Brené Brown

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We have to be women we want our daughters to be.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Daughter
Image of Brené Brown
Perfectionism is a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it's the thing that's really preventing us from taking flight.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brené Brown
Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Business
Image of Brené Brown
Cruelty is easy, cheap and rampant.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Easy
Image of Brené Brown
The only universal language I know of that wraps up joy and gratitude and love is laughter.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Brené Brown
Courage, the original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language -- it's from the Latin word "cor," meaning "heart" - and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Latin
Image of Brené Brown
If you trade your authenticity for safety, you may experience the following: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addiction, rage, blame, resentment, and inexplicable grief.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Brené Brown
It's about showing up. And sometimes I don't do it. I almost always regret it, but sometimes I don't do it. Sometimes I walk into a situation where I'm intimidated and I want to be liked and I want to fit in, and I don't choose authenticity. And it's always pretty miserable.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Regret
Image of Brené Brown
There is nothing more vulnerable than creativity. . . It's not about winning, it's not about losing, it's about showing up and being seen.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Creativity
Image of Brené Brown
I only share when I have no unmet needs that I'm trying to fill. I firmly believe that being vulnerable with a larger audience is only a good idea if the healing is tied to the sharing, not to the expectations I might have for the response I get.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Believe
Image of Brené Brown
Sufficiency isn't two steps up from poverty or one step short of abundance. It isn't a measure of barely enough or more than enough. Sufficiency isn't an amount at all. It is an experience, a context we generate, a declaration, a knowing that there is enough, and that we are enough.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Two
Image of Brené Brown
Creativity, which is the expression of our originality, helps us stay mindful that what we bring to the world is completely original and cannot be compared.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Creativity
Image of Brené Brown
Our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self acceptance.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Brené Brown
The credit belongs to those of us who are actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. We strive valiantly and sometimes there's the triumph of achievement but at the worst, we fail, but at least we fail while daring greatly." That has really changed my life. Profoundly changed my life.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Blood
Image of Brené Brown
I’m not very creative” doesn’t work. There’s no such thing as creative people and non-creative people. There are only people who use their creativity and people who don’t. Unused creativity doesn’t just disappear. It lives within us until it’s expressed, neglected to death, or suffocated by resentment and fear.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Motivational
Image of Brené Brown
Fear is the opposite of love, in my opinion.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Opposites
Image of Brené Brown
Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Courage
Image of Brené Brown
When we numb [hard feelings], we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Brené Brown
What makes something better is connection.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Connections
Image of Brené Brown
The truth is, I'm a storyteller. And it scares me, because my training as an academic is that the more accessible you are and the more human you are, the less smart you are. It's a shame trigger for me to be honest.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Smart
Image of Brené Brown
Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Brené Brown
In a highly critical, scarcity-based world, everyone's afraid to fail. As long as we're afraid to fail, we'll never come up with the big, bold ideas we need to solve these problems.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Ideas
Image of Brené Brown
Shame: We all have it. It's that gremlin that says 'I'm not enough.' Or, if you're feeling pretty confident,...'ooh, who do you think you are?' Shame always has a seat.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brené Brown
I think a lot of us are looking for the same thing. I feel very lucky to have a definitive moment where I know everything shifted in me, and it was the moment I read that quote. Because I thought, A. That's everything I know about vulnerability. It's not winning, it's not losing, it's showing up and being seen. B. That's who I want to be.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brené Brown
If we want to cultivate hopefulness, we have to be willing to be flexible and demonstrate perseverance. Not every goal will look and feel the same. Tolerance for disappointment, determination, and a belief in self are the heart of hope.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Brené Brown
Perfectionism is self destructive simply because there's no such thing as perfect. Perfection is an unattainable goal.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Self
Image of Brené Brown
Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous... I define vulnerability as emotional risk, exposure, uncertainty. It fuels our daily lives.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Emotional
Image of Brené Brown
Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in the bones.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Rumor
Image of Brené Brown
Think about what’s pleasurable, not just what’s possible.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brené Brown
Are you the adult that you want your child to grow up to be?
- Brené Brown
Collection: Children
Image of Brené Brown
When you don't put your initials behind your name, and I've got tons of them, and when you talk about storytelling or love or gratitude, you're diminishing your legitimacy and importance in this world.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Brené Brown
Someone asked me very recently why I have 8 million views on TED - "your work resonates, what are you doing?" What I think my contribution is, what I do well, is I name experiences that are very universal that no one really talks about. That's the researcher in me; that's really part of being a grounded theory researcher - putting names to concepts and experiences that people have. That's the researcher part.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brené Brown
Vulnerability is the absolute heartbeat of innovation and creativity. There can be zero innovation without vulnerability.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Zero
Image of Brené Brown
When they teach [doctors] how to suture, they also teach them how to stitch their self-worth to being all-powerful.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Motivation
Image of Brené Brown
I don't just want someone who says they love me; I want someone who practices that love for me every day.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Practice
Image of Brené Brown
But I don't think it's as dangerous, scary, or terrifying as getting to the end of our lives and wondering, what if I would have shown up?
- Brené Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brené Brown
Perfection is crucial in building an aircraft, a bridge, or a high-speed train. The code and mathematics residing just below the surface of the Internet is also this way. Things are either perfectly right or they will not work. So much of the world we work and live in is based upon being correct, being perfect.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Bridges
Image of Brené Brown
We would solve a lot of huge problems that are causing massive suffering. Poverty, violence, homophobia, heterosexism, racism, the environment - all these things that are crippling us. We need big, bold, dangerous, crazy ideas to solve these problems. When failure is not an option, innovation and creativity are not options.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Crazy
Image of Brené Brown
I wasn't really testing it on myself as much as I was learning from other people about what it meant to live and love with your whole heart, and then thinking, oh my god, I'm not doing that.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Love You
Image of Brené Brown
There really is "no effort without error and shortcoming" and there really is no triumph without vulnerability.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Errors
Image of Brené Brown
Everything that these folks are saying that they're trying to move away from, like comparison, perfectionism, judgement, and exhaustion as a status symbol - that all describes my life. It was more like a medical researcher studying a disease and figuring out he or she has it.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Moving
Image of Brené Brown
I believe joy is a spiritual practice we have to work at.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Brené Brown
We're raising children who have little tolerance for disappointment
- Brené Brown
Collection: Children
Image of Brené Brown
When we're defined by what people think we lose the courage to be vulnerable.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Brené Brown
We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection
- Brené Brown
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Brené Brown
One of the reasons we judge each other so harshly in this world of parenting is because... we perceive anyone else who's doing anything differently than what we're doing as criticizing our choices.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Judging
Image of Brené Brown
The opposite of play is not work—the opposite of play is depression.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Motivation
Image of Brené Brown
To live with courage, purpose, and connection - to be the person whom we long to be - we must again be vulnerable. We must ... show up, and let ourselves be seen.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Long
Image of Brené Brown
Shame works like the zoom lens on a camera. When we are feeling shame, the camera is zoomed in tight and all we see is our flawed selves, alone and struggling.(page 68)
- Brené Brown
Collection: Struggle