Billy Graham

Image of Billy Graham
Suffering in life can uncover untold depths of character and unknown strength for service. People who go through life unscathed by sorrow and untouched by pain tend to be shallow in their perspectives on life. Suffering, on the other hand, tends to plow up the surface of our lives to uncover the depths that provide greater strength of purpose and accomplishment. Only deeply plowed earth can yield bountiful harvests.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Pain
Image of Billy Graham
If your faith isn't rooted in the Bible, it will wither like a plant pulled out of the soil.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Soil
Image of Billy Graham
Be sure that your motive in praying is to glorify God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Praying
Image of Billy Graham
My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which, I believe, comes through knowing Christ.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Believe
Image of Billy Graham
I have been asked hundreds of times in my life why God allows tragedy and suffering. I have to confess that I really do not know the answer totally, even to my own satisfaction. I have to accept, by faith, that God is sovereign, and He is a God of love and mercy and compassion in the midst of suffering.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Compassion
Image of Billy Graham
The Bible is to your soul what bread is to your body. You need it daily. One good meal does not suffice for a lifetime.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Soul
Image of Billy Graham
If you want the perfect plan that God has for your life, you will have to go by way of Calvary to get it.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Perfect
Image of Billy Graham
Living for Christ is a day-to-day going on with Him. It is a continuous dependence upon the Spirit of God. It is believing in His faithfulness.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Life
Image of Billy Graham
I can tell you that God is alive because I talked to him this morning.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Good Morning
Image of Billy Graham
Don't ever hesitate to take to [God] whatever is on your heart. He already knows it anyway, but He doesn't want you to bear its pain or celebrate its joy alone.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
The number one problem in our world is alienation, rich versus poor, black versus white, labor versus management, conservative versus liberal, East versus West . . . But Christ came to bring about reconciliation and peace.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Our World
Image of Billy Graham
It may be difficult to understand why a test comes our way, but we must never forget that the test is accomplishing refining and purification.
- Billy Graham
Collection: May
Image of Billy Graham
While our world is shaking and crumbling, we need to realize that one thing will never change, and that is God. He is the same today as he was ten million years ago, and will be the same ten million years from today.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Our World
Image of Billy Graham
Don't be swayed by the false values and goals of this world, but put Christ and his will first in everything you do.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Goal
Image of Billy Graham
Yes, Satan is real, but so is Christ, and someday Satan will be defeated and Christ will rule forever. Don't be deceived, but open your heart and mind to Jesus Christ, and put your life into His hands.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
When God gets ready to shake America, He may not take the Ph.D. and the D.D. God may choose a country boy ... God may choose the man that no one knows, a little nobody, to shake America for Jesus Christ in this day, and I pray that He would!
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
All the masterpieces of art contain both light and shadow. A happy life is not one filled with only sunshine, but one which uses both light and shadow to produce beauty.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Art
Image of Billy Graham
Heaven will be the perfection we've always longed for. All the things that made Earth unlovely and tragic will be absent in heaven.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Perfection
Image of Billy Graham
Our afflictions would trouble us much less if we knew God's reason for sending them.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Affliction
Image of Billy Graham
Take your eyes and your ears and your hands and your feet and your thoughts and your heart: Give them completely to Christ
- Billy Graham
Collection: Heart
Image of Billy Graham
The secret of a happy home is that members of the family learn to give and receive love.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Family
Image of Billy Graham
Only the Lord Jesus can redeem the soul that is steeped in guilt and shame. This baggage weighs us down until we accept Jesus' gift-the gift that liberates souls from sin's power.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus
Image of Billy Graham
God can take anything that happens to us-even bad things-and use it to shape us and make us into a better, more Christlike person-if we let Him.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Shapes
Image of Billy Graham
Remember: the Bible is our only authoritative source of information about Heaven.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Heaven
Image of Billy Graham
Hot heads and cold hearts never solved anything.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Billy Graham
But those who chose to reject God during their lifetime on earth will be separated from him for eternity. This is not God's desire, but man's own choice. God holds every man accountable for his rejection of Christ.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Men
Image of Billy Graham
Our valleys may be filled with foes and tears; but we can lift our eyes to the hills to see God and the angels, heaven's spectators, who support us according to God's infinite wisdom as they prepare our welcome home.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Home
Image of Billy Graham
Jesus Christ opened heaven's door for us by His death on the cross.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus
Image of Billy Graham
What we think of Christ influences our thinking and controls our actions.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus
Image of Billy Graham
Don’t miss what the Lord has in store for those who love Him and are willing to let Him be the Master of their lives.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Missing
Image of Billy Graham
Those who have suffered make the best comforters.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Suffering
Image of Billy Graham
I know God is in charge. Not me, I'm nothing. I wouldn't be anything except for the power of the spirit of God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spirit
Image of Billy Graham
God is concerned about everything that concerns us - without exception.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
There is no joy in life like the joy of sharing.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Joy
Image of Billy Graham
The cross shows us the seriousness of our sin-but it also shows us the immeasurable love of God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Sin
Image of Billy Graham
Your salvation depends on what [Christ] has done for you, not on what you do for Him. It isn't your hold on God that saves you. It's His hold on you.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Done
Image of Billy Graham
God measures people by the small dimensions of humility and not by the bigness of their achievements or the size of their capabilities.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Humility
Image of Billy Graham
If we have no mercy toward others, that is one proof that we have never experienced God's mercy.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Mercy
Image of Billy Graham
Joy cannot be pursued. It comes from within. It is a state of being. It does not depend on circumstances, but triumphs over circumstances. It produces a gentleness of spirit and a magnetic personality.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Personality
Image of Billy Graham
Everything we have comes from (God's) hands; even if we worked for it or earned it, He still gave us the ability and the opportunity to do it.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Billy Graham
At the foot of the cross, there are no racial barriers.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Feet
Image of Billy Graham
Remember that you can pray any time, anywhere. Washing dishes, digging ditches, working in the office, in the shop, on the athletic field, even in prison - you can pray and know God hears!
- Billy Graham
Collection: Prayer
Image of Billy Graham
Happy is the person who has learned the secret of being content with whatever life brings him, and has learned to rejoice in the simple and beautiful things around him.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Billy Graham
Like Joseph storing up grain during the years of plenty to be used during the years of famine that lay ahead, may we store up the truths of God's Word in our hearts as much as possible, so that we are prepared for whatever suffering we are called upon to endure.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Heart
Image of Billy Graham
Truly, God works in mysterious ways. The wheels of His mercy and justice move quietly, but they do move.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
Prayers have no boundaries. They can leap miles and continents and be translated instantly into any language.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Prayer
Image of Billy Graham
The very practice of reading [the Bible] will have a purifying effect upon your mind and heart. Let nothing take the place of this daily exercise.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Bible
Image of Billy Graham
Most of us know about God, but that is quite different from knowing God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Knowing
Image of Billy Graham
If ever there was a time this country needed the intervention of God, it is now.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Country