Charlize Theron

Image of Charlize Theron
As you get older, you get wrinkles and your boobs sag. But you get wisdom, too. So it's not all bad!
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Wrinkles
Image of Charlize Theron
I like hard work. I like putting the effort towards it and then being able to look at it and go, "All right, I did that."
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Charlize Theron
Other than vaccines and finding a cure, most funding goes toward putting people on treatment. That's completely valid and I understand that, but it's never how we're going to stop AIDS.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Vaccines
Image of Charlize Theron
It's pretty impossible to be a South African and not have been personally affected by HIV or AIDS.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Hiv
Image of Charlize Theron
In life we want to challenge ourselves...
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Challenges
Image of Charlize Theron
I don't really talk about my personal life and I don't really talk about my relationships. I'm not a big partier. I like the simplicity of my life, and I've chosen the kind of life I really want to live. I don't think my life is boring at all.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Thinking
Image of Charlize Theron
I tend to ... if I decide to do a job, want to be able to trust my director...
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlize Theron
Fran McDormand was great because she said, 'What I used to do when I worked with him was I would just walk on the set and I would give him a big hug. Somehow his guard would just drop.' So I took that advice.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Giving
Image of Charlize Theron
Remember I came to Albuquerque to do a hair and makeup test and wardrobe fitting; you guys were already shooting. It's tough when the movie's already started and you kind of show up. You're the new kid on the block. I walked onto the set and Tommy [Lee Jones] was about to do the scene. I just kind of walked up to him. I was shaking, but I just gave him this big hug and he just had nothing to say. He was like, 'Gotta go to work now.' I had a great time working with him."
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Block
Image of Charlize Theron
It [Hancock] happens to be a big budget film and big star like Will Smith, but it actually has a lot of weight to it. But it was very smart and very intelligent and had this kind of historical element to it that I was fascinated by. It's not silly. It's not stupid. It's fun, but I think it's smart. I think Akiva [Goldsman] writes really interesting material and there you have it.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Stars
Image of Charlize Theron
I met a woman in Albuquerque and she came and hung out with me in the trailer. It was really just more to kind of really understand my biggest concern was always the interrogation scenes. Remember, that's why I really wanted to meet somebody because you see those scenes on TV so much.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Tvs
Image of Charlize Theron
I'm a tough girl, and I can go without a shower bot a week and be fine with that. But I will not sleep on dirty sheets.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Girl
Image of Charlize Theron
When I find something that I really like and I can get it off, then I put my time and energy into that. It is a lot of work....
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Energy
Image of Charlize Theron
There are very, very few brands that will be brave enough to really, completely take a step back and not to try and control what is considered beautiful.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Charlize Theron
It took a while for me to be able to sit in a room of studios and financiers and say, "I'm not some hoity-toity actress looking for a vanity deal - I really know how to make a film!" In order to do that, you've got to break your f-cking back.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Film
Image of Charlize Theron
The idea of stuff just hanging in my closet and not being used - there's a little bit of the African in me that gets bothered by that [somewhat].
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Ideas
Image of Charlize Theron
You're very in tune with, because actors are all different, and it's very tricky when you throw us all together because we all work differently. You want to get the best work out of every individual actor.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Work Out
Image of Charlize Theron
I think since I did Monster I really started understanding how hard it is for first time directors. I think there's a lot of great stories out there, but it's high risk.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Thinking
Image of Charlize Theron
I feel like I know South Africans. I feel like I know our culture.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Culture
Image of Charlize Theron
There's always been a celebration of what is that moment, whoever I am at that moment in my life. [It] is a very real way of looking at beauty.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Real
Image of Charlize Theron
I don't want to live in a world where I just kind of play on my naïveté - well if I don't know it, then it doesn't exist.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Play
Image of Charlize Theron
You can shave your head, but I've had to gain a lot of weight for movies, I've had to drop weight really fast for movies. I've had to learn accents or embody physical behaviors or twitches and things like that. And sometimes you take to some things easily and sometimes [not]. That's the challenge of the job.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlize Theron
I can be a really good mother because I'm happy.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Mother
Image of Charlize Theron
I'd be unbelievably wrong to say there isn't such a thing as the right place, right time-luck.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Luck
Image of Charlize Theron
The human condition is all about us pretending to be something sometimes that we're not. When you get into the core of people kind of stripping all of that away, that's for me, as an actor, always the most fun stuff to do.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Fun
Image of Charlize Theron
I look at my career and how I'm doing it now. I feel like there is something authentic in that process that I still try not to over manipulate. When I feel something, I try to listen to that.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Careers
Image of Charlize Theron
I want to be in a good movie, and so the narrative is way more important.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Good Movie
Image of Charlize Theron
I don't want to be put on a pedestal. I don't want to be anything other than what we are. I want to just be a woman.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Pedestal
Image of Charlize Theron
In the story, I think as an actor you're just trying to fit into the world.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Thinking
Image of Charlize Theron
I just want to make good movies. Honestly, the only difference for me with this stuff is that there is more people on the set.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Differences
Image of Charlize Theron
We don't live the lives of Eskimos. We don't need to kill animals for fashion.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Fashion
Image of Charlize Theron
[If you want to] ask the question what is beautiful? It's the life that you lead. It's the life that all women lead.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Charlize Theron
Our mechanics are engineered so that we can survive quite a lot, but I think our need to be loved is so great that it’s the thing that damages us the most.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Thinking
Image of Charlize Theron
I've never been driven by box office.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Office
Image of Charlize Theron
I think that women find their strength and power in their sexuality, in their sensuality within, [through] getting older and being secure within that.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Thinking
Image of Charlize Theron
I'm open to anything, dude. I'm open to anything. That's what I would ask the aliens. I'd be like, "Do you watch 'Game of Thrones?'"
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Games
Image of Charlize Theron
People always say to me, "What's wrong with Hollywood? They don't want to make female-driven movies." And that's not where the problem lies. It lies with us, in society. When we make these movies, nobody goes to see them.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Lying
Image of Charlize Theron
I do think that when you're specifically working in a country like South Africa, you have to be able to be aware of the cultural truth of what people are raised in and believe in and how they function within their society.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Country
Image of Charlize Theron
I think good filmmaking is when you really hold the mirror up truthfully, and you don't angle it and you don't hide things with smoke and mirrors.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Thinking
Image of Charlize Theron
I've never been a fan of labels. I think its very easy to kind of look at somebody and just kind of throw a label on them 'They're crazy.'
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Crazy
Image of Charlize Theron
My interests still are my interests. That doesn't make me a bad mother. I think that makes me a really good mother, because when I go and creatively satisfy myself and those interests, I come home satisfied.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Mother
Image of Charlize Theron
I was pretty much a mess out of primary school. I really experienced a lot more of that stuff from the ages of seven to twelve, where there was a really popular girl at my school, and I was obsessed with her, like you'd go to jail for that stuff today. I'm so embarrassed to say this, but I was in tears one day, because I couldn't sit next to her.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Girl
Image of Charlize Theron
My job is to be a blank canvas & embody the characters that I'm playing.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlize Theron
Life is what you make it... and nowhere close to making mine the best it can be.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Life Is
Image of Charlize Theron
Actors - we're selfish, but we can't think about the work in that kind of selfish manner. I think that you have to step away from yourself, if you're going to do it. Otherwise don't do it; otherwise why do it?
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Selfish
Image of Charlize Theron
I'm very attracted to characters who don't necessarily make it easy to be loved.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Character
Image of Charlize Theron
I know what I'm capable of wearing in one lifetime and what I really need.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Needs
Image of Charlize Theron
You just don't know if you'll be around tomorrow. You just don't.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Tomorrow
Image of Charlize Theron
I think a sense of humor is a very personal thing, and I don't know if I am talented enough to do romantic comedies.
- Charlize Theron
Collection: Thinking