Alyson Noel

Image of Alyson Noel
I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Alyson Noel
Only love heals. Anger, guilt, and fear can only destroy and separate you from your true capabilities.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Guilt
Image of Alyson Noel
Music is one of the highest art forms there is. It can define a life, change a life, or even safe a life, in just three short minutes.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Art
Image of Alyson Noel
We meet the people we’re supposed to when the time is just right.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: People
Image of Alyson Noel
Sometimes destiny lies just outside of our reach.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Lying
Image of Alyson Noel
No matter what happens, we'll always be together, always find a way to locate each other. No matter which guise my soul decides to wear, I will always return to you. Just like I always have returned to you.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Soul
Image of Alyson Noel
Your heart always knows what's important. It always knows how to guide you. It's pure, and trustworthy--though it will never shout to be heard. it will never speak above a whisper. But if you learn how to heed it, how to hear it, you will never feel lost in the world.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Heart
Image of Alyson Noel
Because sometimes there's more worth in silence than noise. Sometimes everything you need to know is contained in that small quiet space. Sometimes we get so caught up in distraction and noise and seeking other people's approval we forget the quiet seed of truth that lives in our hearts. But just because we fail to tune in to it, doesn't mean it's not there.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Heart
Image of Alyson Noel
Hating requires caring. In which case, I couldn't possibly hate you.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Hate
Image of Alyson Noel
The trick is to learn to see with your heart, not with your eyes
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Heart
Image of Alyson Noel
And I know you've spent a lifetime trying to protect me from the staggering pain of grief that comes from losing the things and the people and the places you allowed yourself to care about--but guess what, Jennika--that's no way to live. As much as it hurts to lose something you love, there's much greater joy in getting to experience it for as long as it lasts.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Hurt
Image of Alyson Noel
I’m always thinking about what I’m missing. Even when I’m happy with what I have.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alyson Noel
True character is revealedby the way people react to the bigger challenges in life.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Character
Image of Alyson Noel
You never know what you have till you've lost it.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Alyson Noel
Rules should always be bent, if not broken. It's the only way to have any fun.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Fun
Image of Alyson Noel
Just Because something ends dosent mean that it's a bad thing or that someones bound to get hurt,ot that it never shold have happend in the first place or whatever. But If each step brings us to the next how can we grow if we avoid everything that can hurt us?? We pretty much have no choice but to get out there and hope for the best and who knows we may even learn a thing or two on the way
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Hurt
Image of Alyson Noel
Miracles do occur, and it's never too late to turn your life around and reach for something better.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Miracle
Image of Alyson Noel
That's what true love is. It cannot be broken, it cannot be chipped away, it's eternal, everlasting, and it can weather any storm.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Love Is
Image of Alyson Noel
Today's worries are yesterday's fears and tomorrow's stories.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Alyson Noel
The fact is, the heart and mind aren't always friendly. And in my case, they're barely speaking.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Heart
Image of Alyson Noel
We don't always get the journey we want. But we always get the journey we need.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Journey
Image of Alyson Noel
Our past may shape us, but it doesn't define who we become.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Past
Image of Alyson Noel
Life is still life. It’s still tough, complicated, and more than a little messy, with lessons to be learned, mistakes to be made, triumphs and disappointments to be had, and not every day is meant to be a party.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Disappointment
Image of Alyson Noel
My feelings for you are not conditional. I don't judge you. I don't lose patience with you. I don't punish you. I just love you. That's all. Pure and simple.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Love You
Image of Alyson Noel
Well, for that matter, I was also a good friend of Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Francis Bacon, Albert Einstein, and John, Paul, George, and Ringo." He pauses, seeing the blank look on my face and groaning when he says, "Christ, Ever, the Beatles!" He shakes his head and laughs. "God, you make me feel old.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Good Friend
Image of Alyson Noel
But while everything around us seems to be in a constant state of flux- people at their very core remained exactly the same. All of us still seeking the things we've sought all along—shelter, food, love, greater meaning—" He shakes his head. "A quest that's immune to evolution.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: People
Image of Alyson Noel
After two solid weeks of waking up in Damen's bed, wrapped in Damen's arms, you'd think I'd have grown used to it by now. But nope. Not even close. Though I could get used to it. I'd like to get used to it.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alyson Noel
Another one from the immortals and again i cant remember what book. Haven to Ever In every relationship there is always someone who loves more, my point is no matter how it looks from the outside the truth is, its never really equal, that's just not the way it works,there is always the pursued and the pursuer, the cat and the mouse.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Book
Image of Alyson Noel
Each soul, each person, has to find their own way - learn their own lessons ... It's all those rough bits that make us stronger.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Soul
Image of Alyson Noel
Damen is gorgeous. I know this without looking up. I just focus on my book as he makes his way toward me since I know way too much about my classmates already. So as far as I'm concerned, an extra moment of ignorance really is bliss. But according to the innermost thoughts of Stacia Miller sitting just two rows before me - Damen Auguste is totally smoking hot. Her best friend, Honor, completely agrees. So does Honor's boyfriend, Craig, but that's a whole other story
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Book
Image of Alyson Noel
Knowing that wishes don’t always come about in the way that we think, but if you believe and keep your mind open, there’s a really good chance they will manifest in some way.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Believe
Image of Alyson Noel
Trust me, you can't play the game if you don't know the rules. And if you don't know the rules, someone's bound to get hurt.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Hurt
Image of Alyson Noel
This is where we go our seperate ways. Aware of the almost feel of his hand on my arm when he pulls me back to him and says, "Yes." I look at him, unsure of what he's saying yes to. "The questions you asked earlier, about wanting to settle down, start a family, see my family? Yes. Yes to all of it." I try to swallow but can't, try to speak but the words just won't come. His hands sliding around me, grasping me to him, he lets go of the vial, allows it to fall, to crash to the ground. The sparkling green liquid seeping out all around as he says, "But mostly yes to you.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Alyson Noel
Soundlessly whispering into the void, my lips moving quickly, silently, without ceasing. Calling his name, calling him to me. Even though there's no use. Even though it's futile. Even though it's way past too late.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Moving
Image of Alyson Noel
Forgiveness is healing—everything is energy—thoughts create—we are all connected—what you resist persists—true love never dies—the soul’s immortality is the only true immortality—
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Healing
Image of Alyson Noel
When you think about it in the big scheme of things our time together is like a dash of spice in a big cosmic soup - important for richness of flavor but still not quite the main ingredient. The past is over. It can't and shouldn't be reclaimed. All we ever have is now anyway.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Past
Image of Alyson Noel
You're strictly a tulip girl—a red tulip girl.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Girl
Image of Alyson Noel
He looks at me, the light in his eyes fractures into millions of bits—a kaleidoscope of darkness that may never be fixed.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Eye
Image of Alyson Noel
Six hundred years is an awfully long time, Ever. So long it's impossible for either of us to imagine. Though it is more than enough time to rack up a few dirty skeletons for the old metaphorical closet, right?
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Dirty
Image of Alyson Noel
Now, now." He smiles, "Don't you worry 'bout a thing. Damen's right where you left him. Though I must say I can't believe that you left him. I underestimated you. I had no idea. Though I can't help but wonder how Damen would feel if he knew. I bet he underestimated you too.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Believe
Image of Alyson Noel
No: What the heck happened? Or: Why did you go from nearly kissing me to tossing me across your yard and into the patio furniture?
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Kissing
Image of Alyson Noel
Maybe." I shrug. "But what I meant was, can't you use the makeup to cover it?" Miles rolls his eyes and scowls. "Oh, so I can sport a huge flesh-colored beacon instead? Would you look at this thing? There's no disguising it. It's got it's own DNA! It's casting shadows!
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Sports
Image of Alyson Noel
Didn't I promise I'd always look after you and keep you from harm?
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Promise
Image of Alyson Noel
What a tangle love is.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Love Is
Image of Alyson Noel
You and I are meant to be. It's the only thing I'm absolutely sure of. And while I have no idea what to expect, I promise I'll do whatever it takes to find my way back.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Ideas
Image of Alyson Noel
Well, it's nice to have a dream. But it's even nicer when there's a remote possibility of it coming true.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Dream
Image of Alyson Noel
But I want you to know that you're a beautiful girl, far more beautiful than I ever was at your age, and that starving yourself to compete with all of those skinny celebrities who spend half their lives checking in and out of rehab is not only a completely unreasonable and unattainable goal, but will only end up making you sick.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Alyson Noel
Aw, now look at that, you're being sarcastic, aren't you?
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Sarcastic
Image of Alyson Noel
Prince Kanta was crazy!
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Crazy
Image of Alyson Noel
You're free to join us, but only if you promise not to stare at the new kid." Miles laughs. "Staring is very rude. Didn't anyone ever tell you that?
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Kids