John Flanagan

Image of John Flanagan
He smiled as Will handled the flask gingerly. 'there's a glass bottle inside,but it's padded with straw and protected by the leather covering. It's quite safe. Just be careful how you handle it.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Glasses
Image of John Flanagan
Shut up, Axl!" he whispered fiercly. "If you want to break your neck, do it quietly or I'll break it for you.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Want
Image of John Flanagan
He shook his head. He didn't know. He couldn't tell when he had woken fully. He walked to the horses. They definitely seemed alarmed. But then, they would. After all, he had just leapt to his feet unexpectedly, waving his saxe knife around like a lunatic.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
Take one more step and I'll put an arrow through you." Will tried to model his voice on the quiet, threatening tone Halt had used. He had retrieved several of his arrows from the nearest target and now he had one of them ready, laid on the bowstring. Halt glanced around approvingly. "Good idea," he said. "Aim for the left calf. It's a very painful wound.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Ideas
Image of John Flanagan
I'll build mine tomorrow," Horace said through a mouthful of food. "This is excellent, Will! When I have grandchildren, I'll name them all after you!
- John Flanagan
Collection: Grandchildren
Image of John Flanagan
Horace normally didn't need anyone else to save his life. He was pretty skilled at doing it for himself.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Needs
Image of John Flanagan
Halt Halt," said Gilan stepping out into the open.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Halt
Image of John Flanagan
It formed into small drops on his weather beaten features, drops that rolled down his cheeks. Strangely, some of them tasted like salt.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Weather
Image of John Flanagan
What the devil is Chocho?' Will whispered. Horace's grin broadened. 'You are. It's what the men call you,' he said. Then he added, 'It's a term of great respect.' Behind them, Halt nodded confirmation. 'Great respect,' he agreed.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Men
Image of John Flanagan
What was that, Kurokuma?' asked one of the escorts riding near him. The others chuckled at the name. 'Nothing important,' Horace said. Then he looked at them suspiciously. 'What's this Kurokuma business?' The Senshi looked at him with a completely staight face. 'It's a term of great respect,' he said. Several others within earshot nodded confirmation. They too managed to remain straight-faced. It was a skill the Nihon-Jan had perfected. 'Great respect,' one of them echoed.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Skills
Image of John Flanagan
I'll think of something," he temporized, and Horace nodded wisely, satisfied that Halt would indeed think of something. In Horace's world, that was what Rangers did best, and the best thing a warrior apprentice could do was let the Ranger get on with thinking while a warrior took care of walloping anyone who needed to be walloped along the way. He settled back in the saddle, contented with his lot in life.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Warrior
Image of John Flanagan
That's a big nose," he croaked and instantly realized he shouldn't have said something so impolite. I must be light headed, e thought. But the face smiled. The teeth seemed inordinatley white against the dark beard and skin. The only one I have," he said.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Dark
Image of John Flanagan
If they invent a four legged chicken," Will said, "Horace will think he's gone to Heaven.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Flanagan
Always expect trouble in the desert. Then you usually won't meet it.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Desert
Image of John Flanagan
A minor fief had risen up against their cruel and avaricious lord, with hundreds of people surrounding his Manor house, threatening to burn it to the ground. The panicked nobleman's message for help was answered by the arrival of a single Ranger. Aghast, the nobleman confronted the solitary cowled figure. 'They sent one Ranger?' he said incredulously. 'One man?' 'How many riots do you have?' the Ranger replied.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Men
Image of John Flanagan
I'm the new Oberjarl." I knew it," said Halt instantly, and the other three looked at him, totally scandalized. You did?" Erak asked, his voice hollow, his eyes still showing the shock of his sudden elevation to the highest office in Skandia. Of course," said the Ranger, shrugging. "You're big, mean, and ugly and those seem to be the qualities Skandian's value most.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Mean
Image of John Flanagan
It's a sword, not a fairy wand, you know.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Fairy
Image of John Flanagan
Halt snorted derisively. "Battleschool evidently isn't what it used to be," he replied. "It's a fine thing when an old man like me can sleep comfortably in the open while a young boy gets all stiff and rheumatic over it." Horace shrugged. "Be that as it may," he replied, "I'll still be glad to sleep in a bed tonight." Actually, Halt felt the same way. But he wasn't going to let Horace no that.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Sleep
Image of John Flanagan
Would you trust him with your life, Halt?" Gilan interrupted, and Halt looked up at him. "Yes," he said quietly. Gilan patted his shoulder once more. "Then trust him with his own," he said simply.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Halt
Image of John Flanagan
Well, we can ride together for a while longer. The highway south is farther along this way. I'll be glad of some cheerful company." "First time anyone's said that about me," Halt replied.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Cheerful
Image of John Flanagan
There are always risks in battle. It's a dangerous business. The trick is to take the right ones.' [said Halt]. 'How do you know which are the right ones?' Shigeru asked. Halt glanced at his two younger companions. They grinned and answered in chorus, 'You wait and see if you win.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Winning
Image of John Flanagan
Horace, when you get older, try to avoid being saddled with an apprentice. Not only are they a damned nuisance, but apparently they constantly feel the need to get the better of their masters. They’re bad enough when they’re learning. But when they graduate, they become unbearable. [The Kings of Clonmel Pg.268]
- John Flanagan
Collection: Kings
Image of John Flanagan
You're right, Halt,' she said, and he nodded acklowledgement of her backing down. 'Nice to hear someone else saying that for a change,' Will said cheerfully. 'Seems like I've said those words an awful lot in my time.' Halt turned a bleak gaze on him. 'And you've always been right.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Nice
Image of John Flanagan
Several of them were discussing this in low tones as they waited for Halt to arrive - until they realized that he was already among them. They weren't used to this. Kings were supposed to sweep into a room majestically - not suddenly appear without anyone seeing their arrival.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Kings
Image of John Flanagan
He'd just have to lie there and die, watched over by strange stars who didn't know him, didn't care for him. It was very sad, really.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Stars
Image of John Flanagan
Well I'm not dancing," Will said through gritted teeth. "I don't know how." Oh yes you are," Alyss told him. "Let's hope you're a fast learner." He glanced at her and saw no prospect of escape. "Well,at least I won't be the only one," he said. "Halt will be terrible too." But nobody in the assembly knew tat for the past ten days, Halt had been taking dance lessons from Lady Sandra.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Past
Image of John Flanagan
What is this Chocho business?' Will muttered to himself. But his friends overheard the comment. 'It's a term of great respect,' they chorused, and he glared at them. 'Oh, shut up,' he said.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Shut Up
Image of John Flanagan
And with his arm around the younger man's shoulders still, he led him away from the bow and back to the small group by the tiller. Halt glanced up as they approached, caught a look from Gilan and had a pretty good idea what they had been talking about. "Where have you two been?" he asked, his tone light. admiring the view," Gilan told him. "Thought you might need a hand from the two wisest heads on board.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Men
Image of John Flanagan
You've always said I should have an inquiring mind," she said. "I have. But not an interrupting one.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Should Have
Image of John Flanagan
Have you seen them?" he asked. Arrow looked at him disinterestedly. Will frowned. Not talking, eh?" he said. "Maybe you're a little hoarse." He cackled breifly at his own wit.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Talking
Image of John Flanagan
We're going to see Ragnak," Halt told him. "He's going to have to promise to free every slave who fights for Hallasholm." Will shook his head doubtfully. "He won't like that," he said. Halt turned and looked at him, a faint grin touching the corner of his mouth. He'll hate it," he agreed.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Hate
Image of John Flanagan
You may believe you're an excellent rider," he called, "but there are a score of Temujai back there who actually are.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Believe
Image of John Flanagan
As he poured carefully, Arrow's head turned toward the sound. The horse made a low grumbling noise in his throat. "Hold your horses," he said. The he laughed. It seemed absurd to say tat to a horse.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
He rose, offering his hand to Evanlyn to assist her. Even though she was lithe and athletic as a cat, she took it, enjoying the contact. She saw Horace's slight frown as she did so and smiled to herself. A girl can never have too many admirers, she thought. Will seemed unperturbed by the fact that she retained hold of Selethen's hand a little longer than politeness dictated. But then, Ranger's were trained to look imperturbable. He was probably seething with jealousy, she thought.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Girl
Image of John Flanagan
How can you stay so calm?" It helps if you're terrified.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Helping
Image of John Flanagan
Problems postponed have a habit of solving themselves
- John Flanagan
Collection: Problem
Image of John Flanagan
You're a very amusing fellow," he told Halt. "I'd like to brain you with my ax one of these days." Erak to Halt.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Brain
Image of John Flanagan
Sometimes," Halt continued, "we tend to expect a little too much of Ranger horses. After all, they are only human.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
‎Halt looked up at the trees above him. "Why does this boy ask so many questions?" he asked the trees. Naturally, they didn't answer.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Boys
Image of John Flanagan
Ah, Signor Halt,' he said uncertainly, 'you are making a joke, yes?' 'He is making a joke, no,' Will said. 'But he likes to think he is making a joke, yes.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Thinking
Image of John Flanagan
Very impressive. Where did you learn that?" Made it up just now.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Made
Image of John Flanagan
Halt regarded him. He loved Horace like a younger brother. Even like a second son, after Will. He admired his skill with a sword and his courage in battle. But sometimes, just sometimes, he felt an overwhelming desire to ram the young warrior's head against a convenient tree. "You have no sense of drama or symbolism, do you?" he asked. "Huh?" replied Horace, not quite understanding. Halt looked around for a convenient tree. Luckily for Horace, there were none in sight.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Brother
Image of John Flanagan
Halt shook his head. Frankly, he'd seen sacks of potatoes that could sit a horse better than Erak
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
I thought I'd stumbled on Sleeping Beauty and her ugly sister,' said another voice, 'waiting for the kiss of true love to wake them from their slumbers. Forgive me if I didn't oblige.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Sleep
Image of John Flanagan
I will remember this word," he said. "Shenanigans. It is a good word.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Shenanigans
Image of John Flanagan
Gundar seemed to come to a decision. "Well, as my old mam used to say, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's probably a duck." "Very wise," Halt said. "And what exactly do your mother's words of wisdom have to do with this situation?" Gundar shrugged. "It looks like a channel. It's the right place for a channel. If I were digging one, this is where I'd dig a channel. So. . ." "So it's probably the channel?" Selethen said. Gundar grinned at him. "Either that or it's a duck.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Wise
Image of John Flanagan
Without thinking, [Will] spoke. 'Halt? Are you awake?' 'No.' The ill humor in the one-word reply was unmistakable. 'Oh. Sorry.' 'Shut up.' He pondered whether to apologize again and decided this would go against the instruction to shut up, so remained silent.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Sorry
Image of John Flanagan
I said, names aren't important," he repeated. There was a silence between them for some seconds, then the Ranger said: "Do you know what is important?" Will shook his head. "Supper is important!
- John Flanagan
Collection: Names
Image of John Flanagan
Sit down, Will. There’s a good fellow,” he said. “Yes, sir,” replied Will, and Halt’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “He’s never called me sir,” he said. “Probably trying to get on my good side,” Crowley replied. Halt nodded savagely. “Probably.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Eyebrows