David Levithan

Image of David Levithan
But I want to feel like life matters. I had something real with you, but then the realness scared me. I decided to go for other things instead.
- David Levithan
Collection: Real
Image of David Levithan
We were painting by numbers, starting with the greens. Because that happened to be our favorite color. And this, we figured, had to mean something.
- David Levithan
Collection: Mean
Image of David Levithan
It daunted me that you were so beautiful, that you were so at ease in social situations, as if every room was heliotropic, with you at the center. And I guess it daunted you that I had so many more friends than you, that I could put my words together like this, on paper, and could sometimes conjure a certain sense out of things. The key is to never recognize these imbalances. To not let the dauntingness daunt us.
- David Levithan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Levithan
Deep down? That sounds like settling to me. You shouldn't have to venture deep down in order to get to love.
- David Levithan
Collection: Order
Image of David Levithan
No funny stuff in here tonight, you understand?” Dash said, “I assure you I could not contemplate any of your so-called funny stuff seeing as how I have no idea why I’m even here.” Mark scoffed. “You bookish little pervert.” “Thank you, sir!” Dash said brightly.
- David Levithan
Collection: Ideas
Image of David Levithan
I suspected that what happens in hotel rooms rarely lasts outside of them. I suspected that when something was a beginning and an ending at the same time, that meant it could only exist in the present.
- David Levithan
Collection: Lasts
Image of David Levithan
You went and broke our lives. You are so much worse than a cheater. You killed something. And you killed it when its back was turned.
- David Levithan
Collection: Cheater
Image of David Levithan
If you start the day reading the obituaries, you live your day a little differently.
- David Levithan
Collection: Reading
Image of David Levithan
If goodness can't come from bad things, it makes bad things unbearable.
- David Levithan
Collection: Unbearable
Image of David Levithan
only adj. thats the dilemma isn't it? when you're single, there's the sadness and joy of only me. And when you're paired, there's the sadness and joy of only you.
- David Levithan
Collection: Sadness
Image of David Levithan
you’d think that silence would be peaceful. but really, it’s painful.
- David Levithan
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Levithan
There's no way to release yourself from a memory. It ends when it wants to end, whether it's in a flash or long after you've begged it to stop.
- David Levithan
Collection: Memories
Image of David Levithan
Neophyte, n. There are millions upon millions of people who have been through this before-- why is it that no one can give my good advice?
- David Levithan
Collection: People
Image of David Levithan
Eventually she fell asleep, but I kept the phone against my ear, lulled by her breathing, and her breathing again in the background. And yes, it felt like home. Like everything belonged exactly where it was.
- David Levithan
Collection: Home
Image of David Levithan
Ted is smart and good-looking, but he doesn't use it to good effect, like a rich person that never gives to charity.
- David Levithan
Collection: Smart
Image of David Levithan
I'm not good at relationships I always manage to find the flaws sometimes in others but mostly my own. I foretell the ending then go and create the cause save myself and end up alone
- David Levithan
Collection: Causes
Image of David Levithan
It is much harder to lie to someone's face. But. It is also much harder to tell the truth to someone's face.
- David Levithan
Collection: Lying
Image of David Levithan
I think of friendship in terms of love.
- David Levithan
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Levithan
Told her she was beautiful. Didn't give up when she didn't believe me.
- David Levithan
Collection: Beautiful
Image of David Levithan
Breathing, n You had asthma as a child, had to carry around an inhaler. But when you grew older, it went away. You could run for miles and it was fine. Sometimes I worry that this is happening to me in reverse. The older I get, the more I lose my ability to breathe.
- David Levithan
Collection: Running
Image of David Levithan
Why do we even bother? Why do we make ourselves so open to such easy damage? Is it all loneliness? Is it all fear? Or is it just to experience those narcotic moments of belonging with someone else?
- David Levithan
Collection: Loneliness
Image of David Levithan
There is certainty in a ring. The non-ending, the non-beginning. The ongoing. The way it holds on to you not because it's fastened or stretched or adhered. It holds on because it fits.
- David Levithan
Collection: Ongoing
Image of David Levithan
She asked me what was wrong, and I told her I had to end it. She was surprised, and asked my why I thought so. I told her it wasn't a thought, more a feeling, like I couldn't breathe and knew I had to get some air. It was a survival instinct, I told her. She said it was time for dinner. Then she sat me down and told me not to worry. She said moments like this were like waking up in the middle of the night: You're scared, your'e disoriented, and you're completely convinced you're right. But then you stay awake a little longer and you realize things aren't as fearful as they seem.
- David Levithan
Collection: Night
Image of David Levithan
No, really,' I said. 'I think she's great. And I honestly like her about twenty more times now than I did when we were dating. But love needs to have a future. And Sofia and I don't have a future. We've just had a good time sharing the present, that's all.
- David Levithan
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Levithan
We stay this way until twilight colours the window and the hour calls me home
- David Levithan
Collection: Twilight
Image of David Levithan
Our moments are music, and sometimes – just sometimes – we can catch them and put them into some lasting form. If we didn’t have music, I don’t think we could ever be truly happy, and if we didn’t have special moments, we would never find music.
- David Levithan
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Levithan
Holden Caulfield is the embodiment of what we mean by the phrase “young adult” – too young to be a grown-up, but too wise to the world to be completely innocent. He’s caught in the in-between, and that in-between is what all young adult authors write about.
- David Levithan
Collection: Wise
Image of David Levithan
And I find myself saying, “It wasn’t really about her.” And finding it’s true. What do you mean?” Norah asks. It was about the feeling, you know? She caused it in me, but it wasn’t about her. It was about my reaction, what I wanted to feel and then convinced myself that I felt, because I wanted it that bad. That illusion. It was love because I created it as love.
- David Levithan
Collection: Mean
Image of David Levithan
I close my eyes. And i scream. If my whole world is crashing down around me, then I am going to make the sound of the crashing. I want to scream until all my bones break.
- David Levithan
Collection: Eye
Image of David Levithan
After tiny has tried ballerina pose, swing-batter-batter pose, pump-up-the-jam pose, and top-of-the-mountain-sound-of-music pose in the reflection of the bean, he walks us to a bench overlooking lake shore drive.
- David Levithan
Collection: Reflection
Image of David Levithan
me: why is it upset? shouldn't it be downset? gideon: i will file a lawsuit against the dictionaries first thing tomorrow morning. we're going to tear merriam a new asshole and throw webster inside of it.
- David Levithan
Collection: Morning
Image of David Levithan
that's it - hundreds of texts and conversations, thousands upon thousands of words spoken and sent, all boiled down into a single line. is that what relationships become?
- David Levithan
Collection: Lines
Image of David Levithan
need is never a good basis for any relationship. it has to be much more than that.
- David Levithan
Collection: Needs
Image of David Levithan
Then I go in the den and turn on Law & Order, since the only thing i can really count on in life is that whenever I turn on the TV, there will be a Law & Order episode.
- David Levithan
Collection: Order
Image of David Levithan
I was horribly bookish, to the point of coming right out and saying it, which I knew was not socially acceptable. I particularly loved the adjective bookish, which I found other people used about as often as ramrod or chum or teetotaler.
- David Levithan
Collection: People
Image of David Levithan
I was attempting to write the story of my life. It wasn't so much about plot. It was much more about character.
- David Levithan
Collection: Writing
Image of David Levithan
I just needed to realize that style was like personality - it didn't always have to be consistent; it just had to be something you lived with.
- David Levithan
Collection: Personality
Image of David Levithan
apparel, n.: There are times I don’t mind doing the laundry, because folding your clothes reminds me of the shape of you.
- David Levithan
Collection: Clothes
Image of David Levithan
anchor, v.: I drift, I drift, I drift, you stay.
- David Levithan
Collection: Anchors
Image of David Levithan
If you want to be loved, be a lovable. It's a good place to start.
- David Levithan
Collection: Want
Image of David Levithan
everyone in our school has afterschool activities. mine is going home.
- David Levithan
Collection: Home
Image of David Levithan
It scares me how hard it is to remember life before you. I can't even make the comparisons anymore, because my memories of that time have all the depth of a photograph. It seems foolish to play games of better and worse. It's simply a matter of is and is no longer.
- David Levithan
Collection: Memories
Image of David Levithan
I want my own books to have their own shelves," you said, and that's how I knew it would be okay to live together.
- David Levithan
Collection: Book
Image of David Levithan
There are times when I worry that I've already lost myself. That is, that my self is so inseparable from being with you that if we were to separate, I would no longer be. I save this thought for when I feel the darkest discontent. I never meant to depend so much on someone else.
- David Levithan
Collection: Self
Image of David Levithan
In school, the year was the marker. Fifth grade. Senior year of high school. Sophomore year of college. Then after, the jobs were the marker. That office. This desk. But now that school is over and I've been working at the same place in the same office at the same desk for longer than I can truly believe, I realize: You have become the marker. This is your era. And it's only if it goes on and on that will have to look for other ways to identify the time.
- David Levithan
Collection: Senior
Image of David Levithan
me: you know what sucks about love? o.w.g.: what? me: that it's so tied to the truth.
- David Levithan
Collection: Knows
Image of David Levithan
arrears, n. My faithfulness was as unthinking as your lapse. Of all the things I though would go wrong, I never thought it would be that. "It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you.
- David Levithan
Collection: Mistake
Image of David Levithan
And still, for all the jealously, all the doubt, sometimes I will be struck with a kind of awe that we're together. That someone like me could find someone like you --- it renders me wordless. Because surely words would conspire against such luck, would protest the unlikelihood of such a turn of events.
- David Levithan
Collection: Doubt
Image of David Levithan
placid, adj. Sometimes I love it when we just lie on our backs, gaze off, stay still.
- David Levithan
Collection: Lying