John Flanagan

Image of John Flanagan
You're not built for riding, either," Horace added. "I'd say more saddle sore than homesick." Svenal sighed ruefully, shifting his buttocks for the twentieth time to find a more comfortable spot. "It's true," he said. "I've been discovering parts of my backside I never knew existed.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Riding
Image of John Flanagan
Mikeru was still puzzling over Horace's last remark. He frowned. 'Kurokuma, these shenanigans... What are they?' 'Shenanigans are what Rangers do. They usually involve doing things that risk breaking your neck or your leg.' Mikeru nodded, filing the word away. 'I will remember this word,' he said. 'Shenanigans. It is a good word.'
- John Flanagan
Collection: Risk
Image of John Flanagan
Arm there," she said. "Other arm, idiot. Now hand there...okay, ready? We're going to start with your left foot. On three. One. Two... What the devil is he doing here?
- John Flanagan
Collection: Hands
Image of John Flanagan
Evanlyn opened her mouth to scream. But the horror of the moment froze the sound in her throat and she crouched, openmouthed, as death approached her. It was odd, she thought, that they had dragged her here, left her overnight and then decided to kill her. It seem such a pointless way to die.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Mouths
Image of John Flanagan
It's not what I expected," he said. "They're far more organized than our intelligence had led us to believe.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Believe
Image of John Flanagan
After all, he did say you were the issue of an encounter between your father and a traeling hatcha-hatcha dancer." There was a gasp of horror from the crowd. Duncan, smiling thinly, said through gritted teeth: "Thank you so much for reminding us all, Anthony.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Father
Image of John Flanagan
I nearly forgot, Ragnak had a further message for you. He said if we lose this battle and loses his slaves as well, he's going to kill you for it," he said cheerfully. Halt smiled grimly. "If we lose this battle, he may have to get in line to do it. There'll be a few thousand Temujai cavalrymen in front of him.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Battle
Image of John Flanagan
It was safe to assume that the rider would be carrying a weapon of some kind. After all, there was no point in wearing half armor and going weaponless.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Would Be
Image of John Flanagan
Remember, this thing is small. It's not like the wolfships. It'll ride over the waves, not crash through them. So we're safe as houses." He wasn't sure about the last two statements, but they seemed logical to him.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Two
Image of John Flanagan
What do you mean, Araluen? Death?" Halt made a careless gesture. "The usual, I suppose: the sudden cessation of life. The end of it all. Departure for a happier place. Or oblivion, depending upon your personal beliefs.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Mean
Image of John Flanagan
Now," said Halt, "all I have to do is work out a way of beating these horse-riding devils." Erak grinned at him. "That should be child's play," he said. "The hard part will be convincing Ragnak about it.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
Isn't that someone we know?" asked Horace. He pointed to where a cloaked figure sat by the side of the road a few hundred meters away, arms wrapped around his knees. Close by him, a small shaggy horse cropped the grass growing at the edge of the drainage ditch that ran beside the road. "So it is," Halt replied. "And he seems to have brought Will with him.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
Who are you, gaijin? What do you know about honor?' 'I'm called Chocho,' Will said... 'Chocho?' Arisaka shouted, goaded beyond control. 'Butterfly? Then die, Butterfly!
- John Flanagan
Collection: Butterfly
Image of John Flanagan
You're dropping the bow hand as you release," he called, although Halt certainly wasn't. His mentor looked around, saw him, and replied pithily, "I believe your grandmother needs lessons in sucking eggs.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Believe
Image of John Flanagan
Never take your eyes off them,” Horace said to Gilan, in an admonishing tone. “Didn’t MacNeil ever tell you that?
- John Flanagan
Collection: Eye
Image of John Flanagan
Which leaves us to the question, what is he up to?" Evanlyn said. Will shrugged. "I suppose we'll find out soon enough," he said, and urged Tug forward to take up the point position once more. They found out the following evening.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Soon Enough
Image of John Flanagan
She didn't like the fact that she had reduced a man – no matter how evil he might be—to a drooling idiot.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Men
Image of John Flanagan
Will looked up angrily, shaking his head in disbelief. Will you shut up? he said tautly. Horace shrugged in apology. 'I'm sorry' he said, I sneezed. A person can't help it when they sneeze. Perhaps not. But you could try to make it sound a little less like an elephant trumpeting in agony; Will told him.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Sorry
Image of John Flanagan
The two girls disappeared into the stern cabin once more. Will watched them go, then asked Halt, 'Anything you'd like me to do? Grow a beard? Learn to walk like a rooster?' 'If you could stop asking facetious questions, that'd be a start,' Halt told him. 'But it's probably a little late in life for you to do that.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Girl
Image of John Flanagan
[Will]'d barely been asleep a few minutes when Halt's voice woke him. 'Will? Are you asleep?'... 'I was,' he said, a little indignantly. 'I'm not now.' 'Good,' Halt replied, a trifle smugly. 'Serves you right.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Voice
Image of John Flanagan
Let's face it, she can't have simply disappeared...can she?" Horace shrugged. "That's what I keep telling myself," he said morosley. "But somehow it looks as if she has.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Looks
Image of John Flanagan
In a month, the passes into Teutlandt and Skanida will be open and my companion and I will be on our way." He paused and Philemon frowned, trying to understand what he was being told. You want us to come with you?" he asked, at last. "You expect us to follow you?" Halt shook his head. "I have no wish to ever see any of you again," he said flatly.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Wish
Image of John Flanagan
King Duncan looked up and swept his gaze slowly around the room. Cassandra, he saw, was defiant as ever. Arald's face was set and determined. Halt and Crowley's faces were inscrutable in the shadows of their cowls. The two younger men were both a little wide-eyed- obviously uncomfortable at the emotions that had been bared in the room. There was still a hint of admiration in Will's eyes, however, as he continued to stare at the Baron. Rodney was nodding in agreement with Arald's statements, while Gilan made a show of studying his nails.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Kings
Image of John Flanagan
Come closer, Kurokuma. It's quite safe.' Horace shuffled closer to the edge... 'Quite safe, my foot,' he muttered to himself. 'And what's this Kurokuma you keep calling me?' 'It's a term of great respect,' Shigeru told him. 'Great respect,' Shukin echoed.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Feet
Image of John Flanagan
But...what if I mistime it?" Gilan smiled widely. "Well, in that case, I'll probably lop your head off your shoulders." Horace and Gilan
- John Flanagan
Collection: What If
Image of John Flanagan
You're a dead man, Arratay," Jerrel said through clenched teeth. Halt smiled. "That's been said before. Yet here I am.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Men
Image of John Flanagan
I'll find you, Will!" Then the wind filled the big, square sail of the wolfship and she heeled away from the shore, moving faster and faster towards the northeast. For a long time after she'd dropped below the horizon, the sodden figure sat there, his horse chest-deep in the rolling waves, staring after the ship. And his lips still moved, in a silent promis only he could hear.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
But if we’re going to kill them all, we might as well make an occasion of it.” Toshak shrugged. “Do as you wish,” he said. “Occasion or not, as long as they’re all dead, I’m happy.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Long
Image of John Flanagan
Do you think you could put that boot back on?" he added mildly. "The window can only let in a limited ammount of fresh air and your socks are a tough ripe, to put it mildly." Oh, sorry!" said Horace, tugging the riding boot back on over his sock. Now that Halt mentioned it, he was aware of a rather strong odor in the room.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Strong
Image of John Flanagan
Maybe we should have gone with him," he said, a few minutes after his friend was lost to sight. "Three of us would make four times the noise he will," Halt said. Horace frowned, not quite understanding the equation. "Wouldn't three of us make three times the noise?" Halt shook his head. "Will and Tug will make hardly any noise. Neither will Abelard and I. But as for you and that moving earthquake you call a horse..." He gestured at Kicker and left the rest unsaid.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
Ow!" said Horace as the Ranger's fingers probed and poked around the bruise. Did that hurt?" Halt asked, and Horace looked at him with exasperation. Of course it did," he said sharply. "That's why I said 'ow!
- John Flanagan
Collection: Hurt
Image of John Flanagan
Horace, who had been trying to find out the meaning of Kurokuma for some time now, was pleased to hear the translation. "Black bear," he repeated. "It's undoubtedly because I'm so terrible in battle." "I'd guess so," Will put in. "I've seen you in battle and you're definitely terrible.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Black
Image of John Flanagan
Relax? he repeated incredulously. You're going to fight an armored knight with nothing more than a bow and you tell me to relax? I'll have one or two arrows as well, you know, Halt told him mildly, and Horace shook his head in disbelief.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Flanagan
Evanlyn smiled grimly as she thought how once she might have objected to the cruelty of the bird's death. Now, all she felt was a sense of satisfaction as she realized that they would eat well today. Amazing how an empty belly could change your perspective, she thought.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Perspective
Image of John Flanagan
Remember no one expects you to be Halt. He's a legend, after all. Haven't you heard? He's eight feet tall and kills bears with his bare hands.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Eight
Image of John Flanagan
Fighting positions, please, ladies...' 'That's debatable,' Halt said in an undertone to Will as they stood watching... 'The 'fighting' part or the 'ladies' part?' Will replied with a grin. Halt looked at him and shook his head. 'Definitely the 'ladies,'' he said. 'There's no debate about the 'fighting.'' Will shrugged. He knew there was an edginess to the girls' relationship and that it had something to do with him. Why that should be so was beyond him.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Girl
Image of John Flanagan
You spoil your horse, Halt said. Will glanced at him. You spoil yours. Halt considered the thought, then nodded. That's true.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Horse
Image of John Flanagan
He could bear the dying, but not the disappointment.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Disappointment
Image of John Flanagan
The sun was trembling on the brink of the world, the shadows at their longest, and they still had several kilometers to go.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Shadow
Image of John Flanagan
Don't worry, chief. We've got these Tualaghi surrounded - from the inside." "Exactly," Erak replied dryly.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Worry
Image of John Flanagan
If and perhaps.... The language of procrastination and uncertainty. That's just people looking to justify their own lack of action.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Procrastination
Image of John Flanagan
I'm not really interested in being king. I prefer to work for a living
- John Flanagan
Collection: Kings
Image of John Flanagan
She knew more about these situations than she realized, he thought. She'd spent years at Duncan's side. "When in doubt," he added, "be pompous.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Years
Image of John Flanagan
Bear with me on this, Evanlyn. I know you're anxious about Horace." WIll was a little puzzled by Halt's words. "No more anxious than the rest of us, surely," he said. Halt turned away and raised his eyebrows as his gaze met Selethen's. Sometimes, he thought, his former apprentice could be remarkably slow on the uptake. He saw the Arridi's slow nod of understanding. ~Halt & Will about Evanlyn and Horace
- John Flanagan
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of John Flanagan
You surely can't be trying to blame us for Erak's habit of charging ashore waving an axe and grabbing everything that isn't nailed down? No offence, Svengal." Svengal shrugged. "None taken. It's a pretty accurate description of Erak on a raid, as a matter of fact.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Taken
Image of John Flanagan
You will be getting a haircut, won't you?" Halt ran his hand through his hair. It was getting a little long, he thought. I'll give it a trim," he said, his hand dropping unconciously to the hilt of his saxe knife. This time, Pauline did look up. You'll get a haircut," she said. Her gaze was steady and unwavering. I'll get a haircut," he agreed meekly.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Hair
Image of John Flanagan
Erak. The one they call the Oberjarl," the Arridi answered him. Impulsively, Axl took a pace forward, raising his ax threateningly. You'll have to go through the rest of us to take him!" he shouted defiantly. Well done, Axl," he said. "You've just told them I'm here.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Pace
Image of John Flanagan
They have terrified my poor wife and threatened my very person!" Halt eyed the man impassivley until the outburst was finished. Worse than that," he said quietly, "they've wasted my time.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Men
Image of John Flanagan
It's called a sea anchor,' [Evanlyn] explained. 'It'll stop us drifting too far.' Alyss was impressed. 'And you said you were pig-ignorant when it came to boats.' 'I don't remember saying that,' Evanlyn replied with a frown. Alyss shrugged. 'Oh? Well, it must have been me.
- John Flanagan
Collection: Pigs