Angela Carter

Image of Angela Carter
I don't really think that writers, even great writers, are prophets, or sages, or Messiah-like figures; writing is a lonely, sedentary occupation and a touch of megalomania can be comforting around five on a November afternoon when you haven't seen anybody all day.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Lonely
Image of Angela Carter
Pornographers are the enemies of women only because our contemporary ideology of pornography does not encompass the possibility of change, as if we were the slaves of history and not its makers. . . . Pornography is a satire on human pretensions.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Change
Image of Angela Carter
One day, Annabel saw the sun and moon in the sky at the same time. The sight filled her with a terror which entirely consumed her and did not leave her until the night closed in catastrophe for she had no instinct for self-preservation if she was confronted by ambiguities.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Moon
Image of Angela Carter
Your thin white face, chérie; he said, as if he saw it for the first time. Your thin white face, with its promise of debauchery only a connoisseur could detect.
- Angela Carter
Collection: White
Image of Angela Carter
The lovely Hazard girls', they used to call them. Huh. Lovely is as lovely does; if they looked like what they behave like, they'd frighten little children.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Girl
Image of Angela Carter
Sade has a curious ability to render every aspect of sexuality suspect, so that we see how the chaste kiss of the sentimental lover differs only in degree from the vampirish love-bite that draws blood, we understand that a disinterested caress is only quantitatively different from a disinterested flogging.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Kissing
Image of Angela Carter
Vengeful as nature herself, she loves her children only in order to devour them better and if she herself rips her own veils of self-deceit, Mother perceives in herself untold abysses of cruelty as subtle as it is refined.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Mother
Image of Angela Carter
And, conversely, she went on to herself, sneering at the Grand Duke's palace, poverty is wasted on the poor, who never know how to make the best of things, are only the rich without money, are just as useless at looking after themselves, can't handle their cash just like the rich can't, always squandering it on bright, pretty, useless things in just the same way.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Useless Things
Image of Angela Carter
I should have liked to have had him beside me in a glass coffin, so that I could watch him all the time and he would not have been able to get away from me.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Glasses
Image of Angela Carter
Do not think I do not realise what I am doing. I am making a composition using the following elements: the winter beach; the winter moon; the ocean; the women; the pine trees; the riders; the driftwood; the shells; the shapes of darkness and the shapes of water; and the refuse. These are all inimical to my loneliness because of their indifference to it. Out of these pieces of inimical indifference, I intend to represent the desolate smile of winter which, as you must have gathered, is the smile I wear.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Beach
Image of Angela Carter
Mother is in herself a concrete denial of the idea of sexual pleasure since her sexuality has been placed at the service of reproductive function alone. She is the perpetually violated passive principle; her autonomy has been sufficiently eroded by the presence within her of the embryo she brought to term. Her unthinking ability to reproduce, which is her pride, is, since it is beyond choice, not a specific virtue of her own.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Mother
Image of Angela Carter
As for my father, few souls are less troubled. He can be simply pleased with us, pleased that we exist, and, from the vantage point of his wondrously serene old age, he contemplates our lives almost as if they were books he can dip into whenever he wants. His back pages, perhaps.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Father
Image of Angela Carter
With that, the poignant charm vanished. Inside the fifth machine, all was rampant malignity. Deformed flowers thrust monstrous horned tusks and trumpets ending in blaring teeth through the crimson walls, rending them; the ravenous garden slavered over its prey and every brick was shown in the act of falling. Amid the violence of this transformation, the oblivion of the embrace went on. The awakened girl, in all her youthful loveliness, still clasped in the arms of a lover from whom all the flesh had fallen. He was a grinning skeleton.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Girl
Image of Angela Carter
Why do you do up your hair in those tortured plaits, now, Melanie? Why? Because, she said. You know that's no answer. You're spoiling your pretty looks, pet. Come here. She did not move. He ground out his cigarette on the window-ledge and laughed. Come here, he said again, softly. So she went.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Moving
Image of Angela Carter
His contagious conviction that our love was unique and desperate infected me with an anxious sickness; soon we would learn to treat one another with the circumspect tenderness of comrades who are amputees, for we were surrounded by the most moving images of evanesecence, fireworks, morning glories, the old, children. But the most moving of these images were the intagible relfections of ourselves we saw in one another's eyes, reflections of nothing but appearances, in a city dedicated to seeming, and, try as we might to possess the essence of each other's otherness, we would inevitably fail.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Morning
Image of Angela Carter
It may be the first in what I trust will be a rapidly growing and influential genre--the novel designed on purpose to be excludedfrom the Booker short-list.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Awards
Image of Angela Carter
The invisible is only another unexplored country, a brave new world.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Country
Image of Angela Carter
Cats of all kinds weave in and out of the text; Burroughs has clearly taken to them in a big way in his old age and seems torn between a fear they will betray him into sentimentality and a resigned acceptance that a man can't be ironic all the time.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Taken
Image of Angela Carter
I will tell you what Jeanne was like. She was like a piano in a country where everyone has had their hands cut off.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Country
Image of Angela Carter
And, indeed, is there not something holy about a great kitchen?... The scoured gleam of row upon row of metal vessels dangling from hooks or reposing on their shelves till needed with the air of so many chalices waiting for the celebration of the sacrament of food. And the range like an altar, yes, before which my mother bowed in perpetual homage, a fringe of sweat upon her upper lip and the fire glowing in her cheeks.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Mother
Image of Angela Carter
My paternal grandmother would not light a fire on the Sabbath and piled all Sunday's washing-up in a bucket, to be dealt with on Monday morning, because the Sabbath was a day of rest--a practice that made my paternal grandfather, the village atheist, as mad as fire. Nevertheless, he willed five quid to the minister, just to be on the safe side.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Monday
Image of Angela Carter
She said to the Daisy girl with her big brown eyes: 'I will not have it plain. No. Fancy. It must be fancy!' She meant her future. A moon-daisy dropped to the floor, down from her hair, like a faintly derisive sign from heaven.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Girl
Image of Angela Carter
His main principles were indeed as follows: everything it is possible to imagine can also exist.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Principles
Image of Angela Carter
[T]ea, that uniquely English meal, that unnecessary collation at which no stimulants--neither alcohol nor meat--are served, that comforting repast of which to partake is as good as second childhood.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Childhood
Image of Angela Carter
Losing their names, these things underwent a process of uncreation.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Names
Image of Angela Carter
The only time I ever iron the sheets or make meringues is when there is an ... urgent deadline in the offing.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Iron
Image of Angela Carter
I drew the curtains to conceal the sight of my father's farewell; my spite was sharp as broken glass.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Father
Image of Angela Carter
I see her as a series of marvellous shapes formed at random in the kaleidoscope of desire.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Desire
Image of Angela Carter
Among the monsters, I am well hidden; who looks for a leaf in a forest?
- Angela Carter
Collection: Monsters
Image of Angela Carter
Not many people can boast a photo of their grandmother posing for kiddiporn.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Angela Carter
They were connoisseurs of boredom. They savoured the various bouquets of the subtly differentiated boredoms which rose from the long, wasted hours at the dead end of night.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Night
Image of Angela Carter
Just because we're sisters under the skin doesn't mean we've got much in common.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Sister
Image of Angela Carter
The wolf is carnivore incarnate and he's as cunning as he is ferocious; once he's had a taste of flesh then nothing else will do.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Flesh
Image of Angela Carter
Midnight, and the clock strikes. It is Christmas Day, the werewolves birthday, the door of the solstice still wide enough open to let them all slink through.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Christmas
Image of Angela Carter
Sad; so sad, those smoky-rose, smoky-mauve evenings of late Autumn, sad enough to pierce the heart.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Sad
Image of Angela Carter
ordered me a sky from a florist
- Angela Carter
Collection: Sky
Image of Angela Carter
The one-eyed man will be King in the country of the blind only if he arrives there in full possession of his partial faculties--that is, providing he is perfectly aware of the precise nature of sight and does not confuse it with second sightnor with madness.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Country
Image of Angela Carter
Our fingernails match our toenails, match our lipstick match our rouge...The habit of applying warpaint outlasts the battle.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Battle
Image of Angela Carter
Spindly branches of buttercups were secreted among gleaming stems still moist at the roots from last night's rain that had washedand refreshed the entire wood, had dowered it in poignant transparency, the unique, inconsolable quality of rainy countries, as if all was glimpsed through tears.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Country
Image of Angela Carter
Stars on our door, stars in our eyes, stars exploding in the bits of our brains where the common sense should have been
- Angela Carter
Collection: Stars
Image of Angela Carter
Irish was a man of parts even if some of them didn't work too well.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Work
Image of Angela Carter
Not for Moorcock the painful, infrequent excretion of dry little novels like so many rabbit pellets; his is the grand, messy fluxitself, in all its heroic vulgarity, its unquenchable optimism, its enthusiasm for the inexhaustible variousness of things.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Creativity
Image of Angela Carter
He is the intermediary between us, his audience, the living, and they, the dolls, the undead, who cannot live at all and yet who mimic the living in every detail since, though they cannot speak or weep, still they project those signals of signification we instantly recognize as language.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Dolls
Image of Angela Carter
He is, I think, already pondering a magisterial project: that of buggering the English language, the ultimate revenge of the colonialised.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Revenge
Image of Angela Carter
There are lots of things that you can brush under the carpet about yourself until you're faced with somebody whose needs won't be put off.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Angela Carter
I think the adjective post-modernist really means mannerist. Books about books is fun but frivolous.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Fun
Image of Angela Carter
I know that whenever a group of women are gathered together, the grandmother always makes a phantom appearance, hovering above them.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Grandmother
Image of Angela Carter
So I suppose I do not know how he really looked, and, in fact, I suppose I shall never know, now, for he was plainly an object created in the mode of fantasy. His image was already present somewhere in my head and I was seeking to discover it in actuality, looking at every face I met in case it was the right face - that is, the face which corresponded to my notion of the unseen face of the one I should love, a face created parthenogeneticallyby the rage to love which consumed me.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Unseen
Image of Angela Carter
Art need no longer be an account of past sensations.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Art