Francine Rivers

Image of Francine Rivers
I want you to love me. I want you to trust me enough to let me love you, and I want you to stay here with me so we can build a life together. That's what I want
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Love You
Image of Francine Rivers
Stand firm in the Lord. Stand firm and let Him fight your battle. Do not try to fight alone.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Fighting
Image of Francine Rivers
Love God and He will enable you to love others even when they disappoint you.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: God
Image of Francine Rivers
I used to believe the purpose in life is to find happiness. I don’t believe that anymore. I believe we are all given gifts from our Father, and that our purpose is to offer them to Him. He knows how He wants us to use them.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Father
Image of Francine Rivers
Never doubt God in the darkness what he has given us in the light.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Light
Image of Francine Rivers
Beloved, surrender wholeheartedly to Jesus Christ, who loves you. As you drink from the deep well of Scripture, the Lord will refresh you and cleanse you, mold you and re-create you through His Living Word. For the Bible is the very breath of God, giving life eternal to those who seek Him.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francine Rivers
Lord, you are God! You made us. Who better to know how to fix us when we've gone wrong? who better to set us to rights again? Who better to love us through the fire and refine us into something beautiful and useful despite our wrongs?
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Francine Rivers
True beauty is rare, and seldom recognized by the one who possesses it.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: True Beauty
Image of Francine Rivers
We bear the consequences for what we have done to ourselves, and for the sin that rules this world. Jesus forgave the thief, but he didn't take him down off the cross.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francine Rivers
Maybe it's only those who've made such chaos of their lives who can understand the heights and depths of God's mercy.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Height
Image of Francine Rivers
Love the Lord your God, and love one another. Love one another as He loves. Love with strength and purpose and passion and no matter what comes against you. Don't weaken. Stand against the darkness, and love. That's the way back into Eden. That's the way back to life.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Passion
Image of Francine Rivers
I gave up what I can't keep for something I can never lose.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Gave Up
Image of Francine Rivers
Have faith have faith. When you have nothing else have faith.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Have Faith
Image of Francine Rivers
Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.' Whatever happens is to His good purpose and for His glory. I am not afraid.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Purpose
Image of Francine Rivers
Rome tolerated every abominable practice, embraced every foul idea in the name of freedom and the rights of the common man. Citizens no longer carried on deviant behavior in private, but pridefully displayed it in public. It was those with moral values who could no longer freely walk in a public park without having to witness a revolting display. What happened to the public censors who protected the majority of citizenry from moral decadence? Did freedom have to mean abolishing common decency? Did freedom mean anyone could do anything they wanted anytime they wanted, without consequences?
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Mean
Image of Francine Rivers
Michael had once read to her how God had cast a man and woman out of paradise. Yet, for all their human faults and failures. God had shown them the way back in.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Men
Image of Francine Rivers
Better the discomfort that leads to repentance and restoration than temporal comfort and eternal damnation.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Restoration
Image of Francine Rivers
my love isn't a weapon, it's a lifeline, reach out and take hold, and don't let go!
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Francine Rivers
It was no accident, no coincidence, that the seasons came round and round year after year. It was the Lord speaking to us all and showing us over and over again the birth, life, death, and resurrection of his only begotten Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, our Lord. It was like a best-loved story being told day after day with each sunrise and sunset, year after year with the seasons, down through the ages since time began.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francine Rivers
Can you see air you breathe? Can you see the force that moves the tides or changes the seasons or sends the birds to a winter haven?" Her eyes welled. "Can Rome with all its knowledge be so foolish? Oh Marcus, you can't carve God in stone. You can't limit him to a temple. You can't imprison him on a mountaintop. Heaven is his throne; earth, his footstool. Everything you see is his. Empires will rise and empires will fall. Only God prevails.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Moving
Image of Francine Rivers
Love is the way back into Eden. It is the way back to life.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Love Is
Image of Francine Rivers
...for some of us, one mile can be more to walk than thirty.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Redeeming Love
Image of Francine Rivers
You are free, you just don't know it" ~Michael to Sarah
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Redeeming Love
Image of Francine Rivers
Calamity is a blessing when it brings one to God. --- Hadassah
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Blessing
Image of Francine Rivers
As gentle a man as he was, as tender as was his heart, there was nothing weak about Michael Hosea. He was the strongest-minded man Joseph had ever met. A Man like Noah. A Man like the Shepherd-king David. A man after God's own heart.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Kings
Image of Francine Rivers
Everyone wanted to be the best. Best student. Best servant. Best Christian. They got caught up in it, pressing and pushing until they forgot whom it was they were trying to please.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Christian
Image of Francine Rivers
Mara, that's the life I want to give you. That's what I'm offering you. I want to fill you life with color and warmth. I want to fill it with light. Give me a chance
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Light
Image of Francine Rivers
I want to be free Michael, just for once in my whole life I want to be free" "You are free. You just don't know it yet
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Want
Image of Francine Rivers
We all wanted what we wanted, and when the Lord fulfilled HIS purpose rather than ours, we struck out against him. In anger. In disappointment. Yet, it is God's will that prevails.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Francine Rivers
The battle would not take place in the mountains, valleys, or plains of Israel. It would take place in the wilderness of the human heart.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Heart
Image of Francine Rivers
God would light the way. Faith would keep them on the right path.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Light
Image of Francine Rivers
That is one of the reasons I write: to feel the Presence of God and know He is speaking to me in a very personal way, instructing me, correcting me, redirecting me.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Writing
Image of Francine Rivers
Love one another, Jesus said. Sometimes it took a lifetime to learn how. Sometimes it took someone to hit rock bottom to make someone reach up and grasp hold and be lifted from the mire to stand on a firm foundation.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francine Rivers
Anything less than your best dishonors God
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Dishonor
Image of Francine Rivers
Julia looked back at Hadassah on the bloodstained sand. A great emptiness opened within her as she looked at the still form. Gone, too, was the salt that had kept her from completely corruption.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Gone
Image of Francine Rivers
[He] looked up and imagined the hand of God flinging stars like shining dust across the heavens. No. He was wrong to think such pagan thoughts, for God had only to utter a word and it was done. Only man had He shaped with His hands, using the dust He created to form His most precious and amazing creation. Only man was molded and loved into being, the breath of life in his lungs given by God.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Stars
Image of Francine Rivers
Fiction can serve in a non-threatening way to open minds and, I hope, hearts to the Word of God.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Heart
Image of Francine Rivers
The Lord will provide.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Christian
Image of Francine Rivers
I'm going to give you God's truth, little girl. All men want to do is hurt you. Once you give them your heart, they tear it to shreds." ~Francine Rivers; Redeeming Love
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Girl
Image of Francine Rivers
Unless we have something worth dying for, Atretes, we've nothing worth living for.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Dying
Image of Francine Rivers
I've done everything for the wrong reasons. All the good works people credit to me are nothing because I did them expecting God to repay me. I thought if I worked hard enough, God would have to give me what I wanted. The truth is I've never served the Lord at all. I was always serving myself.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Giving
Image of Francine Rivers
I promise to love and cherish you, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth,in the bad that may darken our days, in the good that may light our way. Tirzah, beloved, I promise to be true to you in all things until I die. And even beyond that, God willing
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Light
Image of Francine Rivers
How is it possible to hold such anger against something you don't believe in?
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Believe
Image of Francine Rivers
Jesus has given me eternal life in Him. Let them take my life here, but God holds me in the palm of His hand and no one can take Him from me.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francine Rivers
I'm only a tool, beloved. Not your Savior
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Tools
Image of Francine Rivers
Love doesn't last." She didn't know how much showed her pale face. Meribah's face softened. "Sometimes it does. If it's the right kind.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Doe
Image of Francine Rivers
Why is it only in darkness that we remember what sustained us even in the light?
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Light
Image of Francine Rivers
You said go to her, and I let pride stand in my way. You said she needed me, and I didn't believe. You said love her, and I thought it would be easy.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Believe
Image of Francine Rivers
And if it (life) were easier, would i have given my heart so fully to God? Put your hope in Him, and you won't be disappointed by what life offers
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Heart
Image of Francine Rivers
Better than sweet tea on a veranda. I want to live at Belmont!
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Sweet