Top Sunset Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Sunset quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Maud Hart Lovelace
In silence the three of them looked at the sunset and thought about God.
- Maud Hart Lovelace
Collection: Sunset
Image of Ellen Raskin
The sun sets in the west (just about everyone knows that), but Sunset Towers faced east. Strange!
- Ellen Raskin
Collection: Sunset
Image of John Betjeman
What the Londoner sees in his mind's eye is that cluster of towers and pinnacles seen from Pentonville Hill and outlined against a foggy sunset, and the great arc of Barlow's train shed gaping to devour incoming engines, and the sudden burst of exuberant Gothic of the hotel seen from gloomy Judd Street.
- John Betjeman
Collection: Sunset
Image of Donald Miller
If I have a hope, it's that God sat over the dark nothing and wrote you and me, specifically, into the story and put us in with the sunset and the rainstorm as though to say, “Enjoy your place in my story. The beauty of it means you matter, and you can create within it even as I have created you.”
- Donald Miller
Collection: Sunset
Image of Carl Rogers
People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.
- Carl Rogers
Collection: Sunset
Image of Stewart Udall
Cherish sunsets, wild creatures, and wild places. Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth!
- Stewart Udall
Collection: Sunset
Image of Dada Vaswani
There is no death! Death is very much like sunset. It is only an appearance. For, when the sun sets here, it rises elsewhere. In reality, the sun never sets. Likewise, death is only an illusion, an appearance. For, what is death here is birth elsewhere. For life is endless.
- Dada Vaswani
Collection: Sunset
Image of Issey Miyake
Beauty is like a sunset: it goes as soon as you try to capture it. The beauty you like is precisely that which escapes you.
- Issey Miyake
Collection: Sunset
Image of Lars von Trier
Perhaps the only difference between me and other people is that Ive always demanded more from the sunset.
- Lars von Trier
Collection: Sunset
Image of Reif Larsen
I was only twelve, but through the slow, inevitable burn of a thousand sunrises and sunsets, a thousand maps traced and retraced, I had already absorbed the valuable precept that everything crumbled into itself eventually, and to cultivate a crankiness about this was just a waste of time.
- Reif Larsen
Collection: Sunset
Image of Rachel Roy
Sunsets are my escape into the reality I want to continuously live.
- Rachel Roy
Collection: Sunset
Image of Thomas Watson
Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset; eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise.
- Thomas Watson
Collection: Sunset
Image of David Wroblewski
In that dilated moment after sunset when the sky holds all the light.
- David Wroblewski
Collection: Sunset
Image of Peter Watts
What's the survival value of obsessing on a sunset?
- Peter Watts
Collection: Sunset
Image of Merrill Markoe
A more complex - but only slightly more original - way to feel out of it is available at the hip and pretentious nightclubs and bars along the Sunset Strip.
- Merrill Markoe
Collection: Sunset
Image of Jo Walton
Tolkien understood about the things that happen after the end. Because this is after the end, this is all the Scouring of the Shire, this is figuring out how to live in the time that wasn’t supposed to happen after the glorious last stand. I saved the world, or I think I did, and look, the world is still here, with sunsets and interlibrary loans. And it doesn’t care about me any more than the Shire cared about Frodo.
- Jo Walton
Collection: Sunset
Image of Gloria Swanson
It's amazing to find that so many people, who I thought really knew me, could have thought that 'Sunset Boulevard' was autobiographical. I've got nobody floating in my swimming pool.
- Gloria Swanson
Collection: Sunset
Image of Clement of Alexandria
The Lord has turned all our sunsets into sunrise.
- Clement of Alexandria
Collection: Sunset
Image of Frank Peretti
You want proof there's a God? Look outside, watch a sunset.
- Frank Peretti
Collection: Sunset
Image of Samuel Florman
We recognize that we cannot survive on meditation, poems and sunsets. We are restless. We have an irresistible urge to dip our hands into the stuff of the earth and do something with it.
- Samuel Florman
Collection: Sunset
Image of Crowfoot
[last words] What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
- Crowfoot
Collection: Sunset
Image of Thomas Campbell
Coming events cast their shadows before.
- Thomas Campbell
Collection: Sunset
Image of Mary Russell Mitford
Autumn glows upon us like a splendid evening; it is the very sunset of the year.
- Mary Russell Mitford
Collection: Sunset
Image of Norman Corwin
Yes, aging can be tough and rough... But it is possible to approach the ultimate without staggering and even with a kind of glow, like a radiant sunset.
- Norman Corwin
Collection: Sunset
Image of Bruno Munari
When drawing the sun, try to have on hand colored paper, chalk, felt-tip markers, crayons, pencils, ball point pens. You can draw a sun with any one of them. Also remember that sunset and dawn are the back and front of the same phenomenon: when we are looking at the sunset, the people over there are looking at the dawn.
- Bruno Munari
Collection: Sunset
Image of Frank Capra
I think of the medium as a people-to-people medium, not cameraman-to-people, not direction-to-people, not writers-to-people, but people-to-peopleYou can only involve an audience with people. You can't involve them with gimmicks, with sunsets, with hand-held cameras, zoom shots, or anything else. They couldn't care less about those things. But you give them something to worry about, some person they can worry about, and care about, and you've got them, you've got them involved.
- Frank Capra
Collection: Sunset
Image of William Anders
I think the thing that impressed me the most was the Lunar's sunrises and sunsets. These in particular bring out the stark nature of the terrain. . . . The horizon here is very, very stark, the sky is pitch black and the earth, or the moon rather, excuse me, is quite light, and the contrast between the sky and the moon is a vivid dark line.
- William Anders
Collection: Sunset
Image of Mia Kirshner
Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It's the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist.
- Mia Kirshner
Collection: Sunset
Image of George Stillman Hillard
Sunsets in themselves are generally superior to sunrises; but with the sunset we appreciate images drawn from departed peace and faded glory.
- George Stillman Hillard
Collection: Sunset
Image of P. C. Cast
It's not just a sunset; it's a moonrise too.
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Sunset
Image of Madison Cawein
Into the sunset's turquoise marge The moon dips, like a pearly barge; Enchantment sails through magic seas, To fairland Hesperides, Over the hills and away.
- Madison Cawein
Collection: Sunset
Image of Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth
The sunset caught me, turned the brush to copper,/ set the clouds/ to one great roof of flame/ above the earth.
- Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth
Collection: Sunset
Image of Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth
Today I walked on the lion-coloured hills with only cypresses for company, until the sunset caught me, turned the brush to copper set the clouds to one great roof of flame above the earth, so that I walk through fire, beneath fire, and all in beauty. Being alone I could not be alone, but felt (closer than flesh) the presence of those who once had burned in such transfigurations. My happiness ran through the centuries in one continual brightness. Looking down, I saw the earth beneath me like a rose petaled with mountains, fragrant with deep peace.
- Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth
Collection: Sunset
Image of Amanda Donohoe
I watch an awful lot of old Hollywood movies - Ill devour anything with Bette Davis or Joan Crawford. My absolute favourite is Sunset Boulevard starring Gloria Swanson.
- Amanda Donohoe
Collection: Sunset
Image of Adam Shankman
I grew up looking at the Sunset Strip, literally. The things that I remember are the Rainbow Room, the Roxy, the Bizarries, Tower, I grew up my whole life going there, Filthy McNasty's and I said, I need these things and now fill it in with other iconic buildings.
- Adam Shankman
Collection: Sunset
Image of Stephen Nachmanovitch
Every moment of life is unique-a kiss, a sunset, a dance, a joke. None will ever recur in quite the same way. Each happens only once in the history of the universe.
- Stephen Nachmanovitch
Collection: Sunset
Image of Claude Debussy
There is nothing more musical than a sunset.
- Claude Debussy
Collection: Sunset
Image of Marci Shimoff
If you think about the times in life when you've been the most deeply fulfilled, they're the times that you've felt love. Whether it's watching a sunset, spending time with a pet or being with a partner with whom you feel an intensely deep connection.
- Marci Shimoff
Collection: Sunset
Image of Geoffrey Madan
The dust of exploded beliefs may make a fine sunset.
- Geoffrey Madan
Collection: Sunset
Image of Thomas Cole
It is the sky that makes the earth so lovely at sunrise, and so splendid at sunset. In the one it breathes over the earth the crystal-like ether, in the other the liquid gold.
- Thomas Cole
Collection: Sunset
Image of Jeremy Kagan
A renowned genius once asked a student, "What are you watching when you sit on a hillside in the late afternoon as the colors turn from yellow to orange and red and finally darkness?" He answered, "You are watching the sunset." The genius responded, "That is what is wrong with our age. You know full well you are not watching the sun set. You are watching the world turn."
- Jeremy Kagan
Collection: Sunset
Image of Cheryl Ladd
I remember having my own apartment and a little used white Mustang car and $3000 in the bank, driving down Sunset Boulevard thinking, 'Wow, it doesn't get any better than this!'
- Cheryl Ladd
Collection: Sunset
Image of Catherine Opie
I like that time is marked by each sunrise and sunset whether or not you actually see it.
- Catherine Opie
Collection: Sunset
Image of Joseph P. Allen
The sun truly "comes up like thunder," and it sets just as fast. Each sunrise and sunset lasts only a few seconds. But in that time you see at least eight different bands of color come and go, from a brilliant red to the brightest and deepest blue. And you see sixteen sunrises and sixteen sunsets every day you're in space. No sunrise or sunset is ever the same.
- Joseph P. Allen
Collection: Sunset
Image of Edgar Fawcett
At some glad moment was it nature's choice to dower a scrap of sunset with a voice?
- Edgar Fawcett
Collection: Sunset
Image of Chris Evans
The point is that when I see a sunset or a waterfall or something, for a split second it's so great, because for a little bit I'm out of my brain, and it's got nothing to do with me.
- Chris Evans
Collection: Sunset
Image of William Falconer
The sacred lamp of day Now dipt in Western clouds his parting day.
- William Falconer
Collection: Sunset