Brian Tracy

Image of Brian Tracy
The key to success is for you to make a habit throughout your life of doing the things you fear.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
Whenever you set a goal of any kind, you will have to grow and develop to the point where you are ready to achieve it.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Goal
Image of Brian Tracy
Your incredible brain can take you from rags to riches, from loneliness to popularity, and from depression to happiness and joy - if you use it properly.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Success
Image of Brian Tracy
You can judge the validity of any idea or concept by asking Is this true for me?
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Ideas
Image of Brian Tracy
If you have a clear goal and a plan to achieve it, your focus is fixed on a set course of action. Instead of becoming sidetracked by distractions and diversions, your time is focused on a straight line from start to finish.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Clear Goals
Image of Brian Tracy
Whatever job you take on, make yourself valuable, then indispensable.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Tracy
The history of the human race is the history of ordinary people who have overcome their fears and accomplished extraordinary things.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
What would you dare to dream if you knew you wouldn't fail?
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Dream
Image of Brian Tracy
Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goals.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
Success is predictable.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Motivational
Image of Brian Tracy
Never settle for anything less than your best.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
If you want to be the best, find out what the top people do & do it yourself.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Brian Tracy
Everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
If you envy successful people, you create a negative force field of attraction that repels you from ever doing the things that you need to do to be successful. If you admire successful people, you create a positive force field of attraction that draws you toward becoming more and more like the kinds of people that you want to be like.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
You are where you are and what you are because of yourself, nothing else. Nature is neutral. Nature doesn't care. If you do what other successful people do, you will enjoy the same results and rewards that they do. And if you don't, you won't.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Successful
Image of Brian Tracy
...decide for yourself what makes you truly happy and then organize your life around it. Write down your goals and make plans to achieve them.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Tracy
The difference between successes and failures in life is simply that winners take the first step.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Life
Image of Brian Tracy
If you could find out what the most successful people did in any area and then you did the same thing over and over, you'd eventually get the same result they do.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Successful
Image of Brian Tracy
Almost all unhappiness in life comes from the tendency to blame someone else.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Happiness
Image of Brian Tracy
Your financial success is directly related to the size of the problem you solve for other people (solve BIG problems and you'll make BIG money).
- Brian Tracy
Collection: People
Image of Brian Tracy
The quality of your thinking is largely determined by the quantity of the information you have with which to work
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brian Tracy
Truthfulness is the main element of character.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brian Tracy
Persistence is the great measure of individual human character.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Brian Tracy
Your thoughts, vividly imagined and repeated, charged with emotion, become your reality.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Reality
Image of Brian Tracy
People don't trust conglomerates; they trust individuals. Network marketing brings trust and the quality of the relationship to the center of the business. And it enables you to expand indefinitely, simply by expanding the number of relationships.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Numbers
Image of Brian Tracy
Flood your life with ideas from many sources. Creativity needs to be exercised like a muscle. If you don't use it, you'll lose it!
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Creativity
Image of Brian Tracy
Entrepreneurial leadership requires the ability to move quickly when opportunity presents itself.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Brian Tracy
Economists say the inability to delay gratification is a primary predictor of economic failure in life.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Inability
Image of Brian Tracy
The more times and the more different things you try, the more likely it is that you will succeed.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Trying
Image of Brian Tracy
Determine a single measure that you can use to grade your progress and success in each area of your life. Refer to it daily.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Progress
Image of Brian Tracy
Unconditional acceptance of others is the key to happy relationships.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Happiness
Image of Brian Tracy
Obstacles come to instruct, not obstruct.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Obstacles
Image of Brian Tracy
Failure is an indispensable prerequisite of success. It is how you learn the lessons you need.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Needs
Image of Brian Tracy
Describe your product in terms of what it does not in terms of what it is.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Doe
Image of Brian Tracy
If there is no cure, you must endure.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Cures
Image of Brian Tracy
The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. All business activities must be focused on this central purpose.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Purpose
Image of Brian Tracy
Outstanding leaders have a sense of mission, a belief in themselves and the value of their work.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Leader
Image of Brian Tracy
Do the tasks that causes you the most fear, anxiety, or stress - and get over it.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Stress
Image of Brian Tracy
Be more concerned about what's right rather than who's right.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Concerned
Image of Brian Tracy
List 20 things you are going to do in the next 30 days to fast-start your career. Then take action on at least one of them.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Careers
Image of Brian Tracy
One of the things we know is that you cannot motivate other people, but you can remove the obstacles that stop them from motivating themselves. All motivation is self-motivation.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Brian Tracy
A hundred years ago-even 20 or 30 years ago-it was possible, if not always easy, to close major business by calling on and satisfying a key decision-maker. Today, every piece of business entails multiple decisions, and those decisions are virtually never made by the same person. Not only do you have to contend with multiple decisions, but the people who make those decisions may not even work in the same place.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Years
Image of Brian Tracy
Flexibility in a time of great change is a vital quality of leadership.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Quality
Image of Brian Tracy
If you want to develop courage, then simply act courageously when it's called for. If you do something over and over again, you develop a habit. Some people develop the habit of courage. Some people develop the habit of non-courage.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: People
Image of Brian Tracy
When you make a to-do list, you should also make a to-not-do list. Warren Buffet was asked about the secret to success, and he said that it was saying no to almost everything. Some of those little tasks won't matter as long as you get the big tasks done.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Long
Image of Brian Tracy
Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of leadership. Always keep your word.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Motivational
Image of Brian Tracy
Visualize and think about yourself as you would ideally like to be, not just as you are.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brian Tracy
Spend unbroken chunks of time with the most important people in your life.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: People
Image of Brian Tracy
Unsuccessful people get up whenever they feel like it and the first thing they do is watch television, read the paper, or check email. The rest of the day is pretty much 50% below maximum performance.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: People