Ann Brashares

Image of Ann Brashares
All I could think to do was love her. That's all a person can do.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ann Brashares
She hadn't chosen the brave life. She'd chosen the small, fearful one.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Brave
Image of Ann Brashares
We forgive and forget. At least I forgive and he forgets.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Forgive And Forget
Image of Ann Brashares
She went around with a broken heart, and she wasn't sure who'd broken it. She thought it was herself, mostly.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Broken Heart
Image of Ann Brashares
It was wrong. But it was worth it.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Worth It
Image of Ann Brashares
How many times could you give up on someone you loved?
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Ann Brashares
It was funny how the old practices always came around again. It was the rhythm of human enterprise to invent and worship some new approach, to fully reject it a generation later, to realize the need for it again a generation or two after that and then hastily reinvent it as new, usually without its original elegance. Scientists hated to look backward for anything.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Practice
Image of Ann Brashares
Forget Jack, I'm in love with the cold, dirt floor.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Dirt
Image of Ann Brashares
It’s more that I’m afraid of time. And not having enough of it. Time to figure out who I’m supposed to be… to find my place in the world before I have to leave it. I’m afraid of what I’ll miss.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Missing
Image of Ann Brashares
She was astonished, and at the same time she knew. There were many things in life like that. You couldn’t imagine it, and then it happened and you couldn’t really imagine it hadn’t.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Things In Life
Image of Ann Brashares
You surround yourself with your pain or you avoid it and let it find you when you are trying to do other things
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Pain
Image of Ann Brashares
It was hard to feel the right emotions at the right times. They didn’t come at all when you set a place for them, and they sacked when you weren’t ready, when you were just innocently flossing your teeth, for example, or eating a bowl of cereal.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Life
Image of Ann Brashares
I'm not going anywhere without you. We're swimming to China together. And if the worst happens, I'm dying with you before I'm living without you.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Swimming
Image of Ann Brashares
Daniel?" "Yes." "Did you ever think we were meant not to be together?" "No. We are meant to be together. We are just meant to want it very badly.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ann Brashares
Marnie loved her better and more honestly than anyone else in the world, with the possible exception of her mother, who loved her intensely if not honestly.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Mother
Image of Ann Brashares
Every life I start with her, my original sin. I know myself through her.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Sin
Image of Ann Brashares
Carmen sat up when she heard a familiar trill from her computer. It was an instant message from Bee. Beezy3: Packing. Do you have my purple sock with the heart on the ankle? Carmabelle: No. Like I'd wear your socks. Carmen looked from her computer screen down to her feet. To her dismay, her socks were two faintly different shades of purple. She rotated her foot to get a view of her anklebone. Carmabelle: Ahem. Might possibly have sock.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Heart
Image of Ann Brashares
She closed her eyes. "I didn't know that. i didn't know anything. It scares me the things I told myself. But I would have told myself almost anything, because I wanted to believe him." "Why?" "Because I wanted to be with you.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Believe
Image of Ann Brashares
You have been with me from the very first life. You are my first memory every time, the single thread in all of my lives. It`s you who makes me a person.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Memories
Image of Ann Brashares
All my life, everybody has seen me a certain way. What do you see?
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Way
Image of Ann Brashares
I knew her hair and her coloring and her shapes would be different next time, but the way she wore her body would keep on.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Hair
Image of Ann Brashares
What if people knew they were recycled? Would that change anything?
- Ann Brashares
Collection: People
Image of Ann Brashares
you remember what is lost, and you forget what's right in front of you.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Remember
Image of Ann Brashares
Relief is a short-lived emotion, passive and thin. The agony of doubt disappears, leaving little memory of how it really felt. Life aligns behind the new truth.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Memories
Image of Ann Brashares
The happiness at getting what you want is not usually commensurate with the worry leading up to it.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Worry
Image of Ann Brashares
Healing wasn’t always the best thing. Sometimes a hole was better left open. Sometimes it healed too thick and too well and left separate pieces fused and incompetent. And it was harder to reopen after that.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Life
Image of Ann Brashares
She wasn’t sure if he wanted more from her or if he wanted less. Maybe it was both. Maybe it was always both.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Wanted
Image of Ann Brashares
There was a moment in between, a moment flung free in the midst of the transition, when he made contact. That was the moment she would dwell on.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Transition
Image of Ann Brashares
No matter how far back you cut a willow tree, it will never really die.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ann Brashares
It was funny to hear her voice aloud. Her thoughts and perceptions usually existed so deep inside her, they rarely made it to the surface without a deliberate effort.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Voice
Image of Ann Brashares
She wasn't as destructive as Bee. She had never been as dramatic. Rather, she'd slipped carefully, stealthily away from her ghosts.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Bees
Image of Ann Brashares
I mean putting yourself out there in the way of overwhelming happiness and knowing you're also putting yourself in the way of terrible harm. I'm scared to be this happy. I'm scared to be this extreme.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Mean
Image of Ann Brashares
A part of her wanted to tell him she still loved him, and that even though this love was hopeless and long over, it still consumed her year after year. It was a tangled hairball of feelings and she couldn't pull forth any one strand.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Years
Image of Ann Brashares
Lena realized that a fundamental layer of their happiness depended on the four of them being close to one another. Their lives were independent and full. Their friendship was only one aspect of their lives, but it seemed to give meaning to all the others.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Independent
Image of Ann Brashares
Maybe they would look at each other and feel some odd yearning, but neither of them would know why. They would want to stop, but they would be embarrassed, and neither would know what to say. They would go their separate ways. Who knew? Maybe that happened every day to people who'd once loved each other.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: People
Image of Ann Brashares
Once Paul told her that the beach was like him because it changed every day but it never made any progress. Later she remembered thinking that a normal person might have begun by saying that he was like the beach.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Beach
Image of Ann Brashares
Women always seemed to bring the size they wished they were to the fitting room, rather than the size that would actually fit.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Rooms
Image of Ann Brashares
Love who you love while you have them. That's all you can do. Let them go when you must. If you know how to love, you'll never run out.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Love
Image of Ann Brashares
She got tired of herself. She got tired of not being able to say what she wanted or do what she wanted or even want what she wanted.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Tired
Image of Ann Brashares
There are moments in your life when the big pieces slide and shift. Sometimes the big changes dong happen gradually but all at once. That's how it was for us. That was the day we discovered that friends can do things for you that your parents can't.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Parent
Image of Ann Brashares
Luck never gives; it lends.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Giving
Image of Ann Brashares
Life isn't just fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all. -William Goldman
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Art And Life
Image of Ann Brashares
Some things have to be believed to be seen. -Ralph Hodgson
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Belief
Image of Ann Brashares
I killed her once and died for her many times and I still have nothing to show for it. I always search for her ; I always remember her. I carry the hope that someday she will remember me.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Remember
Image of Ann Brashares
Time is what keeps things from happening all at once.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Happenings
Image of Ann Brashares
People left a lot of things behind when they went in the water. Their clothes, their stuff, their makeup, their fixed-up hair, their voices, their hearing, their sight—at least as the normally experienced them.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Makeup
Image of Ann Brashares
I was supposed to write a romantic comedy, but my characters broke up.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Writing
Image of Ann Brashares
Tibby was shaking her head. "What?" Bailey asked. "Nothing. Just that you suprise me every day," Tibby said. Bailey smiled at her. "I like that you let yourself be suprised.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Said
Image of Ann Brashares
The rules took a while to sort out. Lena and Carmen wanted to focus on friendship-type rules, stuff about keeping in touch with one another over the summer, and making sure the Pants kept moving from one girl to the next. Tibby preferred to focus on random things you could and couldn't do in the Pants --- like picking your nose.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Girl