Top growth Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of growth quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Carol S. Dweck
Becoming is better than being
- Carol S. Dweck
Collection: Growth
Image of Sharon Lee
The moment you say 'I know everything' is the end of your growth.
- Sharon Lee
Collection: Growth
Image of Herman E. Daly
Environmental degradation is an iatrogenic disease induced by economic physicians who treat the basic malady of unlimited wants by prescribing unlimited growth.... Yet one certainly does not cure a treatment-induced disease by increasing the treatment dosage.
- Herman E. Daly
Collection: Growth
Image of Herman E. Daly
Growth is widely thought to be the panacea for all the major economic ills of the modern world.
- Herman E. Daly
Collection: Growth
Image of Katrina Kenison
Growth and transformation occur not by changing who we are, but as we summon the courage to be who we are.
- Katrina Kenison
Collection: Growth
Image of Carl Rogers
What you are to be, you are now becoming.
- Carl Rogers
Collection: Growth
Image of Gary L. Francione
Who I've been is not as important as who I'm becoming.
- Gary L. Francione
Collection: Growth
Image of Gregory Maguire
Growth and change were viewed as reactions to conditions met
- Gregory Maguire
Collection: Growth
Image of Bruce H. Lipton
To fully thrive, we must not only eliminate the stressors but also actively seek joyful, loving, fulfilling lives that stimulate growth processes
- Bruce H. Lipton
Collection: Growth
Image of Stella Adler
Growth as an actor and as a human being are synonymous.
- Stella Adler
Collection: Growth
Image of Bernie Glassman
In every area, working with what you habitually reject is one of the best ways to facilitate growth and transformation.
- Bernie Glassman
Collection: Growth
Image of Kevin DeYoung
Here's good news: God is even more committed to your change, your growth, and your transformation than you are.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Growth
Image of Pramoedya Ananta Toer
At the beginning of all growth, everything imitates.
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Collection: Growth
Image of Gail Sheehy
With each passage of human growth we must shed a protective structure . We are left exposed and vulnerable - but also yeasty and embryonic again, capable of stretching in ways we hadn't known before.
- Gail Sheehy
Collection: Growth
Image of Amartya Sen
Economic growth without investment in human development is unsustainable - and unethical.
- Amartya Sen
Collection: Growth
Image of R. A. Salvatore
Change is not always growth, but growth is often rooted in change. Drizzt Do'Urden
- R. A. Salvatore
Collection: Growth
Image of Joan D. Chittister
There is always new life trying to emerge in each of us. Too often we ignore the signs of resurrection and cling to part of life that have died for us.
- Joan D. Chittister
Collection: Growth
Image of Hilary Swank
My biggest growth has been sitting with things that are uncomfortable and dealing with them.
- Hilary Swank
Collection: Growth
Image of Irvin D. Yalom
Life as a therapist is a life of service in which we daily transcend our personal wishes and turn our gaze toward the needs and growth of the other. We take pleasure not only in the growth of our patient but also in the ripple effect—the salutary influence our patients have upon those whom they touch in life.
- Irvin D. Yalom
Collection: Growth
Image of Yevgeny Zamyatin
If we have no heretics we must invent them, for heresy is essential to health and growth.
- Yevgeny Zamyatin
Collection: Growth
Image of Lincoln Steffens
Nothing is done. Everything in the world remains to be done or done over.
- Lincoln Steffens
Collection: Growth
Image of William Pitt
Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom.
- William Pitt
Collection: Growth
Image of Karl Popper
The growth of knowledge depends entirely upon disagreement.
- Karl Popper
Collection: Growth
Image of Ralph Washington Sockman
Our growth depends not on how many experiences we devour, but on how many we digest.
- Ralph Washington Sockman
Collection: Growth
Image of Julie Anne Peters
Your failures and your faults, they stick with you. They glob into ugly, cancerous growths inside you and make you want to die.
- Julie Anne Peters
Collection: Growth
Image of Thomas Sankara
Under its current form, that is imperialism-controlled, debt is a cleverly managed re-conquest of Africa, aiming at subjugating its growth and development through foreign rules. Thus, each one of us becomes the financial slave, which is to say a true slave.
- Thomas Sankara
Collection: Growth
Image of Norman Doidge
If you want to lift a hundred pounds, you don't expect to succeed the first time. You start with a lighter weight and work up little by little. You actually fail to life a hundred pounds, every day, until the day you succeed. But it is in the days when you are exerting yourself that the growth is occurring.
- Norman Doidge
Collection: Growth
Image of Stefan Molyneux
The continual manufacture of enemies is essential to the growth of the fascist state.
- Stefan Molyneux
Collection: Growth
Image of Dee Hock
Failure is not to be feared. It is from failure that most growth comes.
- Dee Hock
Collection: Growth
Image of Geoffrey Moore
The only way an established enterprise can dramatically increase its stock price is by adding a net new high-growth earnings engine to its existing portfolio.
- Geoffrey Moore
Collection: Growth
Image of Jeffrey Katzenberg
Movies are not a growth business.
- Jeffrey Katzenberg
Collection: Growth
Image of John Hickenlooper
We will see the increasingly rapid rate of growth weve already been seeing in Colorado continue.
- John Hickenlooper
Collection: Growth
Image of Theodore Levitt
Every major industry was once a growth industry. But some that are now riding a wave of growth enthusiasm are very much in the shadow of decline. Others that are thought of as seasoned growth industries have actually stopped growing. In every case, the reason growth is threatened, slowed, or stopped is not because the market is saturated. It is because there has been a failure of management.
- Theodore Levitt
Collection: Growth
Image of Herbert Newton Casson
Every winner has scars.
- Herbert Newton Casson
Collection: Growth
Image of William H. Calvin
Stopping emissions growth represents the most minimal of do-something responses.
- William H. Calvin
Collection: Growth
Image of Phil Harding
Everybody talks about population growth and its disastrous effect on climate change, food security and resource depletion, but nobody does anything about it
- Phil Harding
Collection: Growth
Image of Phil Harding
Economic growth won't feed a growing population living on this finite planet
- Phil Harding
Collection: Growth
Image of Phil Harding
Living in an orgy of unrestrained consumption and economic growth accompanied by population expansion that ignores the carrying capacity of local environments will lead to disaster
- Phil Harding
Collection: Growth
Image of Stokely Carmichael
I place my own hope for the United States in the growth of belief among the unqualified that they are in fact qualified: they can articulate and be responsible and hold power
- Stokely Carmichael
Collection: Growth
Image of Gerald May
True growth is a process which one allows to happen rather than causes to happen.
- Gerald May
Collection: Growth
Image of Erin Brockovich
Each disaster became a steppingstone for growth.
- Erin Brockovich
Collection: Growth
Image of Hillel the Elder
Who does not grow, declines.
- Hillel the Elder
Collection: Growth
Image of Thomas Cooper
Knowledge is a plant of slow growth.
- Thomas Cooper
Collection: Growth
Image of Maude Barlow
Unlimited growth assumes unlimited resources, and this is the genesis of Ecocide.
- Maude Barlow
Collection: Growth
Image of Helen LaKelly Hunt
Conflict is growth trying to happen.
- Helen LaKelly Hunt
Collection: Growth
Image of Stewart Brand
Style is time’s fool. Form is time’s student
- Stewart Brand
Collection: Growth
Image of Mignon G. Eberhart
Murder is a plant of slow growth.
- Mignon G. Eberhart
Collection: Growth
Image of Jim Stengel
Maximum growth and high ideals are not incompatible. They’re inseparable.
- Jim Stengel
Collection: Growth
Image of Robert Solow
Computers show up everywhere except the growth statistics.
- Robert Solow
Collection: Growth
Image of Forest Whitaker
I try to be like a forest: revitalizing and constantly growing.
- Forest Whitaker
Collection: Growth