Harlan Coben

Image of Harlan Coben
When I was seventeen, I worked as a counsellor at a co-ed sleep-away camp for eight weeks. I loved it but it could be harrowing - it was far too much responsibility for someone my age.
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
I can write pretty much anywhere if you give me time and some quiet. The home is not usually the best place because I have four children. It's usually pandemonium around here!
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
Hope can be the most wonderful thing in the world or it can crush your heart like an eggshell.
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
A novel is like a sausage. You might like the final taste but you don't want to see how it was made.
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
When I'm writing, what I pretend subconsciously is that we're cavemen, we're sitting around the fire, and I'm telling you stories. If I bore you, you're probably going to pick up a big club and hit me over the head.
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
I love to fool you once, I love to fool you twice, I love to fool you a third time. And just when you think it's all over, I have what I call that Carrie hand-out-of-the-grave moment. Just when you think it's all over, I'm going to hit you with just one more. I can't help myself.
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
I'm not a big sports fan.
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
I like to go out and write. So I'll often go to a Starbucks or a local coffee bar, and I'll sit there and I'll write. I can write pretty much anywhere.
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
I've never chased the dollar, I've always chased the reader's heart. I love having more readers. The more people who read it, the more thrilled I am.
- Harlan Coben
Image of Harlan Coben
The ugliest truth, in the end, was still better than the prettiest of lies.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Lying
Image of Harlan Coben
You bring your own weather to the picnic.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Marriage
Image of Harlan Coben
Part of the human condition is that we all think that we are uniquely complex while everyone else is somewhat simpler to read. That is not true, of course. We all have our own dreams and hopes and wants and lust and heartaches. We all have our own brand of crazy
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Dream
Image of Harlan Coben
The actual writing time is a lot shorter than the thinking time.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Coben
Trust is like that. You can break it for a good reason. But it still remains broken.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Broken
Image of Harlan Coben
Im 48 years old, not a kid anymore by any definition, but here is a universal truth that every adult at some point will realize: We are all always 17 years old, waiting for our lives to begin.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Kids
Image of Harlan Coben
There's always a price you pay when you lie. Once you introduce a lie into a relationship, even for the best of intentions, it is always there. Whenever you’re with that person again, that lie is in the room too. It sits on your shoulder. Good lie or bad lie, it's in the room with you forever now. It's your constant companion.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Lying
Image of Harlan Coben
Memories, you see, hurt. The good ones most of all.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Harlan Coben
Kids don’t do what their parents say-they do what they see their parents do. So who was to blame here?
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Kids
Image of Harlan Coben
..."better to have loved and lost" bullshit. Don't show me paradise and then burn it down.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Bullshit
Image of Harlan Coben
Hope is cruel. Hope reminds me of what almost was. Hope makes the physical ache return.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Return
Image of Harlan Coben
It was one lesson he never forgot.You don't sit back when you or a loved one is being assaulted.And you don't act like the goverment with their "proportional responses" and all that nonsense.If someone hurts you,mercy and pity must be put aside,You eliminate the enemy.You scorch the earth.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Hurt
Image of Harlan Coben
Writing a novel in general is like trying to reach a mountain top you'll never quite reach - so you try again and maybe get a little closer.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Coben
I still try to make the "next" book my "best" book. I want to grip and move you in unexpected ways.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Moving
Image of Harlan Coben
"So basically, that entire theory is blown to hell."Not basically," Win corrected. "Entirely."
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Winning
Image of Harlan Coben
William Goldman's Marathon Man was a novel that taught me about suspense. I was maybe 16 years old when I read it and I remember thinking, "You could put a gun to my head and I wouldn't put this book down." I loved that feeling - and want to give it others.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Book
Image of Harlan Coben
Summer romances cometo an end. That was part of the deal. They are built like certain plants or insects, not able to survive more than one season. I thought we would be different. We were, I guess, but not in the way I thought. I truly believed that we would never let each other go. The young are so dumb.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Summer
Image of Harlan Coben
You want this so badly—this second chance, this chance at real redemption—that you can’t see the truth.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Real
Image of Harlan Coben
Kate Atkinson is an absolute must-read. I love everything she writes.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Coben
Amazing what we can self-rationalize when we really want something
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Self
Image of Harlan Coben
A trial is two narratives competing for your attention.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Two
Image of Harlan Coben
I'm not very happy idle. There's always this voice in my head that says, 'I should be writing.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Coben
There are few times that I feel more at peace, more in tune, more Zen, if you will, than when I force myself to unplug.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Tunes
Image of Harlan Coben
Years fly by, but the heart stays in the same place.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Love
Image of Harlan Coben
I remember one time I heard this English professor asking the class what the world's scariest noise is. Is it a man crying out in pain? A woman's scream of terror? A gunshot? A baby crying? And the professor shakes his head and says, 'No, the scariest noise is, you're all alone in your dark house, you know you're all alone, you know that there is no chance anyone else is home or within miles—and then, suddenly, from upstairs, you hear the toilet flush.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Baby
Image of Harlan Coben
Sometimes the loudest cries for help are silent.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Harlan Coben
You don't worry about happiness and fulfilment when you're starving.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Worry
Image of Harlan Coben
This was a place where tattoos outnumbered teeth.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Harlan Coben
A dancer on break approached him. She smiled. Each tooth was angled in a different direction, as if her mouth were the masterwork of a mad orthodontist. "Hi," she said. "Hi." "You're really cute." "I don't have any money." She spun and walked away. Ah, romance.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Cute
Image of Harlan Coben
Its funny how you can let yourself forget for seconds, how even in the heat of the horrible, you can have moments when you fool yourself into thinking it might all be okay
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Thinking
Image of Harlan Coben
I'm also inspired by anything that I consider great. It makes me want to raise my game too - Hitchcock movies, Hopper paintings, Springsteen concerts.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Games
Image of Harlan Coben
We all think that we are uniquely complex, that no one can see what we are thinking - yet we also believe that we have the rare ability to read others. This fascinates me at the moment.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Believe
Image of Harlan Coben
Painful memories didn't just ease back in-they shoved the door open hard, all of them and all at once
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Memories
Image of Harlan Coben
The most annoying and full- of- crap thing a writer says is, I write only for myself, I don't care if anyone reads it. A writer without a reader doesn't exist.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Writing
Image of Harlan Coben
...desperation can toy with you and if you give desperation any wiggle room, it will find alternative answers
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Giving
Image of Harlan Coben
But sometimes, maybe most times, it isn't that clear. It is dark and you are near the edge of a cliff, but you're moving slowly, not sure which direction you're heading in. Your steps are tentative but they are still blind in the night. You don't realize how close you are to the edge, how the soft earth could give away, how you could just slip a bit and suddenly plunge into the dark.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Moving
Image of Harlan Coben
There is the old catch-22 line that a mentally unstable person can't know, as per their illness, that they are unstable. But that was wrong. You can and do have the insight to see your own crazy.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Crazy
Image of Harlan Coben
Getting into a fight with a popular senior. Pissing off a school teacher and the local chief of police. Hanging with two major-league losers." She slapped my back. "Welcome to high school.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Senior
Image of Harlan Coben
Genius is a curse. That's how I look at it. Some think that the brilliant comprehend the universe in a way the rest of us can't. They see the world how it truly is—and that reality is so horrible the lose their minds. Clarity leads to insanity.
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Reality
Image of Harlan Coben
If I had, say, a tall, amateur male lead living on the campus of a rural college (Six Years), the next book might feature a short, cop who lives in the heart of Manhattan (Missing You).
- Harlan Coben
Collection: Book