Top Preparation Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Preparation quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Edward de Bono
The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.
- Edward de Bono
Collection: Preparation
Image of Vince Vaughn
When you're acting you always want to come across as if you're not acting. For me, my take is always to have it feel like you're watching someone on film and that comes with a lot of preparation time.
- Vince Vaughn
Collection: Preparation
Image of Steven Pressfield
Don't prepare. Begin. Our enemy is not lack of preparation. The enemy is resistance, our chattering brain producing excuses. Start before you are ready.
- Steven Pressfield
Collection: Preparation
Image of Zona Gale
I don't know a better preparation for life than a love of poetry and a good digestion.
- Zona Gale
Collection: Preparation
Image of George Allen
The definition of success is total preparation.
- George Allen
Collection: Preparation
Image of Peter Berg
I try to preload as little as I can. I like to come to the set with minimal preparation.
- Peter Berg
Collection: Preparation
Image of James Monroe
Peace is the best time for improvement and preparation of every kind; it is in peace that our commerce flourishes most, that taxes are most easily paid, and that the revenue is most productive.
- James Monroe
Collection: Preparation
Image of James P. Carse
To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated.
- James P. Carse
Collection: Preparation
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The best preparation for worship is not a rehearsal, but surrender.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Preparation
Image of Roger Staubach
It takes a lot of un-spectacular preparation, to get spectacular results
- Roger Staubach
Collection: Preparation
Image of Lucretius
Nothing can be created out of nothing.
- Lucretius
Collection: Preparation
Image of Chris Bradford
hope for the best, prepare for the worst
- Chris Bradford
Collection: Preparation
Image of James A. Michener
We are never prepared for what we expect.
- James A. Michener
Collection: Preparation
Image of Kate Green
The preparation for the ritual is the ritual.
- Kate Green
Collection: Preparation
Image of Natalia Makarova
I prepare myself very intensely. I am at the theatre four hours before the performance. It allows for complete concentration and preparation.
- Natalia Makarova
Collection: Preparation
Image of Elizabeth David
Good food is always a trouble and its preparation should be regarded as a labour of love.
- Elizabeth David
Collection: Preparation
Image of Roy H. Williams
Preparation, mastery, can help you overcome your fear, but mastery alone is not enough. There has to be something you want that’s worth more to you than your fear.
- Roy H. Williams
Collection: Preparation
Image of Ferran Adria
We didnt create dishes. We create preparations to create many dishes.
- Ferran Adria
Collection: Preparation
Image of Barry Trotz
At the same time, preparation is important to playoff success.
- Barry Trotz
Collection: Preparation
Image of Ronaldinho
Our confidence comes from our preparation.
- Ronaldinho
Collection: Preparation
Image of John Henry Patterson
If you plan your work, you will not find yourself standing on the corner wondering where to go next.
- John Henry Patterson
Collection: Preparation
Image of Yves Klein
Hours of preparation for something that is excecuted, with extreme precision, in a few minutes. Just as with a judo throw.
- Yves Klein
Collection: Preparation
Image of Gary Busey
Pray for the best, prepare for the worst, and expect the unexpected.
- Gary Busey
Collection: Preparation
Image of Fred Bear
I hunt deer because I love the entire process; the preparation, the excitement, and sustained suspense of trying to match my woods lore against the finely honed instincts of these creatures.
- Fred Bear
Collection: Preparation
Image of John Lanchester
The seven Ps: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevent Piss-Poor Performance
- John Lanchester
Collection: Preparation
Image of Lyle Lovett
I've never been ready to do a single thing I've ever done in my life. I haven't been prepared enough, haven't studied enough, haven't known enough. You can never be ready. There's just so much to know.
- Lyle Lovett
Collection: Preparation
Image of John Cleese
If you are leaping a ravine, the moment of takeoff is a bad time to be considering alternative strategies.
- John Cleese
Collection: Preparation
Image of Philippe Perrin
The last thing, and the only one that you cannot physically train for, is the psychological preparation
- Philippe Perrin
Collection: Preparation
Image of Bear Bryant
Expect the unexpected.
- Bear Bryant
Collection: Preparation
Image of Bob Costas
You have to be simultaneously well-prepared and spontaneous. You don't really know for sure what percentage of the preparation you are going to use, and you don't know exactly where it will apply. So you have to be prepared, but not locked into that preparation.
- Bob Costas
Collection: Preparation
Image of Michelle Dockery
I had dance training from a very young age, 3 or 4... It taught me how to present myself, about preparation and working in an ensemble, and its something that carries with me to this day.
- Michelle Dockery
Collection: Preparation
Image of Charlie Batch
Proper preparation prevents poor performance.
- Charlie Batch
Collection: Preparation
Image of Victor Cruz
My routine is all about preparation.
- Victor Cruz
Collection: Preparation
Image of Colin Kaepernick
Pressure comes from a lack of preparation.
- Colin Kaepernick
Collection: Preparation
Image of Mike Vance
Planning is bringing the future into the present.
- Mike Vance
Collection: Preparation
Image of Gene Weingarten
One thing I am learning from the kitten is that everything he is doing seems to be in preparation for murder.
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Preparation
Image of Timberlake Wertenbaker
Being laughed at is excellent preparation for marriage.
- Timberlake Wertenbaker
Collection: Preparation
Image of Ray Mears
You cannot underestimate the importance of preparation.
- Ray Mears
Collection: Preparation
Image of Vijay Prashad
Leadership is another word for preparation.
- Vijay Prashad
Collection: Preparation
Image of Vijay Prashad
I consider this a kind of neoliberalism of the Left, this rise and promotion of spontaneity above preparation.
- Vijay Prashad
Collection: Preparation
Image of Max Mayfield
Preparation through education is less costly than learning through tragedy.
- Max Mayfield
Collection: Preparation
Image of Arthur Currie
Thorough preparation must lead to success. Neglect nothing.
- Arthur Currie
Collection: Preparation
Image of Charlie Morton
In moments of crisis, the initiative passes to those who are best prepared.
- Charlie Morton
Collection: Preparation
Image of Jeffrey Gitomer
Most salespeople are half prepared. They know everything about their company and their product. They know nothing about their prospect.
- Jeffrey Gitomer
Collection: Preparation
Image of Jeffrey Archer
Time spent on preparation is seldom wasted.
- Jeffrey Archer
Collection: Preparation
Image of Richard Schmid
Be prepared! All of your gear should be in a state of readiness so you can concentrate on painting. Choose your brushes as you would choose weapons before battle.
- Richard Schmid
Collection: Preparation
Image of Lou Holtz
Remember. Every day, some ordinary person does something extraordinary. Today, it's your turn.
- Lou Holtz
Collection: Preparation
Image of Pierre Huyghe
You can go to a psychoanalyst one day and then go the next day and something else will come out. So, yes, there was some preparation. But still, when a person gets hypnotized, you don't really know what the outcome will be.
- Pierre Huyghe
Collection: Preparation
Image of Edward Thomson
Great trials seem to be a necessary preparation for great duties. It would seem that the more important the enterprise, the more severe the trial to which the agent is subjected in his preparation.
- Edward Thomson
Collection: Preparation
Image of Michael Scofield
Preparation can only take you so far , after that you've got to take a few leaps of faith
- Michael Scofield
Collection: Preparation