Billy Graham

Image of Billy Graham
God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, 'I love you.'
- Billy Graham
Collection: Easter
Image of Billy Graham
I think that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, but the Bible also teaches that pride is a sin, jealousy is a sin, and hate is a sin, evil thoughts are a sin. So I don't think that homosexuality should be chosen as the overwhelming sin that we are doing today.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Jealousy
Image of Billy Graham
A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Parenting
Image of Billy Graham
God will prepare everything for our perfect happiness in heaven, and if it takes my dog being there, I believe he'll be there.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
I don't eat with beautiful women alone.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Women
Image of Billy Graham
God is more interested in your future and your relationships than you are.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Relationship
Image of Billy Graham
I used to read five psalms every day - that teaches me how to get along with God. Then I read a chapter of Proverbs every day and that teaches me how to get along with my fellow man.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Moving
Image of Billy Graham
A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Pet
Image of Billy Graham
The Bible is full of warnings about false prophets and false messiahs. These satanically inspired people have appeared in almost every generation of history.
- Billy Graham
Collection: History
Image of Billy Graham
No matter how prepared you think you are for the death of a loved one, it still comes as a shock, and it still hurts very deeply.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Billy Graham
Freedom is relative.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Freedom
Image of Billy Graham
The framers of our Constitution meant we were to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Freedom
Image of Billy Graham
Man has two great spiritual needs. One is for forgiveness. The other is for goodness.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Billy Graham
I haven't been faithful to my own advice in the past. I will in the future.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Future
Image of Billy Graham
God's mercy and grace give me hope - for myself, and for our world.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
I look forward to death with great anticipation, to meeting God face to face.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Great
Image of Billy Graham
The Bible is clear - God's definition of marriage is between a man and a woman.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Marriage
Image of Billy Graham
Believers, look up - take courage. The angels are nearer than you think.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Courage
Image of Billy Graham
Let me ask you a question: If you never ate a balanced diet, what would happen to your body? You know the answer: Eventually you'd grow weak; you might even open yourself to serious illness or disease. We all need a balanced diet if we are to stay healthy.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Diet
Image of Billy Graham
Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home except true love.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Love
Image of Billy Graham
I can't prove it scientifically, that there's a God, but I believe.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Faith
Image of Billy Graham
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Faith
Image of Billy Graham
Scripture is filled with examples of men and women whom God used late in life, often with great impact - men and women who refused to use old age as an excuse to ignore what God wanted them to do.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Age
Image of Billy Graham
The wonderful news is that our Lord is a God of mercy, and He responds to repentance.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
What really matters is how God sees me. He isn't concerned with labels; he is concerned about the state of man's soul.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
Each life is made up of mistakes and learning, waiting and growing, practicing patience and being persistent.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Patience
Image of Billy Graham
I'm grateful for the opportunities God gave me to minister to people in high places; people in power have spiritual and personal needs like everyone else, and often they have no one to talk to.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Thankful
Image of Billy Graham
I'm thankful for the incredible advances in medicine that have taken place during my lifetime. I almost certainly wouldn't still be here if it weren't for them.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Thankful
Image of Billy Graham
The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, 'O God, forgive me,' or 'Help me.'
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
Death wasn't part of God's original plan for humanity, and the Bible calls death an enemy - the last enemy to be destroyed.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Death
Image of Billy Graham
It is not the body's posture, but the heart's attitude that counts when we pray.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Attitude
Image of Billy Graham
Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone - except God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Society
Image of Billy Graham
My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Home
Image of Billy Graham
The men who followed Him were unique in their generation. They turned the world upside down because their hearts had been turned right side up. The world has never been the same.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Men
Image of Billy Graham
Communism is a religion that is inspired, directed and motivated by the Devil himself who has declared war against Almighty God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
I don't have many sad days.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Sad
Image of Billy Graham
I think we've taken the meaning of Christmas out. People don't stop and think about Jesus or the birth of Jesus. When they think of Christmas, they think of Santa Claus and - for the children, and they think of giving gifts and out-giving the next person of spending their time looking for the right thing for somebody who has everything.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Christmas
Image of Billy Graham
When granted many years of life, growing old in age is natural, but growing old with grace is a choice. Growing older with grace is possible for all who will set their hearts and minds on the Giver of grace, the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Age
Image of Billy Graham
No one can outrun death. It will catch up to all of us eventually.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Death
Image of Billy Graham
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Health
Image of Billy Graham
I am not going to Heaven because I have preached to great crowds or read the Bible many times. I'm going to Heaven just like the thief on the cross who said in that last moment: 'Lord, remember me.'
- Billy Graham
Collection: Great
Image of Billy Graham
As I approached my 95th birthday, I was burdened to write a book that addressed the epidemic of 'easy believism.' There is a mindset today that if people believe in God and do good works, they are going to Heaven.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Birthday
Image of Billy Graham
Every year during their High Holy Days, the Jewish community reminds us all of our need for repentance and forgiveness.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Billy Graham
I kept a very full diary of my relationship with Nixon, for some strange reason, until he became president.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Relationship
Image of Billy Graham
If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Money
Image of Billy Graham
Only God Himself fully appreciates the influence of a Christian mother in the molding of character in her children.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Mom
Image of Billy Graham
Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: God
Image of Billy Graham
I wish I had been home more when the children were growing up. I missed a lot.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Home
Image of Billy Graham
Old age may have its limitations and challenges, but in spite of them, our latter years can be some of the most rewarding and fulfilling of our lives.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Age