James Franco

Image of James Franco
My favorite role ever was Alien in 'Spring Breakers'.
- James Franco
Image of James Franco
I view filmmaking as a director's medium.
- James Franco
Image of James Franco
Directing, editing, and everything about filmmaking has definitely changed me as an actor.
- James Franco
Image of James Franco
When I sign on for a project, I'm there to give the director all the material he or she might need to tell their story, and that's the number one priority.
- James Franco
Image of James Franco
School allowed me to have outlets so that some of the pressure was taken off the acting. Every role in every movie, I used to live or die by. Once I had these new outlets, I relaxed a lot more.
- James Franco
Image of James Franco
I used to care about how I looked. Now I don’t care as much. Maybe it’s because I’m so handsome.
- James Franco
Collection: Not Caring
Image of James Franco
All I know is that when I needed McDonald’s, McDonald’s was there for me.
- James Franco
Collection: Mcdonalds
Image of James Franco
Create your world around your work. Create your work around your life. Let other people help you shape it.
- James Franco
Collection: People
Image of James Franco
Sometimes I get a little sad, and I feel like being alone. Then I talk to my cat about it, and he reminds me I’m James Franco. Then we dance.
- James Franco
Collection: Cat
Image of James Franco
If this is the only life, then why I’m not just doing everything I want to do.
- James Franco
Collection: Want
Image of James Franco
You want to be interesting? Be interested.
- James Franco
Collection: Interesting
Image of James Franco
You are successful if you are able to work on the kind of material that you want to - if your life conforms to your dreams, regardless of outside acceptance or acclaim.
- James Franco
Collection: Dream
Image of James Franco
I am very grateful for my life. I think one of the keys to not being depressed is to find gratitude and to be grateful for what you have. So I am grateful for what I have.
- James Franco
Collection: Gratitude
Image of James Franco
The selfie is the new way to look someone right in the eye and say, 'Hello, this is me.'
- James Franco
Collection: Eye
Image of James Franco
I've decided I can't really control people's perceptions of me. All I can do is decide on what I work on and how hard I work on it.
- James Franco
Collection: People
Image of James Franco
Sometimes it is painful to be oneself; at other times it seems impossible to escape oneself.
- James Franco
Collection: Impossible
Image of James Franco
Sometimes I think to myself, what should James Franco say next? And then it comes to me. Boobs.
- James Franco
Collection: Thinking
Image of James Franco
Always have one artistic thing that is pure, at least one thing, where you don’t compromise. You can do other things to make money, but have one pure area.
- James Franco
Collection: Artistic
Image of James Franco
Quite Franc-ly, I think I am an asset to this world we live in. I know that if I didn’t exist, there would be some truly upset people just waiting for me. A life without Franco is like a kitten without fur. That’s what my reflection told me.
- James Franco
Collection: Reflection
Image of James Franco
Boys and girls were both created with given attributes, and given the freedom to act and react. But Adam was allowed to name all the animals, and Eve was made from Adam's rib, as a companion for him. No wonder she ate the apple, she was rebelling against a world where everything was stacked against her. She was just a prop to make Adam happy.
- James Franco
Collection: Girl
Image of James Franco
If many people love me, then I must be important.
- James Franco
Collection: People
Image of James Franco
There's no relationship that I find that's closer than a creative relationship.
- James Franco
Collection: Creative
Image of James Franco
If liking Katy Perry and drinking margaritas is gay, then who wants to be straight?!
- James Franco
Collection: Drinking
Image of James Franco
They say living well is the best revenge but sometimes writing well is even better.
- James Franco
Collection: Revenge
Image of James Franco
For April Fools Day, someone played a really cruel joke on me. They stole ALL my mirrors and I had to go hours without seeing myself. I mean, I couldn’t even do my daily affirmations. What kind of world is this? I tell you, it’s artists like myself that really suffer.
- James Franco
Collection: Mean
Image of James Franco
Sometimes rabbits, like, turn me on. I don't know why.
- James Franco
Collection: Rabbits
Image of James Franco
Everyone pretends to be normal and be your best friend, but underneath, everyone is living some other life you don't know about, and if only we had a camera on us at all times, we could go and watch each other's tapes and find out what each of us was really like.
- James Franco
Collection: Cameras
Image of James Franco
I don't consider weed to be any worse than having a beer.
- James Franco
Collection: Weed
Image of James Franco
You say I sucked at the Oscars. I was a genius at the Oscars. That was experimental tuxedo sleep art.
- James Franco
Collection: Art
Image of James Franco
I love that the idea of examining memory, and the way memory is edited was made more interesting because it was being filtered through a writer.
- James Franco
Collection: Memories
Image of James Franco
I wanted to do serious movies. I had a certain idea of what good acting was. That's since changed, and I love doing comedies now. I don't like a lot of those movies now, but I thought those were movies that I could do real, serious performances in.
- James Franco
Collection: Real
Image of James Franco
I felt, implicitly, or not so implicitly, that subjects about women and other races were out of my jurisdiction as a creator. That if I moved too far from my own experience, and my own established identity, I would be criticized for taking even more of those wedding pies from others.
- James Franco
Collection: Identity
Image of James Franco
There is actually a huge suicide problem in Palo Alto schools, so obviously not all is well in paradise. High expectations, and the pressure to achieve in a highly competitive world are too much for a lot of very promising young people. There have been something like ten youth suicides in Palo Alto in the past ten years. They usually step in front of the train that runs by the high school.
- James Franco
Collection: Suicide
Image of James Franco
Generally you don't initiate the projects - they're designed and you're inserted. Your material is edited by somebody. You feel a lack of power over your work.
- James Franco
Collection: Over You
Image of James Franco
Anyone has outside influences. They are the results of the cosmic roll of the dice: this person is born Aragon the Ranger, this person is born a prisoner in North Korea, this person is born Carlos the Dwarf. Some of these things are out of our control, but that doesn't mean that they can't be changed. A character, just like a person in real life, is a summation of her actions and feelings. Our actions and emotions are not performed against nothing, they do not arise from dust, we are in constant friction, and/or flow with our surroundings.
- James Franco
Collection: Real
Image of James Franco
You're a white male living in America, brought up in one of the richest cities in the county, Palo Alto. You went to high school with Steve Jobs' daughter, and your journalism teacher is the mother-in-law of Sergey, co-founder of Google.
- James Franco
Collection: Daughter
Image of James Franco
I hate being an actor, they dress you and put on your makeup and you just feel like a little baby.
- James Franco
Collection: Baby
Image of James Franco
Men in your position have women offering themselves in the hopes that they will get somewhere professionally, or socially.
- James Franco
Collection: Men
Image of James Franco
The number of women in power positions is a fraction of the number of men in such positions.
- James Franco
Collection: Men
Image of James Franco
We tell specific stories about ourselves to ourselves and we're all the heroes of our own lives. But you live through certain experiences with other people, and sometimes they have very different takes on what happened.
- James Franco
Collection: Hero
Image of James Franco
"The Wolfpack" is a real life clash of life and fiction and the saving power of brotherhood and make-believe.
- James Franco
Collection: Real
Image of James Franco
This was the way the night had cashed in. Choices had been made and things happened, and here we were. It was sad, and funny. My life was made of this. Stuff like this.
- James Franco
Collection: Night
Image of James Franco
There's this phenomenon where people do like to announce movies that they think I'm doing that I'm not.
- James Franco
Collection: Thinking
Image of James Franco
There's a large chunk of me in all the parts. As an actor, I got involved largely because I want to let things out. The best acting is that that is most real and the only way to do that, is to genuinely feel it.
- James Franco
Collection: Real
Image of James Franco
I think all great comedies - or at least the comedies I like - it has some of the funniest moments, but it never breaks the spell for the audience. It never pushes the audience away by spoofing itself too much or undermining the characters or making them cardboard or flimsy. Everybody is really trying to do what their characters believe in - and so nobody breaks the spell of the world, even though in other ways it's a comedy and very funny.
- James Franco
Collection: Believe
Image of James Franco
I've come to a point where I just want to do movies that I just believe in. I have come to an understanding of filmmaking, a new understanding where I believe it's a director's medium. That means working with people that I believe in.
- James Franco
Collection: Believe
Image of James Franco
As an actor in the classroom, you're revealing so much, and teachers are, you know, they're just critiquing like a painting or a piece of work; it's like, it's you, and it's your emotions that they're working with.
- James Franco
Collection: Teacher
Image of James Franco
I personally just love movies about the creative process.
- James Franco
Collection: Movie Love
Image of James Franco
I think it helps the writers to sell their books, if they announce my attachment, but it doesn't mean that I'm going to make the movies in the next year, or two, or three.
- James Franco
Collection: Book