Jon Foreman

Image of Jon Foreman
Information has become king, whereas wisdom should be king and there is a big difference between the two.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Kings
Image of Jon Foreman
If we truly believe in an all-powerful God, then there's going to be beauty and truth to be found in all sorts of different places.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Powerful
Image of Jon Foreman
Hope is not something you can just place in your back pocket or put your fingers around – it’s the belief in a world that has yet to exist.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Pockets
Image of Jon Foreman
My dying planet needs to see what the body of Christ looks like.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Dying
Image of Jon Foreman
I have horrible acting ability. I can only be one thing and that's it. So for better, for worse, that's all I've got to offer is me. I've got nothing else.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Acting
Image of Jon Foreman
I’ve never used music to sell my faith and I’ve never used faith to sell my music. I think they are both intrinsic parts of who I am. We’ve always tried to define our music outside of genres…what is a genre? A genre’s a cage or a box and for us our music is best with fangs and some claws running free in the wild.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Running
Image of Jon Foreman
I think sunrises are rarer for me, but sunset is my favourite time of day.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Sunset
Image of Jon Foreman
Hope is not a substitute for pain. Hope is in spite of pain.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Pain
Image of Jon Foreman
I often use music as a handle for very emotionally explosive substances: love, sex, God, fear, doubt, politics, the economics of the soul - these are daunting thoughts in the back of my mind that I rarely visit without the safety gloves of song.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
I’m really only responsible to make sure that one person is clapping at the end of my life. Because I feel like as a performer, a lot of times you live for everyone else’s applause. That’s a dangerous thing within the church or outside the church.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Church
Image of Jon Foreman
There’s a time to be silent - to build up a reason to sing again.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Silent
Image of Jon Foreman
Think deeply about life, it's worth it!
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jon Foreman
I'm always thinking about songs, I'm thinking of life maybe a little bit more lyrically than a computer programmer or someone like that.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
The tendency in today's culture is to want to be a 'star', but I want to be a servant.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Stars
Image of Jon Foreman
The kingdom of heaven is comprised of the broken, the fatherless, the poor, the starving. Nothing that could create good ratings for NBC.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Nbc
Image of Jon Foreman
Just as drowning cannot be equated with swimming, mere existence is not the same as abundant life. We have been offered a new way to live – a new way to be human.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Swimming
Image of Jon Foreman
What do we really want to say to the world? Three main themes. The inability to find completion in our modern society, the inability to find completion within ourselves, and the new way to be human in what Christ offers us - His love and His perfect plan of redemption for us.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Perfect
Image of Jon Foreman
Sometimes, the best songs are the ones you write without any pen and paper or audio recording device or guitar in your hands. Because there's nothing between you and the melody; it's just a great lyric.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
My faith, I mean, that's such a personal aspect that a lot of times, of course it's going to come out through the song. But at the same time, I'm not a religious salesman. I feel like God doesn't really need a salesman, and what these songs are are simply my interactions with this life and learning. I guess the bottom line is the songs are really honest, you know what I mean. That faith is going to come through. If the listener is looking for it, that's definitely a part of it.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
I look for places where there's no one out on the water. I'd rather surf a wave to myself than fight a crowd.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jon Foreman
Our world spins upside down and sometimes we have to lose our grip on the things we value in this life in order to grab on to true life.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Our World
Image of Jon Foreman
Life tears at us and scars us as children so we adopt facades and masks to hide this part of us, to keep this sacred part of ourselves from the pain.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Children
Image of Jon Foreman
Music is mere tuning a song with words; to some degree you have a beautiful endeavor of cosigning God's blank checks and you're actually co-creating. You're certainly not the creator with the capital C, but you're embarking on an endeavor, you're using the building blocks that have been given to you by the author of time and space.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Jon Foreman
Surfing and music were incredible outlets for me when I was a kid. And there are some really tricky times when you're growing up and it's easy to make a wrong decision, even with a good family and community around you. Surfing and music kept me out of trouble.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Jon Foreman
Paste just might be my favorite music magazine. They have shed light on many incredible, under-appreciated folks over the years, helping me find new tunes to accompany me through life. We were honored to give a song in return.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
I used to think that great art happened without argument, and maybe that’s not the case. Maybe the things that are most important in this life, you have to fight for.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Art
Image of Jon Foreman
I think surfing and music are both places of release and self expression where there are no rules, and you can find a different form of freedom that you can't anywhere else.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jon Foreman
As far as when I'm writing a song, I think I'm writing first and foremost for myself.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
I try to surf everyday or at least go for a walk on the beach if the waves are flat. The more I travel, the more I appreciate where I live and the ocean.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Beach
Image of Jon Foreman
Music is admitted under the skin without permission.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Skins
Image of Jon Foreman
I've experienced more sunrises with my bandmates and friends out on the road than with my wife, because we're always up at these strange times in the mornings trying to catch a plane.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Morning
Image of Jon Foreman
There are a lot of similarities between music and surfing. There's a rhythm to both of them and with sound waves and ocean waves, you see patterns, plus the breathing is all part of it.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Ocean
Image of Jon Foreman
Celebrity is a currency with an exchange rate almost as strong as anonymity.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Strong
Image of Jon Foreman
I'm not really one to be on camera, I'd rather be writing songs.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
There are certain songs that I like to listen to at certain times of the day. For example, first thing in the morning I love listening to "Flamenco Sketches" off of Miles Davis' Kind of Blue.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
Music will always be judged by our subjective ears.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Ears
Image of Jon Foreman
I simply want the music to to find its way to open-minded people.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: People
Image of Jon Foreman
Switchfoot is a surfing term… To switch your feet means to take a new stance facing the opposite direction. It's about change and movement, a different way of approaching life and music.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Mean
Image of Jon Foreman
I love a good pop song. I have no problem with the concept of doing that sort of thing. For me, it's usually what I'm inspired by, what I'm thinking about.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Song
Image of Jon Foreman
There’s nothing that you can sell me that can make me happy.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Make Me Happy