Hayao Miyazaki

Image of Hayao Miyazaki
To be born means being compelled to choose an era, a place, a life. To exist here, now, means to lost the possibility of being countless other potential selves.. Yet once being born there is no turning back. And I think that's exactly why the fantasy worlds of cartoon movies so strongly represent our hopes and yearnings. They illustrate a world of lost possibilities for us.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Mean
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Nobody has the right to sit in judgment and decide what's good or bad for you.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Judgment
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Modern life is so thin and shallow and fake. I look forward to when developers go bankrupt, Japan gets poorer and wild grasses take over.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Japan
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It's produced by humans who can't stand looking at other humans. And that's why the industry is full of otaku!
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Real
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I wanted to convey the message to children that this life is worth living.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Prizes do not mean anything to me. I think it is more important to make a child aware of the existence of a weird creature like a water spider that breathes through its backside.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
[on the future of hand-drawn animation] I'm actually not that worried. I wouldn't give up on it completely. Once in a while there are strange, rich people who like to invest in odd things. You're going to have people in the corners of garages making cartoons to please themselves. And I'm more interested in those people than I am in big business.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
The villains are all parts of me. For years I've been wondering what it would be like if all those negative elements were forced onto the main character's side. I can understand a character with that kind of anger.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Character
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I find it pointless sitting in my house not working, though I like to go on extended vacations from time to time.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Vacation
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I'm not going to make movies that tell children, "You should despair and run away".
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Running
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
In fact, I am a pessimist. But when I'm making a film, I don't want to transfer my pessimism onto children. I keep it at bay. I don't believe that adults should impose their vision of the world on children, children are very much capable of forming their own visions. There's no need to force our own visions onto them.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
The love of weaponry is often a manifestation of infantile traits in an adult.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Adults
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Cut off a wolf's head and it still has the power to bite.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Cutting
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
You never know how a film will play, whether it will be successful or not, or whether it will touch the audience. I always said to myself that whatever happens, big audience or small, that I would not let the results have an impact on my way of working. But it would be a bit silly for me to change my methods when I have a big success. That means my methods work well.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Silly
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
You always have to appeal to your audience. You always have to consider how well your project will do in terms of admissions. I abandoned many stories because of that. But I don't get too down about it. It's something I accepted from the time I decided to work in films.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Stories
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
You always have to appeal to your audience. You always have to consider how well your project will do in terms of admissions. I abandoned many stories because of that. But I don't get too down about it. It's something I accepted from the time I decided to work in films. I could always do something else if I got sick of it, like draw manga, or make my own films. I found it pointless sitting in my house not working, though I'd like to go on extended vacations from time to time.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Vacation
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Personally I am very pessimistic. But when, for instance, one of my staff has a baby you can't help but bless them for a good future. Because I can't tell that child, 'Oh, you shouldn't have come into this life.' And yet I know the world is heading in a bad direction. So with those conflicting thoughts in mind, I think about what kind of films I should be making.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Baby
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
There are so many ships in the animation sea that are computer driven, that I think we can have at least one that's just a log raft that we can row by hand.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Thinking
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
If [hand-drawn animation] is a dying craft, we can't do anything about it. Civilization moves on. Where are all the fresco painters now? Where are the landscape artists? What are they doing now? The world is changing. I have been very fortunate to be able to do the same job for 40 years. That's rare in any era.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
But remember this, Japanese boy... airplanes are not tools for war. They are not for making money. Airplanes are beautiful dreams. Engineers turn dreams into reality.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Any woman is just as capable of being a hero as any man.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Hero
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Chihiro, huh? Her real name's Chihiro? Can't beat the power of love.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Real
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Actually I think CGI has the potential to equal or even surpass what the human hand can do.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Thinking
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
At the time, sword and sorcery stories were quite popular. There were female warriors waving swords around as well, but the genre is populated entirely with people who have absolutely no responsibility to anyone, so I knew my story would have to be completely different from any of these.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Those are shrines. Some people believe spirits live in them.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Believe
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I make films as a business, not as a cultural endeavor.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Film
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
We depict hatred, but it is to depict that there are more important things. We depict a curse, to depict the joy of liberation.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Hatred
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
You should despair and run away.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Running
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I think 2-D animation disappeared from Disney because they made so many uninteresting films. They became very conservative in the way they created them. It's too bad. I thought 2-D and 3-D could coexist happily.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Thinking
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I intend to work until the day I die. I retired from feature-length films but not from animation. Self-indulgent animation. It's nice that I have the mini-theater in the museum. Most of the museum visitors attend the mini-theater screenings and we've never had a complaint about the quality of the films. I'd like to continue to make films that leave the audience satisfied, but I also think it's pointless unless I offer them the kind of animation they can't get anywhere else. They're fun to do. They're short so it's less stressful.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Fun
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Airplanes are the most beautiful when they are in the air.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
The single difference between films for children and films for adults is that in films for children, there is always the option to start again, to create a new beginning. In films for adults, there are no ways to change things. What happened, happened.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
When I start creating a villain, I start liking the villain and so the villain is not really evil.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Creating
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Since I am a person who starts work without clear knowledge of a storyline, every single scene is a pivotal scene.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Scene
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I don't have the story finished and ready when we start work on a film. I usually don't have the time. So the story develops when I start drawing storyboards. I never know where the story will go but I just keeping working on the film as it develops. It's a dangerous way to make an animation film and I would like it to be different, but unfortunately, that's the way I work and everyone else is kind of forced to subject themselves to it.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Drawing
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I myself become terrified of death when I am in a negative state of mind. But the thought of death ceases to bother me once I become productive.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Mind
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Some people spend their lives interested only in themselves.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: People
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I try to dig deep into the well of my subconscious. At a certain moment in that process, the lid is opened and very different ideas and visions are liberated. With those I can start making a film. But maybe it's better that you don't open that lid completely, because if you release your subconscious it becomes really hard to live a social or family life.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Different Ideas
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
When I say I get inspiration from my real life, I think of my real life as extending about 300 meters radius around me. So what I see in that area is what inspires me.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Real
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Maybe that's what these films are doing. They are my way of blessing the child
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Rather than making that a good project, I like to make the kinds of films that children can understand in five minutes what the film is about.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
There are all kinds of values within the films but I don't make message films.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Messages
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
When you watch the subtitled version you are probably missing just as many things. There is a layer and a nuance you're not going to get. Film crosses so many borders these days. Of course it is going to be distorted.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Missing
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
In our work, the question is, how much you absorb from others. So for me, creativity, is really like a relay race. As children we are handed a baton. Rather than passing it onto the next generation as is, first we need to digest it and make it our own.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Engineers turn dreams into reality.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Dream
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Well, yes. I believe that children's souls are the inheritors of historical memory from previous generations. It's just that as they grow older and experience the everyday world that memory sinks lower and lower. I feel I need to make a film that reaches down to that level. If I could do that I would die happy.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
See with eyes unclouded by hate.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Hate