
Image of Aristotle
Man perfected by society is the best of all animals; he is the most terrible of all when he lives without law, and without justice.
- Aristotle
Collection: Animal
Image of Aristotle
We must not feel a childish disgust at the investigations of the meaner animals. For there is something marvelous in all natural things.
- Aristotle
Collection: Nature
Image of Aristotle
And this activity alone would seem to be loved for its own sake; for nothing arises from it apart from the contemplating, while from practical activities we gain more or less apart from the action. And happiness is thought to depend on leisure; for we are busy that we may have leisure, and make war that we may live in peace.
- Aristotle
Collection: War
Image of Aristotle
Perception starts with the eye.
- Aristotle
Collection: Eye
Image of Aristotle
All communication must lead to change
- Aristotle
Collection: Communication
Image of Aristotle
There are two distinctive peculiarities by reference to which we characterize the soul (1) local movement and (2) thinking, discriminating, and perceiving. Thinking both speculative and practical is regarded as akin to a form of perceiving; for in the one as well as the other the soul discriminates and is cognizant of something which is.
- Aristotle
Collection: Thinking
Image of Aristotle
The hand is the tool of tools.
- Aristotle
Collection: Hands
Image of Aristotle
Meanness is incurable; it cannot be cured by old age, or by anything else.
- Aristotle
Collection: Anger
Image of Aristotle
Choice not chance determines your destiny [my family motto...credited to Aristotle]
- Aristotle
Collection: Destiny
Image of Aristotle
A man's happiness consists in the free exercise of his highest faculties.
- Aristotle
Collection: Freedom
Image of Aristotle
Happiness is activity.
- Aristotle
Collection: Happiness
Image of Aristotle
There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.
- Aristotle
Collection: Cups
Image of Aristotle
Dissimilarity of habit tends more than anything to destroy affection.
- Aristotle
Collection: Affection
Image of Aristotle
The complete man must work, study and wrestle.
- Aristotle
Collection: Men
Image of Aristotle
We can do noble acts without ruling the earth and sea.
- Aristotle
Collection: Character
Image of Aristotle
True happiness flows from the possession of wisdom and virtue and not from the possession of external goods.
- Aristotle
Collection: Happiness
Image of Aristotle
He who is by nature not his own but another's man is by nature a slave.
- Aristotle
Collection: Men
Image of Aristotle
All that we do is done with an eye to something else.
- Aristotle
Collection: Eye
Image of Aristotle
Where some people are very wealthy and others have nothing, the result will be either extreme democracy or absolute oligarchy, or despotism will come from either of those excesses.
- Aristotle
Collection: People
Image of Aristotle
The most beautiful colors laid on at random, give less pleasure than a black-and-white drawing.
- Aristotle
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Aristotle
Happiness is the settling of the soul into its most appropriate spot.
- Aristotle
Collection: Happiness
Image of Aristotle
The law is reason, free from passion.
- Aristotle
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Aristotle
If every tool, when ordered, or even of its own accord, could do the work that befits it... then there would be no need either of apprentices for the master workers or of slaves for the lords.
- Aristotle
Collection: Tools
Image of Aristotle
The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication.
- Aristotle
Collection: Time
Image of Aristotle
That which is common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it
- Aristotle
Collection: Caring
Image of Aristotle
If you string together a set of speeches expressive of character, and well finished in point and diction and thought, you will not produce the essential tragic effect nearly so well as with a play which, however deficient in these respects, yet has a plot and artistically constructed incidents.
- Aristotle
Collection: Character
Image of Aristotle
Philosophy can make people sick.
- Aristotle
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Aristotle
Happiness does not consist in pastimes and amusements but in virtuous activities.
- Aristotle
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Aristotle
That in the soul which is called the mind is, before it thinks, not actually any real thing.
- Aristotle
Collection: Real
Image of Aristotle
Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend.
- Aristotle
Collection: Plato
Image of Aristotle
We are what we frequently do.
- Aristotle
Collection: Character
Image of Aristotle
The pleasures arising from thinking and learning will make us think and learn all the more. 1153a 23
- Aristotle
Collection: Thinking
Image of Aristotle
Wickedness is nourished by lust.
- Aristotle
Collection: Lust
Image of Aristotle
Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of their arms.
- Aristotle
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Aristotle
Reason is a light that God has kindled in the soul.
- Aristotle
Collection: Light
Image of Aristotle
A state is an association of similar persons whose aim is the best life possible. What is best is happiness, and to be happy is an active exercise of virtue and a complete employment of it.
- Aristotle
Collection: Exercise
Image of Aristotle
Youth loves honor and victory more than money.
- Aristotle
Collection: Honor
Image of Aristotle
Teachers, who educate children, deserve more honour than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided mere life, while the former ensure a good life.
- Aristotle
Collection: Teacher
Image of Aristotle
Metaphor is halfway between the unintelligible and the commonplace.
- Aristotle
Collection: Metaphor
Image of Aristotle
The blood of a goat will shatter a diamond.
- Aristotle
Collection: Blood
Image of Aristotle
The rattle is a toy suited to the infant mind, and education is a rattle or toy for children of larger growth.
- Aristotle
Collection: Children
Image of Aristotle
The ideal man takes joy in doing favors for others.
- Aristotle
Collection: Men
Image of Aristotle
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
- Aristotle
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Aristotle
That in the soul which is called mind (by mind I mean that whereby the soul thinks and judges) is, before it thinks, not actually any real thing. For this reason it cannot reasonably be regarded as blended with the body
- Aristotle
Collection: Real
Image of Aristotle
Beauty is the gift of God
- Aristotle
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Aristotle
Although it may be difficult in theory to know what is just and equal, the practical difficulty of inducing those to forbear who can, if they like, encroach, is far greater, for the weaker are always asking for equality and justice, but the stronger care for none of these things.
- Aristotle
Collection: Justice
Image of Aristotle
But what is happiness? If we consider what the function of man is, we find that happiness is a virtuous activity of the soul.
- Aristotle
Collection: Men
Image of Aristotle
Love is the cause of unity in all things.
- Aristotle
Collection: Love
Image of Aristotle
A flatterer is a friend who is your inferior, or pretends to be so.
- Aristotle
Collection: Inferiors