Hayao Miyazaki

Image of Hayao Miyazaki
We get strength and encouragement from watching children.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Strength
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
It seems like everything that we see perceived in the brain before we actually use our own eyes, that everything we see is coming through computers or machines and then is being input in our brain cells. So that really worries me.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Computers
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Sometimes I test myself saying, 'If I get a death sentence if I don't make this movie, would I still make this movie?'
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Death
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Is someone different at age 18 or 60? I believe one stays the same.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Age
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I create women characters by watching the female staff at my studio. Half the staff are women.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Women
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Watching John Lasseter's films, I think I can understand better than anyone that what he's doing, is going straight ahead with his vision and working really hard to get that vision into film form. And I feel that my understanding this of him is my friendship towards him.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Friendship
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I can't stand modern movies. The images are too weird and eccentric for me.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Movies
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Humans have both the urge to create and destroy.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Animators can only draw from their own experiences of pain and shock and emotions.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I'd like more of the world go back to being wild.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
It would be wonderful if I could see the end of civilization during my lifetime.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I get inspiration from my everyday life.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I am an animator. I feel like I'm the manager of a animation cinema factory. I am not an executive. I'm rather like a foreman, like the boss of a team of craftsmen. That is the spirit of how I work.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
All my films are all my children.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I don't intentionally make deep movies.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Plants exist in the weather and light rays that surround them - waving in the wind, shimmering in the sunlight. I am always puzzling over how to draw such things.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I think Tokyo is going to sink under water soon. All those stupid high-rise buildings will sink and maybe all the traffic will be gone. And everything will be peaceful and quiet.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
If you're going to retire, retire early.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
When a man is shooting a handgun, it's just like he is shooting because that's his job, and he has no other choice. It's no good. When a girl is shooting a handgun, it's really something.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I've never studied psychology.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I'm not a collector.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I don't like games. You're robbing the precious time of children to be children. They need to be in touch with the real world more.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
To have a film where there's an evil figure and a good person fights against the evil figure and everything becomes a happy ending, that's one way to make a film. But then that means you have to draw, as an animator, the evil figure. And it's not very pleasant to draw evil figures.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I think we should stop using nuclear power plants because it's an old system that we can't control.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
My process is thinking, thinking and thinking - thinking about my stories for a long time.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I like underwater life.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I never read reviews. I'm not interested. But I value a lot the reactions of the spectators.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
We live in an age when it is cheaper to buy the rights to movies than to make them.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I do all my work by storyboard, so as I draw the storyboard, the world gets more and more complex, and as a result, my North, South, East, West directions kind of shift and go off base, but it seems like my staff as well as the audience, doesn't quite realize that this has happened. Don't tell them about it.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I think it's really good for a family or children to have a dog, cat, bird or whatever to grow up with.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I wish I was better at art. I love some of the great artists of the 19th century and, compared to them, I just feel I lack this technique that they had. They have so much skill.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Currently computer graphics are used a great deal, but it can be excessive.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I can't do a film after having debated it. I am unable to do a film while discussing it with my team. I issue directives. I do not achieve it otherwise.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
People in Japan have experienced many tsunamis and various earthquakes throughout the ages.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I believe that fantasy in the meaning of imagination is very important. We shouldn't stick too close to everyday reality but give room to the reality of the heart, of the mind, and of the imagination.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Believe
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Heart
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Reality is for people that lack imagination.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Reality
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Always believe in yourself. Do this and no matter where you are, you will have nothing to fear.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Believe
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
It is the fate of modern life that we repeatedly lose touch with nature, the environment, the planet. But we try to regain it again and again. It's like a circle. In children's hearts and souls when they're born into the world, nature already exists deep inside them. So what I want to do in my work is tap into their souls
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Children
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
You must see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Hate
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Many of my movies have strong female leads - brave, self-sufficient girls that don't think twice about fighting for what they believe in with all their heart. They'll need a friend, or a supporter, but never a savior. Any woman is just as capable of being a hero as any man.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Girl
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I do believe in the power of story. I believe that stories have an important role to play in the formation of human beings, that they can stimulate, amaze and inspire their listeners.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Believe
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I’ve become skeptical of the unwritten rule that just because a boy and girl appear in the same feature, a romance must ensue. Rather, I want to portray a slightly different relationship, one where they two mutually inspire each other to live– if I’ m able to, then perhaps I’ll be closer to portraying a true expression of love.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Girl
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
The creation of a single world comes from a huge number of fragments and chaos.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Numbers
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
In my grandparents' time, it was believed that spirits existed everywhere - in trees, rivers, insects, wells, anything. My generation does not believe this, but I like the idea that we should all treasure everything because spirits might exist there, and we should treasure everything because there is a kind of life to everything.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Believe
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
No matter how many weapons you have, no matter how great your technology might be, the world cannot live without love.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Technology
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
Life is a winking light in the darkness.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Light
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
I’d like to see Manhattan underwater. I’d like to see when the human population plummets and there are no more high rises, because nobody’s buying them. I’m excited about that. Money and desire—all that is going to collapse, and wild green grasses are going to take over.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Desire
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
We each need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it is not easy.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Hayao Miyazaki
In order to grow your audience, you must betray their expectations.
- Hayao Miyazaki
Collection: Order