David Cameron

Image of David Cameron
What you call austerity is what I might call efficiency.
- David Cameron
Collection: Austerity
Image of David Cameron
Conservatives believe in the ties that bind us. Society is stronger when we make vows to each other and we support each other. I don't support gay marriage in spite of being a conservative. I support gay marriage because I am a conservative.
- David Cameron
Collection: Believe
Image of David Cameron
Corruption is one of the greatest enemies of progress in our time. It is the cancer at the heart of so many of the world's problems.
- David Cameron
Collection: Cancer
Image of David Cameron
I mean UKIP, I mean it's just a sort of, you know, bunch of fruitcakes and loonies and closet racists, basically.
- David Cameron
Collection: Mean
Image of David Cameron
It's time we admitted that there's more to life than money, and it's time we focused not just on GDP, but on GWB - general well-being.
- David Cameron
Collection: Gdp
Image of David Cameron
For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.
- David Cameron
Collection: Law
Image of David Cameron
I like democracy. I like to be able to throw out my political leaders when they get things wrong, and we don't get to do that with Brussels.
- David Cameron
Collection: Leader
Image of David Cameron
Lots of people call me Dave, my mum calls me David, my wife calls me Dave, I don't really notice what people call me.
- David Cameron
Collection: Wife
Image of David Cameron
We are a great country, and whatever choice we make we will still be great. But I believe the choice is between being an even greater Britain inside a reformed EU or a great leap into the unknown.
- David Cameron
Collection: Country
Image of David Cameron
Britain is characterised not just by its independence but, above all, by its openness. We have always been a country that reaches out. That turns its face to the world.
- David Cameron
Collection: Country
Image of David Cameron
If Donald Trump came to visit Britain I think he would unite us all against him.
- David Cameron
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Cameron
In the past we used to think of poverty in absolute terms - meaning straightforward material deprivation... We need to think of poverty in relative terms - the fact that some people lack those things which others in society take for granted.
- David Cameron
Collection: Past
Image of David Cameron
I intend to end the something for nothing culture
- David Cameron
Collection: Culture
Image of David Cameron
The best chapters in our economic history are those that embrace the many, not the few.
- David Cameron
Collection: Economic History
Image of David Cameron
Every time I visit Iraq or Afghanistan I am blown away.
- David Cameron
Collection: Iraq
Image of David Cameron
It [European Union] has kept the peace in Europe. Countries used to fight and now they talk. We should be attached to that.
- David Cameron
Collection: Country
Image of David Cameron
Simply asking the British people to carry on accepting a European settlement over which they have had little choice is a path to ensuring that when the question is finally put - and at some stage it will have to be - it is much more likely that the British people will reject the EU.
- David Cameron
Collection: People
Image of David Cameron
There is such a thing as society. It's just not the same thing as the state.
- David Cameron
Collection: States
Image of David Cameron
It would be wrong to suggest that Scotland could not be another such successful, independent country.
- David Cameron
Collection: Country
Image of David Cameron
I've always said, not giving too much away, I'm a believer in having all your stars on the pitch.
- David Cameron
Collection: Stars
Image of David Cameron
An EU without Britain, without 1 of Europe's strongest powers, a country which in many ways invented the single market, and which brings real heft to Europe's influence on the world stage which plays by the rules and which is a force for liberal economic reform would be a very different kind of European Union.
- David Cameron
Collection: Country
Image of David Cameron
It's time to place the market within a moral framework - even if that means standing up to companies who make life harder for parents and families.
- David Cameron
Collection: Mean
Image of David Cameron
Today the main, over-riding purpose of the European Union is different: not to win peace, but to secure prosperity.
- David Cameron
Collection: Winning
Image of David Cameron
The well of public opinion has been well and truly poisoned by the Iraq episode.
- David Cameron
Collection: Spring
Image of David Cameron
At the core of the European Union must be, as it is now, the single market. Britain is at the heart of that Single Market, and must remain so.
- David Cameron
Collection: Heart
Image of David Cameron
Now I know which came first - the chicken not the egg.
- David Cameron
Collection: Eggs
Image of David Cameron
I want to talk about the internet, the impact it’s having on the innocence of our children, how online pornography is corroding childhood and how, in the darkest corners of the internet, there are things going on that are a direct danger to our children and that must be stamped out.
- David Cameron
Collection: Children
Image of David Cameron
Because I'm a democrat! The will of the people is sovereign.
- David Cameron
Collection: People
Image of David Cameron
The world economy is more stable than for a generation ... Our hugely sophisticated financial markets match funds with ideas better than ever before.
- David Cameron
Collection: Ideas
Image of David Cameron
We believe in a flexible union of free member states who share treaties and institutions and pursue together the ideal of co-operation. To represent and promote the values of European civilisation in the world. To advance our shared interests by using our collective power to open markets. And to build a strong economic base across the whole of Europe.
- David Cameron
Collection: Strong
Image of David Cameron
Far from being a drag on growth, making our energy sources more sustainable, our energy consumption more efficient, and our economy more resilient to energy price shocks - those things are a vital part of the growth and wealth that we need
- David Cameron
Collection: Growth
Image of David Cameron
The murders in Paris are sickening, we stand with the French people in the fight against terror and defending the freedom of the press.
- David Cameron
Collection: Freedom
Image of David Cameron
The economies in Europe that will prosper, are those that are the greenest and the most energy efficient
- David Cameron
Collection: Europe
Image of David Cameron
...if we all turned down the thermostat in our house by just one degree, we would save over £650 million worth of energy and nearly nine million tonnes of carbon emissions every year. That would be the equivalent of taking three million cars off our roads...we can bring about a Green Consumer Revolution in this country to improve our lives, enrich our economy and protect our environment.
- David Cameron
Collection: Country
Image of David Cameron
I'll be explaining that Britain will be leaving the European Union, but I want that process to be as constructive as possible. And I hope the outcome can be as constructive as possible because of course while we're leaving the European Union, we mustn't be turning our backs on Europe.
- David Cameron
Collection: Europe
Image of David Cameron
It’s probably the most unpopular policy I’m responsible for. I know it is very unpopular, culling badgers. But I believe it is the right thing to do. You have to make choices as a politician. Sometimes it means doing something you know people don’t like.
- David Cameron
Collection: Believe
Image of David Cameron
I think the prospect of bringing back grammar schools has always been wrong and I've never supported it. And I don't think any Conservative government would have done it.
- David Cameron
Collection: School
Image of David Cameron
We can't afford to waste time going slow on changing our party so now is not the time to put our foot on the brake. Now is the time to press on the accelerator.
- David Cameron
Collection: Party
Image of David Cameron
I am Conservative to the core of my being, as those who know me best will testify.
- David Cameron
Collection: Conservative
Image of David Cameron
Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp.
- David Cameron
Collection: People
Image of David Cameron
We have put our country on solid ground, but let me tell you: The next five years are much, much more important. The next five years are about turning the good news in our economy into a good life for you and your family.
- David Cameron
Collection: Life
Image of David Cameron
Everyone knows that I'm all in favour of apprenticeships, but let me tell you this is no time for a novice.
- David Cameron
Collection: Novices
Image of David Cameron
The prime minister says he has a vision for change, well put that to the people of the country.
- David Cameron
Collection: Country
Image of David Cameron
What we’re putting forward is the most radical reform of the welfare state… for 60 years. I think it will have a transformative effect in making sure that everyone is better off in work and better off working rather than on benefits.
- David Cameron
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Cameron
I am just not a great fan of the Piers Morgan format. I would rather do something a bit more substantial.
- David Cameron
Collection: Fans
Image of David Cameron
Cap the well, yes, clear up the mess, yes, make compensation, yes absolutely. But would it be right to have legislation that independently targets BP rather than other companies? I don't think that would be right.
- David Cameron
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Cameron
Some members, like Britain and France, are ready, willing and able to take action in Libya or Mali. Others are uncomfortable with the use of military force. Let's welcome that diversity, instead of trying to snuff it out.
- David Cameron
Collection: Military
Image of David Cameron
We're all agreed that climate change is one of the greatest and most daunting challenges of our age. We have a moral imperative to act and act now.
- David Cameron
Collection: Challenges
Image of David Cameron
People are crying out for a Conservative Party that is decent, reasonable, common sense and in it for the long term of this country.
- David Cameron
Collection: Country