Top purpose Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of purpose quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ann Voskamp
God’s purposes are not for me to understand His plans: His plan is for me to understand Who He is.
- Ann Voskamp
Collection: Purpose
Image of Michael Sandel
It's ultimately the purpose of education to cultivate the love of learning for its own sake.
- Michael Sandel
Collection: Purpose
Image of Tommy Tenney
Whatever impresses you attracts you. Whatever you pursue becomes your purpose.
- Tommy Tenney
Collection: Purpose
Image of Franz Schubert
I am in the world only for the purpose of composing.
- Franz Schubert
Collection: Purpose
Image of Katrina Kenison
Meaning and purpose come not from accomplishing great things in the world, but simply from loving those who are right in front of you, doing all you can with what you have, in the time you have, in the place where you are.
- Katrina Kenison
Collection: Purpose
Image of Gary L. Francione
We cannot justify treating any sentient nonhuman as our property, as a resource, as a thing that we an use and kill for our purposes.
- Gary L. Francione
Collection: Purpose
Image of Octavio Paz
The purpose of poetry is to restore to mankind the possibility to wonder.
- Octavio Paz
Collection: Purpose
Image of George S. Clason
Will power is but the unflinching purpose to carry the task you set for yourself to fulfillment.
- George S. Clason
Collection: Purpose
Image of Christopher Golden
To die for others is the highest purpose a person may achieve.
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Purpose
Image of Thornton Wilder
A purpose is the eternal condition of success.
- Thornton Wilder
Collection: Purpose
Image of Czeslaw Milosz
The purpose of poetry is to remind us / how difficult it is to remain just one person.
- Czeslaw Milosz
Collection: Purpose
Image of Eddie Vedder
Music's at its best when it has a purpose.
- Eddie Vedder
Collection: Purpose
Image of Ted Nelson
The purpose of computers is human freedom.
- Ted Nelson
Collection: Purpose
Image of Tom Rath
Make work a purpose, not just a place.
- Tom Rath
Collection: Purpose
Image of Anna Louise Strong
Thus I came to condemn capitalism, not through any oppression endured by me personally, but through that very deification of efficiency which capitalism had taught me, for its own purposes.
- Anna Louise Strong
Collection: Purpose
Image of Amelie Nothomb
The purpose of the photograph is to reveal the love that is felt in a single image.
- Amelie Nothomb
Collection: Purpose
Image of Ann Patchett
But we cannot unbraid the story of another person’s life and take out all the parts that don’t suit our purposes and put forth only the ones that do.
- Ann Patchett
Collection: Purpose
Image of Jojo Moyes
We are all part of some great cycle, some pattern that it was only God's purpose to understand.
- Jojo Moyes
Collection: Purpose
Image of Bob Goff
We won't be distracted by comparison if we're captivated with purpose.
- Bob Goff
Collection: Purpose
Image of Stephen Batchelor
Awakening is the purpose that enfolds all purposes.
- Stephen Batchelor
Collection: Purpose
Image of John Dufresne
The purpose of the first draft is not to get it right, but to get it written.
- John Dufresne
Collection: Purpose
Image of Barry Long
The whole purpose of existence is to bring love into existence where it is needed.
- Barry Long
Collection: Purpose
Image of Rudolf Steiner
Our highest endeavour must be to develop individuals who are able out of their own initiative to impart purpose & direction to their lives.
- Rudolf Steiner
Collection: Purpose
Image of Mark Zuckerberg
If you actually do something you love it's a lot easier and takes on a lot more purpose.
- Mark Zuckerberg
Collection: Purpose
Image of Robert M. Sapolsky
The purpose of science is not to cure us of our sense of mystery and wonder, but to constantly reinvent and reinvigorate it.
- Robert M. Sapolsky
Collection: Purpose
Image of Buddy Wakefield
If you've never been rocked back by the presence of purpose this poem is too soon for you. Return to your mediocrity, plug it into an amplifier and rethink yourself.
- Buddy Wakefield
Collection: Purpose
Image of Richard Baxter
Nothing can be rightly known, if God be not known; nor is any study well managed, nor to any great purpose, if God is not studied. We know little of the creature, till we know it as it stands related to the Creator.
- Richard Baxter
Collection: Purpose
Image of David Niven
I see my purpose in life as making the world a happier place to be in.
- David Niven
Collection: Purpose
Image of Stormie Omartian
One of God's main purposes for your life is to fill you with so much of His love that it overflows onto others.
- Stormie Omartian
Collection: Purpose
Image of Pythagoras
The experience of life in a finite, limited body is specifically for the purpose of discovering and manifesting supernatural existence.
- Pythagoras
Collection: Purpose
Image of Thomas Watson
This crown of free will is fallen from our head" and "If it be God's purpose that saves then it is not free will.
- Thomas Watson
Collection: Purpose
Image of Forrest Carter
Granpa said if there was less words, there wouldn't be as much trouble in the world. He said privately to me that there was always some damn fool making up a word that served no purpose except to cause trouble.
- Forrest Carter
Collection: Purpose
Image of Lee Kuan Yew
I'm not saying that everything I did was right, but everything I did was for an honourable purpose.
- Lee Kuan Yew
Collection: Purpose
Image of Adam Smith
Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production.
- Adam Smith
Collection: Purpose
Image of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
If one is not happy, one has lost the very purpose of life.
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Collection: Purpose
Image of Mark Batterson
Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death.
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Purpose
Image of Anne Rice
There is one purpose to life and one only: to bear witness to and understand as much as possible of the complexity of the world- its beauty, its mysteries, its riddles.
- Anne Rice
Collection: Purpose
Image of Marcus Sedgwick
A story has its purpose and its path. It must be told correctly for it to be understood.
- Marcus Sedgwick
Collection: Purpose
Image of Sarah Brady
There is no personal right to be armed for private purposes unrelated to the service in a well regulated militia.
- Sarah Brady
Collection: Purpose
Image of Pharrell Williams
Clear intentions and clear purpose begets clear results.
- Pharrell Williams
Collection: Purpose
Image of Corey Taylor
Do you serve a purpose, or purposely serve?
- Corey Taylor
Collection: Purpose
Image of Luis Sepúlveda
It was the purest love without purpose other than love itself. Without tenure or jealousy.
- Luis Sepúlveda
Collection: Purpose
Image of Beth Moore
Nothing will kill what you've been called to do more than comparing yourself to someone else.
- Beth Moore
Collection: Purpose
Image of Beth Moore
Every single thing you've been through in your life has had a purpose.
- Beth Moore
Collection: Purpose
Image of Francine Rivers
Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.' Whatever happens is to His good purpose and for His glory. I am not afraid.
- Francine Rivers
Collection: Purpose
Image of Michael Novak
Granted that I must die, how shall I live?
- Michael Novak
Collection: Purpose
Image of James Gleick
It sometimes seems as if curbing entropy is our quixotic purpose in this universe.
- James Gleick
Collection: Purpose
Image of J.A. Redmerski
There was no logic or any sense of purpose except that I knew I had to do something other than what I was doing, or I might not make it through this.
- J.A. Redmerski
Collection: Purpose
Image of John Cowper Powys
If by the time we're sixty we haven't learned what a knot of paradox and contradiction life is, and how exquisitely the good and the bad are mingled in every action we take, and what a compromising hostess Our Lady of Truth is, we haven't grown old to much purpose.
- John Cowper Powys
Collection: Purpose