Top Vacation Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Vacation quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Max von Sydow
A vacation spot out of season always has a very special magic
- Max von Sydow
Collection: Vacation
Image of Silvio Berlusconi
Mussolini never killed anyone, he just sent dissenters abroad for vacation.
- Silvio Berlusconi
Collection: Vacation
Image of Pete Rose
Jay Z got Cano a big raise, but he got him an extra 30-day vacation - and it's called October.
- Pete Rose
Collection: Vacation
Image of Julia Glass
It's odd to spend your vacation with someone else's music especially when you're alone. You're free to let loose, unobserved, but someone else has chosen the words you belt out in private, the rythms you can dance to like a fool.
- Julia Glass
Collection: Vacation
Image of Paul Orfalea
If you go on vacation for one week, you'll come back to two weeks of work. If you go on vacation for two weeks, you'll come back to four weeks of work. If you go on vacation for three weeks, people seem to figure it out for themselves.
- Paul Orfalea
Collection: Vacation
Image of Terrell Owens
I've only been on one vacation ever. I just went to Acapulco before training camp.
- Terrell Owens
Collection: Vacation
Image of Felicia Day
It's good to let the other worries have a vacation and have different worries take over and then go back to the old worries.
- Felicia Day
Collection: Vacation
Image of Donita K. Paul
There's nothing like a mission to save the world to liven up a vacation.
- Donita K. Paul
Collection: Vacation
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Monsters work seven days a week and don't take vacations.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Vacation
Image of Anna Howard Shaw
[When asked: "If women voted, would they not have to sit on juries?":] Many women would be glad of a chance to sit on anything. There are women who stand up and wash six days in the week at 75 cents a day who would like to take a vacation and sit on a jury at $1.50.
- Anna Howard Shaw
Collection: Vacation
Image of William S. Burroughs
Life is a vacation from two eternities, who wants to waste those precious years worrying about what happens when you get back to forever?
- William S. Burroughs
Collection: Vacation
Image of Jim Rome
I take a lot of vacation because I get a lot of vacation
- Jim Rome
Collection: Vacation
Image of Betty Williams
When all else fails, take a vacation.
- Betty Williams
Collection: Vacation
Image of Jerry Smith
Vacation: a period of travel and relaxation when you take twice the clothes and half the money you need.
- Jerry Smith
Collection: Vacation
Image of Florence Prag Kahn
Travel not only stirs the blood. . . It also gives strength to the spirit.
- Florence Prag Kahn
Collection: Vacation
Image of Ben Ames Williams
An author never has a vacation. He's a walking sponge, sopping up impressions till he's saturated, then going to his desk and squeezing them out on paper.
- Ben Ames Williams
Collection: Vacation
Image of Michael Chertoff
There really is no vacation from the world in which we live.
- Michael Chertoff
Collection: Vacation
Image of Michael Hyatt
Most people spend more time planning a one-week vacation than they spend planning their life.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Vacation
Image of Jim Bridwell
My best vacation is your worst nightmare.
- Jim Bridwell
Collection: Vacation
Image of Eddie Griffin
He's been on vacation for a year and month. Captain Kirk never left the helm when the Enterprise was under attack.
- Eddie Griffin
Collection: Vacation
Image of Don DeLillo
That's why people take vacations. No to relax or find excitement or see new places. To escape the death that exists in routine things.
- Don DeLillo
Collection: Vacation
Image of Padgett Powell
Heavy booze is a big time vacation, but you come back with a headache.
- Padgett Powell
Collection: Vacation
Image of Franny Armstrong
I always carry a notepad with me, even on vacation. If I'm on the computer when the story 'hits', I open a Word document and start typing until I get it all out. I've got tons of notes that I never throw out. You never know when a story will strike!
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Vacation
Image of Denis Boyles
With their endless vacations and pint-sized workweeks, Europe can't produce enough of anything - including more Europeans - to save themselves from doom. So the French and Germans have only one realistic strategy when it comes to revitalizing their comatose economies: Wait for the U.S. economy to rise high enough to float their petits bateaux.
- Denis Boyles
Collection: Vacation
Image of Carl Honore
This is where our obsession with going fast and saving time leads. To road rage, air rage, shopping rage, relationship rage, office rage, vacation rage, gym rage. Thanks to speed, we live in the age of rage.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Vacation
Image of Jonathan Martin
In our culture of constant access and nonstop media, nothing feels more like a curse from God than time in the wilderness. To be obscure, to be off the beaten path, to be in the wilderness feels like abandonment. It seems more like exile than a vacation. To be so far off of everyone’s radar that the world might forget about us for a while? That’s almost akin to death…[But] far from being punishment, judgment, or a curse, the wilderness is a gift. It’s where we can experience the primal delight of being fully known and delighted in by God.
- Jonathan Martin
Collection: Vacation
Image of Micky Arison
NCL ... stands to achieve greater success under the Carnival Corp. umbrella, which will provide NCL with economies of scale, greater access to capital, marketing and operating expertise and stronger credibility in the leisure and vacation industry.
- Micky Arison
Collection: Vacation
Image of Jeff Abbott
I want to be a writer you can always depend on for a good read during your vacation, during your flight, during a time in your life when you want to forget the world around you.
- Jeff Abbott
Collection: Vacation
Image of Buddy Guy
Your mind is on vacation and your mouth is working overtime.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Vacation
Image of Bob Sutton
When Chuck House wanted to develop the oscilloscope for HP, David Packard told him to abandon the project. Chuck went on "vacation" and came back with $2 million in orders. Packard later gave him an award inscribed with an accolade for "extraordinary contempt and defiance beyond the normal call of engineering."
- Bob Sutton
Collection: Vacation
Image of Jan Phillips
Find what brings you joy and go there.
- Jan Phillips
Collection: Vacation
Image of Marian Keyes
You know what it's like. Sometimes, you meet a wonderful person, but it's only for a brief instant. Maybe on vacation or on a train or maybe even in a bus line. And they touch your life for a moment, but in a special way. And instead of mourning because they can't be with you for longer, or because you don't get the chance to know them better, isn't it better to be glad that you met them at all?
- Marian Keyes
Collection: Vacation
Image of Jacob Braude
A vacation should be just long enough that your boss misses you, and not long enough for him to discover how well he can get along without you.
- Jacob Braude
Collection: Vacation
Image of Eric Dezenhall
One of the biggest challenges I have with certain clients is convincing them to take a vacation - metaphorically. You're dealing with egos, and with egos the answer to everything is "more me." Sometimes the situation calls for less you.
- Eric Dezenhall
Collection: Vacation
Image of Jim Starlin
I'm a firm believer that in-depth subjects can be better handled in a fantasy setting. ... Let's face it, traveling to some far off land is a terrific way to break the mold, to do something different. Isn't that why we go on vacations?
- Jim Starlin
Collection: Vacation
Image of Mike Royer
I moonlighted during a two-week vacation, doing a month's worth of work in two weeks; it almost killed me, but I wanted to stretch my muscles and the letter from the producer says, "Your storyboarding is Eisensteinian," referring to the famous Russian filmmaker.
- Mike Royer
Collection: Vacation
Image of Hans von Storch
It is in fact necessary to reduce CO2 emissions. There is no reason why we shouldn't spend our vacations on (the North Sea island of) Sylt instead of in the Seychelles, or drive more economical cars - for the sake of preserving increasingly scarce resources if nothing else. But that won't enable us to stop climate change. As long as China, India and the United States continue the way they have been, what we Germans do is more or less irrelevant.
- Hans von Storch
Collection: Vacation
Image of Hamilton Leithauser
You feel like half of your life is a vacation when you go to these Barcelona music festivals and have all day to sound check or go to the pool.
- Hamilton Leithauser
Collection: Vacation
Image of Hamilton Leithauser
I never want to travel while I'm on vacation anymore. The only vacations I want to take now are ones where I just go and sit somewhere.
- Hamilton Leithauser
Collection: Vacation
Image of Elsa Hosk
I had a whole bag full. And I still felt like I didn't have enough! Definitely more bikinis then you have days of vacation.
- Elsa Hosk
Collection: Vacation
Image of Phillip Lim
I swear by the invigorating shampoo and conditioner by Como Shambhala. When you’re in need for a quick mental vacation, it does the trick
- Phillip Lim
Collection: Vacation
Image of Kendrick Lamar
My mind is living on cloud 9 and this 9 is never on vacation.
- Kendrick Lamar
Collection: Vacation
Image of Celedonio Romero
Life is a vacation God gives to you!
- Celedonio Romero
Collection: Vacation
Image of Fred Espenak
I've seen a total eclipse from every continent - including Antarctica. And it's been a wonderful way to see the world. The eclipses take you to really unusual, off-beat places that you might not normally plan a vacation to, but they're wonderful places to go.
- Fred Espenak
Collection: Vacation
Image of Kelly Carlin-McCall
I remember going on vacation for two weeks once and one of my clients who was very clinically depressed really could not handle it, really unraveled himself. That scared me. I didn't want to be in that position.
- Kelly Carlin-McCall
Collection: Vacation
Image of Carolyn Mackler
You know how I feel about love. It was invented to sell wedding cakes. And vacations to Waikiki.
- Carolyn Mackler
Collection: Vacation
Image of Herieth Paul
Whenever I go on vacation I like to change up my hair - I'll braid it or get dreads - but my favorite is just keeping it short and curly.
- Herieth Paul
Collection: Vacation
Image of Rebecca Moore
Most people, originally when Google Earth first came out in 2005, they thought, well, what can I do with it? I can figure out where to go on vacation, or I can look at my neighbor's backyard from space. But the point is, you can do so much more.
- Rebecca Moore
Collection: Vacation
Image of Alex J. Morrison
We can no longer stand for the Security Council passing resolutions and then in effect heaving alongside and taking a vacation. We cannot leave it to the secretary general to go cap in hand.
- Alex J. Morrison
Collection: Vacation
Image of Richard Branson
We should focus on what people get done, not on how many hours or days worked. Just as we don't have a nine-to-five policy, we don't need a vacation policy.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Vacation