John C. Reilly

Image of John C. Reilly
I like working with people I know. It saves a lot of awkward conversations and getting-to-know-you kinda moments. You trust the people if you know them.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: People
Image of John C. Reilly
Oftentimes, a funny situation is funny because it's uncomfortable or weird. The most memorable stories, or the stuff that you repeat to your friends, it's not like, "Oh, I had a pleasant day, nothing happened on the bus today." It's when strange things happen, when you become uncomfortable or knocked out of your own reality, those are the things that are interesting.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Memorable
Image of John C. Reilly
Improvisation, the main thing is it teaches you to be in the moment and present in the moment and be reactive and proactive for what's going on. Someone gives you something - a lot of actors are a little shut off, so they're just doing, "This is my character, these are my lines, I'm going to just send it to you then you send whatever you're sending." Improvisation teaches you to really be listening.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Character
Image of John C. Reilly
The less people know about me in reality, the more they can accept of me as a character.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Character
Image of John C. Reilly
I'm bored by repeating myself, and I would imagine that an audience would be bored by me repeating myself.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Bored
Image of John C. Reilly
I was thinking maybe about being a lawyer. I realized I was interested in becoming a priest at one point. I was just interested in stuff where I could do something I really believed in. And then, I realized if I become an actor, I don't have to choose. I get to do everything. It's worked out so far. But what I really want to do is direct.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Reilly
I always get a headache the first time I watch a movie I'm in. Because you're staring at the screen so hard, your brain is doing all this work trying to put things in context of what the day-to-day experience of making it was. And the timeline that's in your head of when it was made, and on what day, how you felt. And then you're also trying to grasp what it's been edited into.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Brain
Image of John C. Reilly
Actors in general are pretty good bullshit artists; we're good at just chewing the fat, interacting with people. So we're good ambassadors for movies.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Artist
Image of John C. Reilly
It's a mystery why certain people find certain things funny.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: People
Image of John C. Reilly
I get the greatest joy from just doing anything, being an actor. Doing music, and doing what I love to do. I don't make a huge distinction between comedy and drama. I think the whole point is just trying to be as honest, from moment to moment, as you can be. If you're honest about the material, and the material is ridiculous, then you're in a comedy.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Drama
Image of John C. Reilly
I'm alienated from this world because its weird and I don't want to be a part of it. I want to be part of the people that are more imaginative and crazy.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Crazy
Image of John C. Reilly
Life is often confusing and sad, and I'm a big fan of the slap and the tickle, as they say.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Confusing
Image of John C. Reilly
The kind of über-objective is to make people laugh. You always have to have that in the back of your mind, "Eh, I've got to figure out a way to make this funny."
- John C. Reilly
Collection: People
Image of John C. Reilly
I love to improvise, but I always thought "Man, it's like the final frontier for improvisational actors, to really go for something emotional, something that's not just chasing the laugh."
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Emotional
Image of John C. Reilly
I don't think I could ever stop doing serious movies and just do comedies, or vice versa, but there is something cool about going to work everyday and you're just trying to make your friends laugh. That's nice work if you can get it, you know what I mean? It's different than going to work and knowing that I've gotta slap someone in the face today, and then I've gotta cry, and someone's gonna die, I've gotta get myself to that place.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Nice
Image of John C. Reilly
Somehow that doesn't feel like a natural human thing to do, to go to those dark places, you have to kind of force yourself to do that. And comedy, it's like you're excited to get there in the morning every day.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Morning
Image of John C. Reilly
The truth is, when you're at the track, it was an interesting thing about stock car racing as a sport, is you almost get more out of it watching it on TV.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Sports
Image of John C. Reilly
Animation is a great way to work. No early morning call times, no make-up chair. In live action ,you're always fighting the clock; the sun is always going down too soon.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Morning
Image of John C. Reilly
When I first joined SAG, there was another John Reilly. My dad was John Reilly, too, but growing up I was John John. Nobody in life calls me John C. It's more like, "Hey you, Step Brother!"
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Brother
Image of John C. Reilly
[Country Music] is the final destination for many punk rockers [...] Rockabilly is the mid-point and then [they] end up at Country [...] There's purity to that music and I think that appeals to a lot of punk rock people - the precision, the purity, and the directness of Country Music.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Country
Image of John C. Reilly
I've worked with a lot of great directors and often times they solicit your ideas.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Ideas
Image of John C. Reilly
I would say whisky or pills. Not both because that can have disastrous consequences.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Pills
Image of John C. Reilly
Unless you do the same thing, it's tough for stereotypes to stick. That said, whatever you've done that's most popular at a given moment is what people think "you do."
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Reilly
I'm not a huge sports fan in general, I don't spend a lot of time watching other people do stuff. I tend to like to go out and do stuff myself.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Sports
Image of John C. Reilly
I had [at school] my own little posse of people that all felt weird together so it wasn't so lonely.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Lonely
Image of John C. Reilly
I think that's some of the stuff that we kind of joke on in the movie, this obsession; number one, winning is everything, number one, number one.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Winning
Image of John C. Reilly
I like when people know exactly, have a good sense of themselves, and know exactly what's good for them, I admire that, but I don't have anywhere near that kind of perspective on my own.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: People
Image of John C. Reilly
I mean I was very shy but I was also very extroverted because I was doing plays. I'd been doing plays since I was a little kid. But, I did feel like an outsider because I went to like a 'college-prep' kind of high school that had a really big football team and was known for its program so I was like this weird boy that did plays.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Football
Image of John C. Reilly
If you get made fun for the way you look, then maybe wearing the same thing every day is the best way to protect yourself.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Fun
Image of John C. Reilly
It's kind of liberating to be able to bring your own ideas to things, but it's also a lot of pressure, it's like screenwriting on your feet.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Feet
Image of John C. Reilly
A lot of times, mainstream critics are much tougher on small, independent movies because they can be.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Independent
Image of John C. Reilly
I'm a big fan of not letting the audience of off the hook, as they say. I like it when things feel real, and that's oftentimes not comfortable.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Real
Image of John C. Reilly
Kind of the exhausting thing about doing pure comedy, or something that's broader, is you're kind of a slave to the laugh. If it's not funny, then there's not much point in doing it. The kind of über-objective is to make people laugh. You always have to have that in the back of your mind, "Eh, I've got to figure out a way to make this funny."
- John C. Reilly
Collection: People
Image of John C. Reilly
I'm much more character based. I try to just be really committed to what I'm doing.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Character
Image of John C. Reilly
I end up improvising in almost everything to some degree, 'cause it's often necessary on movies. The script is one thing, and it's this kind of theory of what you're going to do, and then you get there on the day and you realize, "Oh, the script is not appropriate to this room, the door's over here."
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Doors
Image of John C. Reilly
I think just getting a movie done is an accomplishment in itself.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Thinking
Image of John C. Reilly
I do a lot of improvising on movies, actually.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Improvising