Edward Abbey

Image of Edward Abbey
I took the other road, all right, but only because it was the easy road for me, the way I wanted to go. If I've encountered some unnecessary resistance that's because most of the traffic is going the other way.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Way
Image of Edward Abbey
Metaphysics is a cobweb that the mind weaves around things.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Mind
Image of Edward Abbey
I'm a humanist; I'd rather kill a man than a snake.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Abbey
Alaska's chief attractions are: (a) its small and insignificant human population, thanks to the miserable climate; and (b) its large and magnificent wildlife population, thanks to (a). Both of these attractions are being rapidly diminished, however, by (c) the Law of Growth and Space-Age Sleaze.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Law
Image of Edward Abbey
Every writer has his favorite coterie of enemies: Mine is the East Coast literati -- those prep school playmates and their Ivy League colleagues.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: School
Image of Edward Abbey
I now find the most marvelous things in the everyday, the ordinary, the common, the simple and tangible.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Simple
Image of Edward Abbey
The result of this bestial lust is an indiscriminate and promiscuous splaying of all of my energies- wanting all, I accomplish nothing; desiring everything, I satisfy nothing and am satisfied by nothing.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Accomplish Nothing
Image of Edward Abbey
The great question of life is not the question of death but the question of life. Fear of death shames us all.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Life Is
Image of Edward Abbey
Rocks, like louseworts and snail darters and pupfish and 3rdworld black, lesbian, feminist, militant poets, have rights, too. Especially the right to exist.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Rights
Image of Edward Abbey
The national parks belong to everyone. To the people. To all of us. The government keeps saying so and maybe, in this one case at least, the government is telling the truth. Hard to believe, but possible.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Believe
Image of Edward Abbey
Phoenix, Arizona: an oasis of ugliness in the midst of a beautiful wasteland.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Edward Abbey
A crowded society is a restrictive society; an overcrowded society becomes an authoritarian, repressive and murderous society.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Crowded
Image of Edward Abbey
My Aunt Ida at age eighty-three: 'Yeah,' she said, 'I'll be dead pretty soon. And frankly, I don't give a damn.'
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Aunt
Image of Edward Abbey
The only thing left worth saving is wilderness.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Saving
Image of Edward Abbey
When the biggest, richest, glassiest buildings in town are the banks, you know that town's in trouble.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Towns
Image of Edward Abbey
James Joyce buried himself in his great work. _Finnegan's Wake_ is his monument and his tombstone. A dead end.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Tombstone
Image of Edward Abbey
Appearance versus reality? Appearance is reality, God damn it!
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Reality
Image of Edward Abbey
Suicide: Don't knock it if you ain't tried it.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Suicide
Image of Edward Abbey
The knowledge that refuge is available, when and if needed, makes the silent inferno of the desert more easily bearable. Mountains complement desert as desert complements city, as wilderness complements and completes civilization.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Nature
Image of Edward Abbey
Cowboys make better lovers: Ask any cow.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Cowboy
Image of Edward Abbey
The canyon country does not always inspire love. To many it appears barren, hostile, repellent - a fearsome mostly waterless land of rock and heat, sand dunes and quicksand, cactus, thornbrush, scorpion, rattlesnake, and agaraphobic distances. To those who see our land in that manner, the best reply is, yes, you are right, it is a dangerous and terrible place. Enter at your own risk. Carry water. Avoid the noonday sun. Try to ignore the vultures. Pray frequently.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Country
Image of Edward Abbey
Wilderness begins in the human mind.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Mind
Image of Edward Abbey
The artist in our time has two chief responsibilities: (1) art; and (2) sedition.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Art
Image of Edward Abbey
In social affairs, I'm an optimist. I really do believe that our military- industrial civilization will soon collapse.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Military
Image of Edward Abbey
My cousin Elroy spent seven years as an IBM taper staring at THINK signs on the walls before he finally got a good idea: He quit.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Cousin
Image of Edward Abbey
I'm happy to respect authority when it's genuine authority, based on moral or intellectual or even technical superiority. I'm eager to follow a hero if we can find one. But I tend to resist or evade any kind of authority based merely on the power to coerce. Government, for example. The Army tried to train us to salute the uniform, not the man. Failed. I will salute the man, maybe, if I think he's worthy of it, but I don't salute uniforms anymore.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Hero
Image of Edward Abbey
Simply because humankind have the power now to meddle or 'manage' or 'exercise stewardship' in every nook and cranny of the world does not mean that we have a right to do so. Even less, the obligation.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Mean
Image of Edward Abbey
If you're never ridden a fast horse at a dead run across a desert valley at dawn, be of good cheer: You've only missed out on one half of life.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Running
Image of Edward Abbey
If, as some say, evil lies in the hearts and not the institutions of men, then there's hardly a distinction worth making between, say, Hitler's Germany and Rebecca's Sunnybrook Farm.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Lying
Image of Edward Abbey
No man-made structure in all of American history has been hated so much, by so many, for so long, with such good reason, as that Glen Canyon Dam at Page, Arizona, Shithead Capital of Coconino County.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Men
Image of Edward Abbey
The world exists for its own sake, not for ours. Swallow *that* pill!
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Pills
Image of Edward Abbey
The best American writers have come from the hinterlands -- Mark Twain, Theodore Dreiser, Jack London, Hemingway, Faulkner, Wolfe, Steinbeck. Most of them never even went to college.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: College
Image of Edward Abbey
Tee Vee football: one team wins, one team loses -- they tie -- who cares? And why?
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Football
Image of Edward Abbey
We live in a time of twin credulities: the hunger for the miraculous combined with a servile awe of science. The mating of the two gives us superstition plus scientism -- a Mongoloid metaphysic.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Two
Image of Edward Abbey
Who needs astrology? The wise man gets by on fortune cookies.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Wise
Image of Edward Abbey
I love America because it is a confused, chaotic mess - and I hope we can keep it this way for at least another thousand years. The permissive society is the free society.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Confused
Image of Edward Abbey
Why I oppose the nuclear-arms race: I prefer the human race.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Race
Image of Edward Abbey
This world may be only illusion -- but it's the only illusion we've got.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: World
Image of Edward Abbey
The nuclear bomb took all the fun out of war.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Fun
Image of Edward Abbey
Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God; this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Positive
Image of Edward Abbey
The more fantastic an ideology or theology, the more fanatic its adherents.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Fantastic
Image of Edward Abbey
Every important change in our society, for the good, at least, has taken place because of popular pressure-pressure from below, from the great mass of people.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Taken
Image of Edward Abbey
As war and government prove, insanity is the most contagious of diseases.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: War
Image of Edward Abbey
We know this apodictic rock beneath our feet. That dogmatic sun above our heads. The world of dreams, the agony of love and the foresight of death. That is all we know. And all we need to know? Challenge that statement.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Dream
Image of Edward Abbey
We are kindred all of us, killer and victim, predator and prey, me and the sly coyote, the soaring buzzard, the elegant gopher snake, and trembling cottontail, the foul worms that feed on our entrails; all of them, all of us. Long live diversity, long live the earth!
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Journey
Image of Edward Abbey
The tank, the B-52, the fighter-bomber, the state-controlled police and military are the weapons of dictatorship. The rifle is the weapon of democracy. Not for nothing was the revolver called an "equalizer."
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Military
Image of Edward Abbey
Christian theology: nothing so grotesque could possibly be true.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Christian