David Brooks

Image of David Brooks
Nonetheless, so whether it's unconstitutional or not [for judges to overruling presidents], I leave to others.
- David Brooks
Collection: Judging
Image of David Brooks
There has never been evidence that people from these [banned] countries are disproportionately likely to commit terrorist acts. We have sent chaos to the airports. We have offended the world. We have derailed the administration. We have done it in such an incompetent way, the administration has, that people with perfectly legal residence have been widely inconvenienced.
- David Brooks
Collection: Country
Image of David Brooks
It's the rising tide of enmity in the country, Donald Trump attacking judges, Donald Trump attacking John McCain, Senator [Richard] Blumenthal, the town halls, the riots in Berkeley. You have got the incivility on the floor of the United States Senate. You have got just a rising tide, every single story.
- David Brooks
Collection: Country
Image of David Brooks
[Betsy DeVos] is quite a smart person, capable, pretty sophisticated in subtle thought. And so to me, that puts her in the realm of policy. But we're in a climate where, as today, she tries to visit a school, and she can't even do that because protesters are blocking that.
- David Brooks
Collection: Block
Image of David Brooks
The moral foundation of the society, the way we interact with each other is more fundamental than the Supreme Court.
- David Brooks
Collection: Foundation
Image of David Brooks
We shouldn't just allow gay marriage. We should insist on gay marriage. We should regard it as scandalous that two people could claim to love each other and not want to sanctify their love with marriage and fidelity.
- David Brooks
Collection: Gay
Image of David Brooks
Donald Trump is sitting on the control deck of the starship Enterprise, and he can push a lot of pretty buttons, but those buttons aren't connected to anything. And so nothing is happening.
- David Brooks
Collection: Buttons
Image of David Brooks
I sort of feel we have to owe some respect to the process and owe some respect to the electorate and the people who voted Donald Trump, on the assumption that they have something to teach us.
- David Brooks
Collection: People
Image of David Brooks
Students are too busy jumping through the next hurdle in the résumé race to figure out what they really want. They are too frantic tasting everything on the smorgasbord to have life-altering encounters. They have a terror of closing off options. They have been inculcated with a lust for prestige and a fear of doing things that may put their status at risk.
- David Brooks
Collection: Jumping
Image of David Brooks
Donald Trump has a pre-modern monarchic family structure. His business is a monarchy with family members all around. His administration is a monarchy with family members all around.
- David Brooks
Collection: Administration
Image of David Brooks
Republicans are living in a hermetically sealed Republican universe, just as Democrats are. And so they're responding to their own universe, even if it leads to electoral downfall.
- David Brooks
Collection: Republican
Image of David Brooks
Palin is smart, politically skilled, courageous and likable. Her convention and debate performances were impressive.
- David Brooks
Collection: Smart
Image of David Brooks
Donald Trump is sort of an Orwellian figure, an authoritarian figure who is twisting words in an Orwellian manner, "1984," to exercise power and control people's minds, or is he a 5-year-old who has an ego that needs to be fed, and the universe has to warp around his ego needs so he can feel good about himself, and everybody has to produce photos to make the monarch feel like he's made of gold.
- David Brooks
Collection: Exercise
Image of David Brooks
Through American history, we have had populist movements that often, often, often have this ugly racial element. But, often, there are warning signs of some deeper social and economic problem.
- David Brooks
Collection: Elements
Image of David Brooks
Russian hackers interfered in our elections, and we like penalized a few of them. Whatever they're doing underground, we don't know. No, this is going to be a big issue. And I have to say the Barack Obama - the Donald Trump position is, A, mystifying, but, B, doomed. He has a nice little Vladimir Putin romance going on right now. I think we're going to get out the hankies, because this is going to turn into an ugly relationship within a year or two.
- David Brooks
Collection: Nice
Image of David Brooks
Self-actualization is what educated existence is all about. For members of the educated class, life is one long graduate school. When they die, God meets them at the gates of heaven, totes up how many fields of self-expression they have mastered, and then hands them a divine diploma and lets them in.
- David Brooks
Collection: School
Image of David Brooks
The prevailing view is that geniuses are largely built, not born.
- David Brooks
Collection: Views
Image of David Brooks
It’s not that Egypt doesn’t have a recipe for a democratic transition. It seems to lack even the basic mental ingredients.
- David Brooks
Collection: Egypt
Image of David Brooks
The things that make them similar - their machismo, their expansionary braggadocio - is going to turn them I think into bitter and dangerous enemies. We will look back on this moment where we thought Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump were sort of close as a moment of bitter irony, when they get into a schoolyard display against each other, amping up each other's worst tendencies and putting the two countries in some sort of scary position.
- David Brooks
Collection: Country
Image of David Brooks
Big Brother is not the only danger facing the country. Another is the rising tide of distrust, the corrosive spread of cynicism, the fraying of the social fabric and the rise of people who are so individualistic in their outlook that they have no real understanding of how to knit others together and look after the common good.
- David Brooks
Collection: Country
Image of David Brooks
Barack Obama won such a big electoral mandate because a lot of people thought he was - transcended partisan and ideological barriers and was going to put aside the old debates. So, he was able to get a lot of moderates and a lot of independents.
- David Brooks
Collection: People
Image of David Brooks
People generally don't suffer high rates of PTSD after natural disasters. Instead, people suffer from PTSD after moral atrocities. Soldiers who've endured the depraved world of combat experience their own symptoms. Trauma is an expulsive cataclysm of the soul.
- David Brooks
Collection: People
Image of David Brooks
Most people don't form a self and then lead a life. They are called by a problem, and the self is constructed gradually by their calling.
- David Brooks
Collection: Self
Image of David Brooks
Sometime over the past generation we became less likely to object to something because it is immoral and more likely to object to something because it is unhealthy or unsafe. So smoking is now a worse evil than six of the Ten Commandments, and the word sinful is most commonly associated with chocolate.
- David Brooks
Collection: Past
Image of David Brooks
We live in a culture that encourages us to be big about ourselves, and I think the starting point of trying to build inner goodness is to be a little bit smaller about yourself.
- David Brooks
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Brooks
Populists hate journalists, they hate teachers, they hate lawyers, but they tend to like rich people. There's something deeply consistent.
- David Brooks
Collection: Teacher
Image of David Brooks
If you're a soldier or marine in an Arab country, Islam is the solution. And you need to show respect.
- David Brooks
Collection: Country
Image of David Brooks
Economists sometimes do try to reduce behavior to law-like predictability. But people respond differently to different primes, to different contexts even from one moment to the next. We possess multiple selves that are aroused by different circumstances.
- David Brooks
Collection: Self
Image of David Brooks
I don't think history will ever be a science because history will never be reduced to law-like behavior. People are to unpredictable.
- David Brooks
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Brooks
One of the frustrations about the modern world is that we don't even have a good vocabulary to describe our state. The word sentiment sounds mushy. [...] Sentiment is not mushy.
- David Brooks
Collection: Frustration
Image of David Brooks
I take a benign view of digital connectedness. I notice in most young people's lives, Facebook and such doesn't replace normal dating or hanging out, it just facilitates it.
- David Brooks
Collection: Views
Image of David Brooks
I don't think the Palestinians are in this position they're in, divided with Hamas and the P.A., unwilling to allow - or recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
- David Brooks
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Brooks
Israel is a country of six million people. They need the U.S. It used to be bipartisan on Israeli politics. You never messed with that relationship. The fact that [ Benjamin] Netanyahu is willing to do that, I thought would horrify voters more than it turned out it did.
- David Brooks
Collection: Country
Image of David Brooks
I'm beginning to think [Ted] Cruz had a good convention, that if [Donald] Trump goes down, Cruz is pretty well positioned to be the Republican major figure in four, six or even within two years.
- David Brooks
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Brooks
Jim Stavridis is the former NATO commander who is sometimes on people's lists, also very plausible, self-possessed, someone with sobriety.
- David Brooks
Collection: Self
Image of David Brooks
Tim Kaine has been obviously a governor. He's been a senator. He's one of the smartest rising stars in the Democratic Party. He is very plausible as someone who could sit in and be president.
- David Brooks
Collection: Stars
Image of David Brooks
With the case of [Mike] Pence, giving a little aurora of likability to a candidate, a lead candidate who's a little lacking in that department.
- David Brooks
Collection: Giving
Image of David Brooks
The technology's going to change, but what people want to read is going to be basically the same.
- David Brooks
Collection: Technology
Image of David Brooks
Putin's an egomaniac, so there are two ways he can process his ego mania. He can say, "Oh, I stood up to the U.S.," or, "Hey, I'm essential to the world order."
- David Brooks
Collection: Order
Image of David Brooks
I don't know if I'm sexist, though I have not paid much attention to the women's bracket.
- David Brooks
Collection: Attention
Image of David Brooks
I agree with the idea of cutting [budget], but it should all be coming out of entitlements for the affluent and not out of domestic discretionary, which is welfare, education, all the stuff the government does, parks, FBI, and it shouldn't be coming out of Medicaid.
- David Brooks
Collection: Cutting
Image of David Brooks
If you know that most processing is below the level of awareness, you learn the value of sleep. You're brain is working on the problem anyway.
- David Brooks
Collection: Sleep
Image of David Brooks
I learned I'm not a science writer. I'm not very good at describing how something is happening. I try to describe "So What?"
- David Brooks
Collection: Trying
Image of David Brooks
Some children lack tools to see their course in the world in far-sighted ways. Just introducing school vouchers won't change that. You have to have nurse-home partnerships, early childhood education, mentoring programs and so on. People learn from people they love.
- David Brooks
Collection: Children
Image of David Brooks
No matter where you are on politics, I think it is wonderful to see candidates funding campaigns not by talking to a very small number of very rich people, but by reaching out to a very large number of citizens.
- David Brooks
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Brooks
There are no free and democratic and wealthy countries in the world that have US rate of gun violence. We have to worry about loners and alienated people. We have to do better on mental health.
- David Brooks
Collection: Country
Image of David Brooks
When you're running for president, you're a guest in the living room for four years. And if people don't think you're going to be around the living room as a pleasant experience, they're not going to vote for you even if they agree with you.
- David Brooks
Collection: Running
Image of David Brooks
When you're running for president you have to take some risks and you've got to show people something fresh and you've got to stay interesting.
- David Brooks
Collection: Running
Image of David Brooks
When your institution is under assault, you're feeling like the weight is on it and the history might be flowing away, don't turn inward, go outward.
- David Brooks
Collection: Feelings