John Steinbeck

Image of John Steinbeck
Books are the best friends you can have; they inform you, and entertain you, and they don't talk back.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Friendship
Image of John Steinbeck
If you want to destroy a nation, give it too much - make it greedy, miserable and sick.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Simple
Image of John Steinbeck
People are felt rather than seen after the first few moments.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: People
Image of John Steinbeck
And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Inspiring
Image of John Steinbeck
There are several kinds of love. One is a selfish, mean, grasping, egotistical thing which uses love for self-importance. This is the ugly and crippling kind. The other is an outpouring of everything good in you — of kindness and consideration and respect — not only the social respect of manners but the greater respect which is recognition of another person as unique and valuable. The first kind can make you sick and small and weak but the second can release in you strength, and courage and goodness and even wisdom you didn’t know you had.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Kindness
Image of John Steinbeck
If you understand each other you will be kind to each other.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Understanding Love
Image of John Steinbeck
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Military
Image of John Steinbeck
Anything that just costs money is cheap.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Money
Image of John Steinbeck
I suppose our capacity for self-delusion is boundless.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Depression
Image of John Steinbeck
I believe a strong woman may be stronger than a man, particularly if she happens to have love in her heart. I guess a loving woman is indestructible.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Being Strong
Image of John Steinbeck
Don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens - The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Love
Image of John Steinbeck
And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John Steinbeck
Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do...Try to be better than yourself.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Dream
Image of John Steinbeck
How can we live without our lives? How will we know it's us without our past?
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Past
Image of John Steinbeck
With all our horrors and faults, somewhere in us there is a shining.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Shining
Image of John Steinbeck
Nearly everyone has his box of secret pain.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Pain
Image of John Steinbeck
Socialism is just another form of religion, and thus delusional.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Socialism
Image of John Steinbeck
Intentions, good or bad, are not enough. There's luck or fate or something else that takes over.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Fate
Image of John Steinbeck
American married life is the doormat to the whorehouse.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Marriage
Image of John Steinbeck
We can shoot rockets into space but we can't cure anger or discontent.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Space
Image of John Steinbeck
Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Teacher
Image of John Steinbeck
Sometimes, a lie is told in kindness. I don't believe it ever works kindly. The quick pain of truth can pass away, but the slow, eating agony of a lie is never lost.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Pain
Image of John Steinbeck
I know three things will never be believed - the true, the probable, and the logical
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Three
Image of John Steinbeck
Maybe not having time to think is not having the wish to think.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Steinbeck
Perhaps the less we have, the more we are required to brag.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Bragging
Image of John Steinbeck
And finally, in our time a beard is the one thing that a woman cannot do better than a man, or if she can her success is assured only in a circus.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Women
Image of John Steinbeck
People like you to be something, preferably what they are.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: People
Image of John Steinbeck
You're bound to get idears if you go thinkin' about stuff
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Stuff
Image of John Steinbeck
You know most people live ninety per cent in the past, seven per cent in the present, and that only leaves them three per cent for the future.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Past
Image of John Steinbeck
I am happy to report that in the war between reality and romance, reality is not the stronger.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: War
Image of John Steinbeck
But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Men
Image of John Steinbeck
The redwoods, once seen, leave a mark or create a vision that stays with you always. No one has ever successfully painted or photographed a redwood tree. The feeling they produce is not transferable. From them comes silence and awe. It's not only their unbelievable stature, nor the color which seems to shift and vary under your eyes, no, they are not like any trees we know, they are ambassadors from another time.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Eye
Image of John Steinbeck
There's a responsibility in being a person. It's more than just taking up space where air would be.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Responsibility
Image of John Steinbeck
There's nothing in the world like that first taste of beer.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Beer
Image of John Steinbeck
An answer is invariably the parent of a whole family of new questions.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Parent
Image of John Steinbeck
To finish is sadness to a writer — a little death. He puts the last word down and it is done. But it isn't really done. The story goes on and leaves the writer behind, for no story is ever done.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Inspiring
Image of John Steinbeck
Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Loneliness
Image of John Steinbeck
The bank is something more than men, I tell you. It's the monster. Men made it, but they can't control it.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Men
Image of John Steinbeck
The utter insanity of living in a place like this doesn't occur to the 9,000,000 people who inhabit New York. Except for visits I think I shall not be here any more as a resident.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: New York
Image of John Steinbeck
We think of strangers as stronger and better than we are.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Steinbeck
When I was very young and the urge to be someplace was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Maturity
Image of John Steinbeck
When you know a friend is there you do not go to see him. Then he's gone and you blast your conscience to shreds that you did not see him.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Gone
Image of John Steinbeck
How can I teach my boys the value and beauty of language and thus communication when the President himself reads westerns exclusively and cannot put together a simple English sentence? (John Steinbeck, in a private letter written during the Eisenhower administration)
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Communication
Image of John Steinbeck
With a few exceptions people don't want money. They want luxury and they want love and they want admiration.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Luxury
Image of John Steinbeck
Many are the stories I have heard about myself. I have mistresses I have never met. When I hear that I am a sodomist and a zoophalist then I shall know that I have reached the high point of fame, but I suppose I can hardly expect such exaltation for many years.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Years
Image of John Steinbeck
For it is my opinion that we enclose and celebrate the freaks of our nation and our civilization. Yellowstone National Park is no more representative of America than is Disneyland.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Yellowstone
Image of John Steinbeck
Liza poured thick batter from a pitcher onto a soapstone griddle. The hot cakes rose like little hassocks, and small volcanoes formed and erupted on them until they were ready to be turned. A cheerful brown, they were, with tracings of darker brown. And the kitchen was full of the good sweet smell of them.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Sweet
Image of John Steinbeck
When a condition or a problem becomes too great, humans have the protection of not thinking about it. But it goes inward and minces up with a lot of other things already there and what comes out is discontent and uneasiness, guilt and a compulsion to get something--anything--before it is all gone.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Thinking