Top Sin Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Sin quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Elie Wiesel
To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Sin
Image of William Kent Krueger
You stopped looking for the truth...I'd guess that's a sin we've all been guilty of.
- William Kent Krueger
Collection: Sin
Image of Kerstin Gier
Me han dicho que eso de sentirse feliz sin felicidad solo funciona con cocaína. Por desgracia no es bueno para la salud. Además de muy caro. Hum, e ilegal, desde luego. Así que mejor sigo siendo desgraciada y espero a encontrar alguna razón para poder ser feliz.
- Kerstin Gier
Collection: Sin
Image of Kerstin Gier
Time ain’t nothing, but time. It’s a verse with no rhyme, And it all come down to you. «El tiempo solo es tiempo. Es un verso sin rima, y todo depende de ti.»
- Kerstin Gier
Collection: Sin
Image of Bill Johnson
God is not pre-occupied with sin, He’s already dealt with it.
- Bill Johnson
Collection: Sin
Image of Jose Bergamin
The most original sin is not the thinker's but the poet's.
- Jose Bergamin
Collection: Sin
Image of John Owen
Be killing sin or it will be killing you.
- John Owen
Collection: Sin
Image of John Owen
He that hath slight thoughts of sin, never had great thoughts of God.
- John Owen
Collection: Sin
Image of John Owen
There is no death of sin without the death of Christ.
- John Owen
Collection: Sin
Image of Fulton J. Sheen
Before the sin, Satan assures us that it is of no consequence; after the sin, he persuades us that it is unforgivable.
- Fulton J. Sheen
Collection: Sin
Image of Thomas Adams
Sins are so remitted, as if they had never been committed.
- Thomas Adams
Collection: Sin
Image of Tacitus
One who is allowed to sin, sins less
- Tacitus
Collection: Sin
Image of Jorge Luis Borges
I have committed the worst of sins one can commit... I have not been happy.
- Jorge Luis Borges
Collection: Sin
Image of Gayle Forman
Anything that kills hope is a sin
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Sin
Image of Larissa Ione
Mine. You're mine, Sin. No one else will ever touch you, do you understand? You belong to me. You'll bond with me. ~Con
- Larissa Ione
Collection: Sin
Image of Brent Weeks
Will covers a multitude of flaws, just as love covers a multitude of sins.
- Brent Weeks
Collection: Sin
Image of Jim Carroll
I'll Die For Your Sins If You Live For mine.
- Jim Carroll
Collection: Sin
Image of Charles Peguy
What is most contrary to salvation is not sin but habit.
- Charles Peguy
Collection: Sin
Image of Gloria E. Anzaldúa
To survive the Borderlands you must live sin fronteras be a crossroads.
- Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Collection: Sin
Image of Jennifer Donnelly
We're not punished for our sins, lad. We're punished by them.
- Jennifer Donnelly
Collection: Sin
Image of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Being a Christan is less about cautiously avoiding sin than about courageously and actively doing God's will.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Collection: Sin
Image of Phillips Brooks
The solution to sin is not to impose an ever-stricter code of behavior. It is to know God.
- Phillips Brooks
Collection: Sin
Image of Boyle Roche
There is no Levitical decree between nations, and on this occasion I can see neither sin nor shame in marrying our own sister.
- Boyle Roche
Collection: Sin
Image of Wilhelm Grimm
He who repents his sin and acknowledges it, is forgiven.
- Wilhelm Grimm
Collection: Sin
Image of Shawn Ryan
The payment for sins can be delayed. But they cant be avoided.
- Shawn Ryan
Collection: Sin
Image of Linda Ronstadt
The greatest sin is carelessness.
- Linda Ronstadt
Collection: Sin
Image of Ambrose
True repentance is to cease from sin.
- Ambrose
Collection: Sin
Image of Don Paterson
There's no fury more righteous than that of a sinner accused of the wrong sin.
- Don Paterson
Collection: Sin
Image of J. Oliver Buswell
Sin must be within God's eternal decrees in some sense in which He is not the author of it . . . We must conclude then that within the decrees of God, there are decrees of permission of those things of which God Himself is not the author
- J. Oliver Buswell
Collection: Sin
Image of Franklin Graham
It was Christ who willingly went to the cross, and it was our sins that took him there.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Sin
Image of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya
If you knew the true value of yourself, you will never allow yourself to be humiliated by committing sins.
- Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya
Collection: Sin
Image of Fethullah Gulen
Terrorism is one of the cardinal sins that the Koran threatens with hellfire.
- Fethullah Gulen
Collection: Sin
Image of Nouman Ali Khan
Your sin is not greater than God’s mercy.
- Nouman Ali Khan
Collection: Sin
Image of J. D. Greear
The gospel points us upward to a God who gave himself for us, backward to the price he paid for our sin, and forward to what he’s making us into.
- J. D. Greear
Collection: Sin
Image of John F. MacArthur
We should not be entertained by the sins for which Christ died.
- John F. MacArthur
Collection: Sin
Image of Joseph Cook
Sin is free, or you cannot make sin out of it.
- Joseph Cook
Collection: Sin
Image of Leon Morris
You can drift into sin, but not into righteousness.
- Leon Morris
Collection: Sin
Image of Colin McGinn
To me the ultimate sin was refusing to listen to reason.
- Colin McGinn
Collection: Sin
Image of Murray Kempton
The Communists offer one precious, fatal boon: they take away the sense of sin.
- Murray Kempton
Collection: Sin
Image of James Howell
We are saved from nothing if we are not saved from sin.
- James Howell
Collection: Sin
Image of Ana Castillo
Catch me, as if I have surely been out committing a violation against you, my sin of insisting on existing without you.
- Ana Castillo
Collection: Sin
Image of Marguerite de Navarre
Some there are who are much more ashamed of confessing a sin than of committing it.
- Marguerite de Navarre
Collection: Sin
Image of Truman Capote
there is only one unpardonable sin--deliberate cruelty. All else can be forgiven.
- Truman Capote
Collection: Sin
Image of Wayne Grudem
Satan was the originator of sin
- Wayne Grudem
Collection: Sin
Image of Emily M. Danforth
How could I pretend to be a victim when I was so willing to sin?
- Emily M. Danforth
Collection: Sin
Image of Simon Mawer
Sin is absence of God. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Simon Mawer
Collection: Sin
Image of Ibn Taymiyyah
Make tawba not just for sins you've committed, but also for obligations you haven't fulfilled.
- Ibn Taymiyyah
Collection: Sin
Image of Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann
Who conquers indolence conquers all other hereditary sins.
- Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann
Collection: Sin
Image of William Kennedy
Well-lit streets discourage sin, but don't overdo it.
- William Kennedy
Collection: Sin
Image of Harold Lindsell
Prayerlessness is sin.
- Harold Lindsell
Collection: Sin