Billy Graham

Image of Billy Graham
Kindness is an essential part of Gods work and ours here on earth.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Kindness
Image of Billy Graham
The moment we take our last breath on earth, we take our first in heaven.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Heaven
Image of Billy Graham
The Holy Spirit illuminates the minds of people, makes us yearn for God, and takes spiritual truth and makes it understandable to us.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Billy Graham
You possess a non-renewable resource, which is headed toward total depletion and that resource is time. You can either invest your life or let it dribble through your fingers like sand in an hour glass. If there is ever a time to redeem every second, every minute it is now. You may never have tomorrow. You can't count your days, but with the Lord as your Savior you can make your days count.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Glasses
Image of Billy Graham
Christ did not suffer and die to offer cheap grace. Jesus did not go willingly to the cross so we could have an easy life or offer a faith built on easy-believism. As someone once said, 'Salvation is free, but not cheap.' It cost Jesus His life.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus
Image of Billy Graham
Our chaotic, confused world has no greater need than to hear the message of good news - the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus
Image of Billy Graham
I don't want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Religious
Image of Billy Graham
There is not a flower that opens, not a seed that falls into the ground, and not an ear of wheat that nods on the end of its stalk in the wind that does not preach and proclaim the greatness and the mercy of God to the whole world.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Faith
Image of Billy Graham
No matter what you might be going through right now, God has blessed you far more than you probably imagine-not just with material goods, but with family, with freedom and with the ability to enjoy His gifts.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Blessed
Image of Billy Graham
America is said to have the highest per capita boredom of any spot on earth! We know that because we have the greatest number of artificial amusements of any country. People have become so empty that they can't even entertain themselves. They have to pay other people to amuse them, to make then laugh, to try to make them feel warm and happy and comfortable for a few minutes, to try to lose that awful, frightening, hollow feeling-that terrible, dreaded feeling of being lost and alone.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Country
Image of Billy Graham
The greatest surprise in life to me is the brevity of life.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Surprise
Image of Billy Graham
To the Christian death is the exchanging of a tent for a building.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Death
Image of Billy Graham
A checkbook is a theological document, it will tell you who and what you worship.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Worship
Image of Billy Graham
Some of us want the crown before the cross.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Choices
Image of Billy Graham
For me, the best time to pray is the very moment a tense situation or an unspiritual attitude overtakes me. God the Holy Spirit is always there, ready to help me gain victory in the spiritual battles I face-big or small.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Billy Graham
The Christian should stand out like a sparkling diamond.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
The conscience of America seems to be paralyzed... We seem to be insensible to the things that are now taking place on motion picture screens and on the news stands that are constantly stimulating our young people.
- Billy Graham
Collection: America
Image of Billy Graham
The influence of a mother upon the lives of her children cannot be measured. They know and absorb her example and attitudes when it comes to questions of honesty, temperance, kindness and industry.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Mother
Image of Billy Graham
Whatever you love most, be it sports, pleasure, business or God, that is your god!
- Billy Graham
Collection: Valentines Day
Image of Billy Graham
Many invest wisely in business matters, but fail to invest time and interest in their most valued possessions: their spouses and children.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Children
Image of Billy Graham
God can use a sensitive Christian to be a rich blessing in the life of one who knows pain and sorrow.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
As a Christian I have hope not just for this life but for Heaven and the life to come. And many of those people who died this past week are in Heaven right now. And they wouldn't want to come back; it's so glorious and so wonderful. And that's the hope for all of us who put our faith in God. I pray that you will have this hope in your heart.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
Many people have just enough natural religion to make them immune to the real thing.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Real
Image of Billy Graham
Life is a glorious opportunity, if it is used to condition us for eternity. If we fail in this, though we succeed in everything else, our life will have been a failure.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Life
Image of Billy Graham
It takes suffering to widen the soul.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Soul
Image of Billy Graham
Some of the greatest values that have influenced me through the years are those that I learned as a boy growing up on the farm. I remember mostly the love in our family, but I also remember the discipline. Then there was the work; we all had to work.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Billy Graham
The crowds themselves are meaningless. The thing that counts is what happens to the hearts of the people.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Heart
Image of Billy Graham
Look, I happen to agree with what George says about the interpretation of the New Testament, but I want to remind both of you to never play God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Play
Image of Billy Graham
Chose you this day whom, not tomorrow, whom you'll serve?
- Billy Graham
Collection: Choices
Image of Billy Graham
It's a paradise that we are going to go into, because to be in the presence of God itself will be a paradise.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
I realize that my ministry would someday come to an end. I am only one in a glorious chain of men and women God has raised up through the centuries to build Christ's church and take the Gospel everywhere.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Men
Image of Billy Graham
I think most presidents are amazed at the overwhelming responsibility they have when they enter office and the tremendous amount of work there is. See, a modern president has far more responsibility than a president years ago. And if I were rewriting the Constitution, I would suggest a president be more like a monarch and then have a prime minister under him.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Billy Graham
Tim Keller's ministry in New York City is leading a generation of seekers and skeptics toward belief in God. I thank God for him.
- Billy Graham
Collection: New York
Image of Billy Graham
your faith and hope are in god.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Easter
Image of Billy Graham
When we grieve over someone who has died in Christ, we are sorrowing not for them, but for ourselves. Our grief isn't a sign of weak faith, but of great love.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Grief
Image of Billy Graham
Angels belong to a uniquely different dimension of creation which we, limited to the natural order, can scarcely comprehend.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Angel
Image of Billy Graham
The seed of sin is in us when we are born.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Choices
Image of Billy Graham
"I'm in a win-win playoff. " Response of a Christian dying of cancer at thirty on the prospect of miraculous healing.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
I would not want to live in any other period.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Want
Image of Billy Graham
Truly a legend in our time, John Templeton understands that the real measure of a person's success in life is not financial accomplishment but moral integrity and inner character.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Integrity
Image of Billy Graham
Hundreds of passages point to a time of judgment for every person who has ever lived-none will escape. If you took all the references to judgment out of the Bible, you would have little Bible left.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Littles
Image of Billy Graham
The Christian is an idol breaker.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christian
Image of Billy Graham
The men upon whose shoulders rested the initial responsibility of Christianizing the world came to Jesus with one supreme request. They did not say, 'Lord, teach us to preach'; Lord, teach us to do miracles,' or 'Lord, teach us to be wise'...but they said, 'Lord, teach us to pray.'
- Billy Graham
Collection: Wise
Image of Billy Graham
Sometimes I'm asked to list the most important steps in preparing for an evangelistic mission, and my reply is always the same: prayer... prayer... prayer.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Prayer
Image of Billy Graham
I will buy you back with My blood because I love you. I will free you from the chains of sin. I will settle the conflict within and give peace to your soul. But you must come to Me with a repentant heart. You must be willing to be redeemed. You must exchange your sin-blackened heart for a new heart that is cleansed by My blood.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Love You
Image of Billy Graham
There are nine orders of angels, to wit, angels, archangels, virtues, powers, principalities, dominations, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim
- Billy Graham
Collection: Change
Image of Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that history began in the Middle East, and someday history will end in the Middle East.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Middle East
Image of Billy Graham
Men have discovered other philosophical and ethical systems, but they have not found another Jesus Christ. No one in history can match Him.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jesus