Cinda Williams Chima

Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Han spotted a child‟s homespun dolly in the ditch, pressed into the mud. He reined in, meaning to climb down and fetch it so he could clean it up for his little sister. Then he remembered that Mari was dead and had no need of dollies anymore. Grief was like that. It gradually faded into a dull ache, until some simple sight or sound or scent hit him like a hammer blow.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Children
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
But maybe it's better to go after something, and not get it, than to not even try.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Trying
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Nobody's going to hand you anything. You don't get what you don't go after.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Hands
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Ellen could have killed me," Jack said quietly, "but she didn't. She saved my life." "How come?" Fitch demanded. "After all this?" Ellen turned scarlet and stared at the ground. "Maybe none of my opponents ever gave me flowers before," she mumbled.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Flower
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Just remember who you are... The world will try to change you into someone else. Don't let them. That's the best advice anyone can give you.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Giving
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
I'd rather have a go at life, so there's something to talk about once we're gone.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Gone
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
How'd it go with Leesha?" "It was great! We were bad cop and bad cop!
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Cop
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Don't expect much and you won't be disappointed.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Disappointed
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
He's not lazy. He's just highly inefficient.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Lazy
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Will you give the girl to me?" she said. "Will you let me try?" He nodded, dizzy with relief. "Please, Willo. Please. Save her. It doesn't matter...what happens to me.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Girl
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
And, like a fool, she kissed him back. Kissed him a way that would leave no doubt about the way she felt about him. Kissed him because she knew the chances were slim she'd have very many kisses like that in her lifetime. Which is a sad thing when you're only seventeen.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Kissing
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
My tagline is ‘Less sex, more romance, lower body count.’
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Sex
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
A fiction writer is never entirely alone. Her characters are constantly whispering in her ear.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Character
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
You couldn’t keep your mouth shut? I’m calling you Glitterhair from now on. Or Talksalot.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Calling
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
A vocation is not something you slap on, like a coat of paint, and change whenever you want. A vocation is built into you. You have no choice. If you try to do something else, you fail.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Choices
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
His aster-blue eyes shown out from a face blackened by bruises and soot, his fair hair glittering in the firelight. Dressed all in black, silhouetted against flame, he looked rather like a demon, raised from the dead, trading for souls on the other side.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Eye
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
If he even survives." She shivered, and Amon put his arm around her, drawing her into his steady warmth. "It's that bad?" Raisa nodded. "He looked...he looked awful, Amon. Willo doesn't know if he'll...She's worried about him. My mother died, and I never got to tell her that I loved her, that I finally understood - just a little anyway. If Han dies too, I don't know what I'll do.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Mother
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Admit nothing - that was his first rule. Appeal to logic - second rule. Delay the inevitable - third rule.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Delay
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Weird is good, strange is bad.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Strange
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
We may all end up dead, but we're sticking it to them in the meantime.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: May
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Falling in love was like falling off a cliff. It felt pretty much like flying until you hit the ground.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Jason settled back on the bench. 'I hate to break this to you, but as a rule, wizards are nasty people. They're powerful, capricious, ruthless, egotistical, used to getting their own way. That's being kind.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Powerful
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Jason felt humiliated and frustrated. Rejected by a rock.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Rocks
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Haven't you heard about me?" he said, with a tight smile. "I'm really a very dangerous person." And he did look dangerous until he said, "Look, could you watch Dog for me while I'm gone? I can't take him where I'm going.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Dog
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
He would find a way to make it work, because he finally understood that sometimes you have to raise your expectations. And sometimes you need to make a claim on the world and the people you love to get what you most desire
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: People
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
I have lost everything, Han thought. Then he corrected himself. Every time I think I’ve lost everything, I find there’s still something else to lose.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Thinking
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
The only way to get what you want is to make them more afraid of you than they are of each other.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Words Of Wisdom
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
If you want to be a writer, you must be in love with the process of writing, whether you achieve financial success or not.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Writing
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
There's something about a roof isn't there? It makes you feel like it doesn't matter what's going on below. All of those things that get in the way of your dreams - you're above them. Anything is possible.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Dream
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
I live in the present because the future is always chancy. When it comes to being with you, I'm willing to take the risk.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Risk
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
The answer is no, I would rather marry the Demon King himself than marry you. I suggest you look elsewhere for a bride. And heaven help the one you choose.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Kings
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Just a rat, she repeated to herself. After all, there were rats in the palace. Human and otherwise. Could be worse.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Rats
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
He expects nothing, she thought, because he's never had anything. And nothing was expected of him. He was free in a way she never would be.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Would Be
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
The human mind had a remarkable ability both to discount what it sees and make reality conform to expectation.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Reality
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Plus he was naturally lucky at cards. As Mam had always said, lucky at cards, or lucky at life. One or the other. Not both.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Lucky
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
The next chamber is full of songbirds, if I remember right. Their music is like turtleweed. It will put you to sleep if you listen to it. They sleep most of the time, so the best thing is to pass through without waking them up. If they do awaken, then you must sing loud enough to drown out their music." "Great," Han said. "Whose idea was that?" "It seemed like a good idea at the time," Crow said. "I was an excellent singer.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Sleep
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
You didn't have to go to the fireworks with him. Or - or let him fondle you." "Fondle?" Raisa raised her eyebrows, "When did I mention fondling?
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Eyebrows
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Whoa, Rebecca," Talia said smiling even wider, "Walking on the wild side, are we?" Raisa seemed to think the situation needed more explaining. "He - uh - I'm tutoring him." "She is," Han said solemnly. "She's very good. I'm learning a lot." Pearlie snickered. "What's she teaching you?" "Well," Han said, "we're jumping around a lot.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Teaching
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Her clothes still smoked from the wizard’s assault. But to him, she always smelled of flowers.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Flower
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
So you questioned him?" Raisa prompted. "What did he say for himself?" "Well, the first thing Gillen does is steal his purse and beat him with a club." Amon said.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Doe
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Just tell me you don't love me, and I'll let the matter drop." "What?" "What I said. Just say, 'Rai, I don't love you and I never will'. It's that simple." "Raisa, this is getting us nowhere." "Say it!
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Love You
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Like a stand of lodgepole pines in a gale Raisa's followers all went down leaving her standing alone....There's no shelter for me not from any of this. I'll stand alone the rest of my life. THE GRAY WOLF THRONE p. 163
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Leaving
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
But I don't want your throne." "Then what do you want?" "You.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Thrones
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
You do not respond to an attempt on your life with a slap on the hand. Or a joke.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Hands
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
She padded toward Han, barefoot, like a faerie startled out of a forest bower, bewitching mix of clan and flatland beauty.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Forests
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Oh, I am getting married," Raisa said sleepily. "You promised me that if I agreed to marry you, that you would make it happen." She extended her hand, the one with the ring Han had given her, and waved it under his nose. "So. It's time to pay up.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Hands
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
I continue to believe in miracles. But i know that miracles come to those who work very hard
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Believe
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
History,' Mari muttered, as if she'd overheard his thoughts. 'Why do we need to know what happened before we were born?' 'So hopefully we get smarter and don't make the same mistakes again.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Mistake
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
Crow paced back and forth, his form flickering like flame. "It's been a thousand years, Alister. I never intended for anyone to find it, so it's very well protected. One little misstep, and you and my line will be history." "Since when are you so concerned about your line?" Han said. Crow stared at him for a long moment. "Since I found out I had one.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Flames
Image of Cinda Williams Chima
I've found it wise to enjoy any time of truce, while recognizing it for what it is. A truce.
- Cinda Williams Chima
Collection: Wise