Amiri Baraka

Image of Amiri Baraka
Hope is delicate suffering.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Hope
Image of Amiri Baraka
The further jazz moves away from the stark blue continuum and the collective realities of Afro-American and American life, the more it moves into academic concert-hall lifelessness, which can be replicated by any middle class showing off its music lessons.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Moving
Image of Amiri Baraka
Art is a weapon in the struggle of ideas, the class struggle.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Art
Image of Amiri Baraka
from the slave ship to the citizenship we faced a lot of bullship
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Slave Ships
Image of Amiri Baraka
I'd say I'm a revolutionary optimist. I believe that the good guys -the people- are going to win.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Believe
Image of Amiri Baraka
When I die, the consciousness I carry I will to black people. May they pick me apart and take the useful parts, the sweet meat of my feelings. And leave the bitter bullshit rotten white parts alone.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Sweet
Image of Amiri Baraka
If you are black, the only roads into the mainland of American life are through subservience, cowardice, and loss of manhood. These are the white man's roads.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Loss
Image of Amiri Baraka
Thought is more important than art....To revere art and have no understanding of the process that forces it into existence, is finally not even to understand what art is.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Art
Image of Amiri Baraka
All thinking people oppose terrorism both domestic & international but one should not be used to cover the other
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Thinking
Image of Amiri Baraka
Poetry is music, and nothing but music. Words with musical emphasis.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Musical
Image of Amiri Baraka
Warriors are poets and poems and all the loveliness here in the worlds.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Warrior
Image of Amiri Baraka
Words have users, but as well, users have words. And it is the users that establish the world's realities.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Reality
Image of Amiri Baraka
And now each night, I count the stars. And each night I get the same number. And when the stars won't come to be counted, I count the holes they leave.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Stars
Image of Amiri Baraka
I am inside someone who hates me. I look out from his eyes.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Hate
Image of Amiri Baraka
The landscape should belong to the people who see it all the time.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: People
Image of Amiri Baraka
A system that warehouses people is not the cure for social ills
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: People
Image of Amiri Baraka
James Brown and Frank Sinatra are two different quantities in the universe. They represent two different experiences of the world.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Two
Image of Amiri Baraka
A man is either free or he is not.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Freedom
Image of Amiri Baraka
Back home the black women are all beautiful
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Beauty
Image of Amiri Baraka
God is man idealized.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Men
Image of Amiri Baraka
what is lost because it is most precious what is most precious because it is lost
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Lost
Image of Amiri Baraka
& love is an evil word. Turn it backwards/see, see what I mean? An evol word.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Mean
Image of Amiri Baraka
Atheist Jews double crossers stole our [black people’s] secrets. . . . They give us to worship a dead Jew and not ourselves . . . . Selling fried potatoes and people, the little arty bastards talking arithmetic they sucked from the arab’s head.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Atheist
Image of Amiri Baraka
Smile, jew. Dance, jew. Tell me you love me, jew...I got the extermination blues, jewboys. I got the hitler syndrome figured
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Syndromes
Image of Amiri Baraka
Who has ever stopped to think of the divinity of Lamont Cranston?
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Thinking
Image of Amiri Baraka
Most American white men are trained to be fags. For this reason it is no wonder their faces are weak and blank.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Men
Image of Amiri Baraka
What will be / the sacred words?
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Sacred
Image of Amiri Baraka
An evil word it is/ This Love.
- Amiri Baraka
Collection: Evil