He's an underrated comedy director. I think his comedies are some of the best comedies ever made.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julie Delpy
I avoid confrontation. When I'm on set I never snap at anyone. I don't have a temper.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Temper
Image of Julie Delpy
I talk a lot. I express a lot of my feelings verbally.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Feelings
Image of Julie Delpy
For Europeans a president having an affair, especially in France, is a joke. No one cares, it would never bring this kind of trouble to a country.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Country
Image of Julie Delpy
It's easier for Europeans to give money to a movie that says a blow job is what brought down American democracy.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julie Delpy
It's definitely easier for a woman to do a romantic comedy than a war movie. It's assumed a woman doesn't have a sense of what action is.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: War
Image of Julie Delpy
I'm not going to pursue it the way that actors pursue it which means going to all of the auditions and getting a job and all that stuff, because I don't really need to get a job because I have a job as a writer/director. That's how I make my living mostly now. So I don't need to make a living as an actress.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julie Delpy
The way I work is that I never let people do an assembly. I don't like it because it shapes the film in a way that I can't really control. To me, editing is making the film and it's a huge process and editors are under-rated.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Editing
Image of Julie Delpy
I'm dreaming about making movies for eight weeks, because it's a luxury. But time is money. That's the reality.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Dream
Image of Julie Delpy
I find most films about fashion terrible because they are caricaturish.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Fashion
Image of Julie Delpy
I've never had help from anyone, ever. I've never had this great director who saw themselves in me, because I'm a French woman in Hollywood. Who could identify with me as a successful director in Hollywood? Nobody. And the few people who could have been mentors, instead they just stole my ideas.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Successful
Image of Julie Delpy
People think women directors are tough. Truth is, I'm a pussycat and I hate conflict. I just want everyone to be happy on set.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Hate
Image of Julie Delpy
I always wanted to write a story about a couple coming to that moment in their relationship where either they keep on going or it ends.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Couple
Image of Julie Delpy
It's a typical story: you think of something, it stays in the back of your head for a while, and then you finally do it.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julie Delpy
Some people have bigger egos than others. You have to take a lot of abuse, and take it in and not respond, because you don't want conflicts on the movie, you don't want to start screaming at people even when they treat you - even when they're not behaving properly, because you want them to do their job, and keep on doing it.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julie Delpy
My dad has always been such a great dad, and he's brought so much culture to my life. He dragged me to see every single movie at the cinématheque as a kid. I saw everything from Star Wars to Bergman.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Stars
Image of Julie Delpy
I definitely didn't fit in perfectly to the school system. I was raised with such freedom of speech and thinking.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: School
Image of Julie Delpy
I didn't really fit with other kids. I had problems in school all my life and problems with authority. But my parents never did drugs or anything. They just believed in freedom in the best sense of the word.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: School
Image of Julie Delpy
Maybe I would get the chance to be financed for a small romantic comedy, but a war movie by a 28-year-old woman about Japanese soldiers? No one was going to go for that. It's easy to just steal an idea because it's very safe.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: War
Image of Julie Delpy
I think the first sign of friendship is a manifestation of how you separate from your parents and try to find a new family on your own. It's the first sign of growing.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julie Delpy
Basically, editing is done in rehearsal and in the writing process and in the acting, so it's very, very tricky, very, very tricky.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Writing
Image of Julie Delpy
Most of our life is miscommunication, and when you add a language barrier to it, it just becomes total mayhem and confusion... It just adds to it with all of the cultural differences. It could be an American family meeting another American family and you could still have a total clash. With family, it's like visiting another planet.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Differences
Image of Julie Delpy
It's very hard to sustain love, that's for sure. But the more you have your own life and your own self, and the less you give away who you are, the more men are attracted to you. The more desperate you are for a relationship, the worse it is to find a healthy relationship. Because the minute you become one-and-a-half people instead of two, it's a mess. Nobody's happy. Keeping your identity and having your own life and your own self, that's the only way I can make my life and sustain life.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Men
Image of Julie Delpy
I was having this awful nightmare that I was 32. And then I woke up and I was 23. So relieved. And then I woke up for real, and I was 32.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Real
Image of Julie Delpy
I don't know any woman in France who doesn't talk to firemen and smile at them, because they're always so sweet, and they're wearing those tight pants. Even my dad looks at their ass when they walk down the street!
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Sweet
Image of Julie Delpy
In your thirties, you're much more comfortable with sex. First of all, sex is something you've done more. You know you can have sex just to have sex; you can have sex with friends; you can have sex with people you love; you can have sex with people you don't like, but the sex is good. And you can joke about sex much more.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Sex
Image of Julie Delpy
I hate that whole Tarantino thing about beating up women and killing them and chopping up. Just because you have the mind of a 12 year old.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Hate
Image of Julie Delpy
Reality and love are almost contradictory for me.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Reality
Image of Julie Delpy
It's terrifying. Women make their first film, their second film, and then it's like a nightmare, right, to make the third or fourth? I mean, it's almost like men can have three films in a row that don't do that well and keep on going.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Mean
Image of Julie Delpy
Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.
- Julie Delpy
Collection: Baby