Gene Weingarten

Image of Gene Weingarten
I have two favorites: Reading Kierkegaard while listening to Mozart's Piano Concerto 9 in E Flat Major, and reading early Bazooka Joe comics in Hebrew.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
The Pulitzer is a crapshoot. Your piece has to hit a few people the right way at the right moment.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
The whole point of corporate mascots is to be distinctive. No one in his right mind would ever confuse the Hamburglar with Mayor McCheese.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
I felt like I was never going to be a great writer. I felt like I was going to be a good writer at best. I wanted to be great at something.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
Sometimes, homely things are done for the best reasons in the world and thus achieve a beauty of their own.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
Because I live and work in Washington, D.C., I have a ringside seat at the world capital of The Persuasive Arts, or, as I like to call it, The Opinions Racket.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
While it is true that many hep C victims became infected through blood transfusions or organ transplants or in other innocent ways, mine was contracted during my college years, when I showed as much care for my personal health as your average suicide bomber.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
When you are interviewing someone, don't just write down what he says. Ask yourself: Does this guy remind you of someone? What does the room feel like? Notice smells, voice inflection, neighborhoods you pass through. Be a cinematographer.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
When she was too young to resist, or even to understand, I turned my daughter into a lifelong, rabid Yankees fan.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
I am the most skilled parallel parker the world has ever known.
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
For $60, I once bought a neck massage at a 'massage parlor' that advertised in 'The Washington Post.'
- Gene Weingarten
Image of Gene Weingarten
I think we too often go soft in trying to spare people the agony of confronting reality.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gene Weingarten
Mostly, you become a writer not because you want to get rich or famous, but because you have to write; because there is something inside that must come out.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Writing
Image of Gene Weingarten
We want to believe that the world is understandable and controllable and unthreatening, that if we follow the rules, we'll be okay. So, when this kind of thing happens to other people, we need to put them in a different category from us. We don't want to resemble them, and the fact that we might is too terrifying to deal with. So, they have to be monsters.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Believe
Image of Gene Weingarten
Politics is how you think about life itself.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gene Weingarten
The one thing an aspiring writer must understand is that it's hard. If you think it's not hard, you're not doing it right.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Writing
Image of Gene Weingarten
The verb "Garland" should be created. It would mean to unfairly put a stinking albatross around someone's neck, to make him unemployable.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Mean
Image of Gene Weingarten
It is a cliche, and it is also true, that humor springs from existential pain - from a need to blunt the awareness that life is essentially a fatal disease of unpredictable symptoms and unknown duration.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Pain
Image of Gene Weingarten
America is an incredibly polarized country politically. I think ANY Republican would start out with 42 percent of the vote.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Country
Image of Gene Weingarten
The horrifying thing is that nearly half of America seems in synch with xenophobia and race-baiting.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Xenophobia
Image of Gene Weingarten
One thing I am learning from the kitten is that everything he is doing seems to be in preparation for murder.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Preparation
Image of Gene Weingarten
Donald Trump is a boor, and cannot stop being a boor.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Trump
Image of Gene Weingarten
I once found myself driving, smoking a cigar, taking notes, and talking on the phone at the same time. I only became completely aware of this when I had to shift, and realized something had to give.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Talking
Image of Gene Weingarten
Ask creative people where they get their ideas, and they will roll their eyes. It's the most common question, but it's also a bad one because the answer is inevitably disappointing. From the inside, creativity seems like an arduous task, often involving plebeian, imperfect choices, driven less by inspiration than by deadline.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Gene Weingarten
I think Marco Rubio could never have recovered from revealing himself to be pathetic.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gene Weingarten
Most men I know adore women, and I am including gay men. I think studies on jury selection show that the biggest critics of women - people less likely to trust their character or judgment - are women.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Character
Image of Gene Weingarten
Shakespeare was such a splendid vulgarian.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Splendid
Image of Gene Weingarten
We separated like oil and water. In the cafeteria, you'd see a table of black jocks, table of white jocks, table of rich white kids, table of Hispanic kids, table of Chinese kids, table of druggies, table of chatterboxes, and so on. Wait! There's a diverse table over there! With a few kids of different tenacities and economic status! Oh, that's the nerds. That's where I sat. We weren't cool enough for the other tables, so we didn't discriminate against anybody.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Kids
Image of Gene Weingarten
Hillary Clinton rubs people the wrong way, for valid reasons.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: People
Image of Gene Weingarten
Knowing the identity of the leaker helps you analyze the likelihood that the material is real.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Real
Image of Gene Weingarten
You know, I am not a particular Kennedy apologist or an awed fan - I was 12 when he was murdered - but I have discussed Kennedy with historians. For his incredibly short tenure, he was a very important president. Many put him in the second tier, below the big three and surrounded by Truman and Eisenhower. Kennedy moved our soul. Changed our thinking about service and governance. And won big in the greatest nuclear crisis of the Cold War.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: War
Image of Gene Weingarten
Peggy Noonan is not as good a columnist as my colleague Kathleen Parker, in my opinion, but they share something related to their Pulitzers. Kathleen won in in 2010. They won it for a similar reason. They broke from their crowd, and sprinted away. They delivered the politically unexpected take, at some peril to their readership.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Opinion
Image of Gene Weingarten
Life entails risk, and you have to draw some lines.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Risk
Image of Gene Weingarten
Every single fat comic uses his weight as a punchline. There is something sad about that.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Use
Image of Gene Weingarten
I like to eat alone in restaurants, with a book, particularly if I am out of town, alone, on business. It's relaxing. I feel not even a twinge of embarrassment. Is this gender-related? Is there a lingering feeling among women that if they are alone in public, they will be judged to be spinsters or spinsters-to-be?
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Book
Image of Gene Weingarten
If I lived where I live right now, and my kids were in middle school, they would be the only white kids in the school. That is not a burden I wanted to place on them. My preference would have been a school that was totally diverse - half and half, or close. I wouldn't have hesitated at all if they would have been in the racial minority. But to be the only white kids: I don't think that would have been fair to them.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: School
Image of Gene Weingarten
You should support Israel not because it is Jewish but because it is a sane, secular democracy. You want Lebanon to be at peace. You don't care much about Kuwait.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Support
Image of Gene Weingarten
I think I might prefer women without makeup. Though I don't really know, because I am not good at identifying makeup. I once wrote in the chat, a long time ago, that my wife wore no mascara. She later informed me dryly that she has worn mascara every day that I ever knew her. Or maybe eye liner. I forget. Which is the one you always wear, girls.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Girl
Image of Gene Weingarten
I have some advice: Unless she is pregnant or handicapped, don't give up a seat to a woman unless you KNOW she is well over 60. Trust me on this, even if I am a liberal.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Gene Weingarten
Johnny Hart became much less funny after he found sobriety, and religion, around the same time.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Sobriety
Image of Gene Weingarten
My neighborhood is fairly white, yet the local middle school is all black. It is bad. It is very bad.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: School
Image of Gene Weingarten
I personally favor old mechanical watches, but my snobbery does not extend to demanding that all people wear them. My snobbery demands that no one wear a digital.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: People
Image of Gene Weingarten
I was possessing heroin in fairly large quantities in New York City during the years of the draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws. Had I been busted, I would have faced mandatory life in prison. I don't think many white kids walked, either. I knew one who got 15 years for pot.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Kids
Image of Gene Weingarten
First, in a love song, or any song for that matter, using a plastic word like "inhibitions" is just completely without feel or texture. It demonstrates a tin ear for communication.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Song
Image of Gene Weingarten
I believe men's faces come in two kinds: Faces that need a blade, and faces that need an electric. I never was happy with an electric. I became pizzaneck.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Believe
Image of Gene Weingarten
Editorials are editorials. They a supposed to have an opinion, even a very strong one.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Strong
Image of Gene Weingarten
I am not saying Rubin Carter was guilty. I am saying he was very likely guilty.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Guilty
Image of Gene Weingarten
I think we are all exhausted by, and sick of, Donald Trump.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gene Weingarten
I don't think the people of Chicago should be robbed of their birthright to be perennial losers.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Thinking