Alexandra Bracken

Image of Alexandra Bracken
We'll just have to try to make better mistakes tomorrow.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Mistake
Image of Alexandra Bracken
I can't do this anymore," I cried, "Why won't you just leave me alone?" Because you would never leave me.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Leave Me Alone
Image of Alexandra Bracken
If a heart could break once, it shouldn't have been able to happen again.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Heart
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Seeing that my words had done absolutely nothing to pull North from whatever depths he was clinging to, Owain did what came naturally. He smacked North upside the head hard enough to send him sprawling into the window. And when it seemed that North would turn around and return the favor, Owain hit him again, harder.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Depth
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Genet raised his hand, and I squeezed my eyes shut, sure I would be receiving the worst backhanded slap of my life. Genet froze and whimpered, but didn't back away. "Oh, ho," said a familiar voice. "That was close !" I opened my eyes as North's free hand - the one that hadn't caught Genet's wrist - gently pulled my arm free. I pushed myself away from both of them. "You interrupt my business ?" Genet sputtered. "Do you know what this wench just accused me of being ?" "A filthy pig," North said good-naturedly. "But there's only one filthy pig allowed in her life, and the position's been filled.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Eye
Image of Alexandra Bracken
The thing is...what they don't tell you about forgiveness is this-you don't give it for the other person's sake, but your own.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Giving
Image of Alexandra Bracken
A moment later, Liam's bright blue eyes opened, and he was seeing me. He just wasn't seeing Ruby.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Eye
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Clancy had taught me well.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Taught
Image of Alexandra Bracken
But there was another, secret Ruby. This one was as thin as a wisp of air, and had struggled for so long just to be. This was the one that Liam carried with him, without knowing. The one that would ride in his back pocket, whisper words of encouragement, tell him he was born to chase the light.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Oh, I'm sorry," Chubs said, 'apparently the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours. Do continue.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Sorry
Image of Alexandra Bracken
No part of you is dark or ugly,' I said sharply, squeezing his hand. 'Not to me, not ever. Do you understand?
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Dark
Image of Alexandra Bracken
You're a wizard," I snapped. "Can't you just use magic to make your own food?" "Ah, yes," he retorted. "Because mud pies are so very delicious and the wind fills empty stomachs quite nicely.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Wind
Image of Alexandra Bracken
He doesn't bring many girls round unless they're part of a job - but also 'cause his smell can sometimes kill kittens.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Girl
Image of Alexandra Bracken
It's in our blood to start again.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Blood
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Up! you bag of bones!" "Magister? Gods i was hoping that was a dream....... You're disturbing Ms. Mirabil!!! "She's awake!! North said, kicking off his covers and kneeling beside my bed, a bright smile on his face. "Hullo my beautiful beautiful darling, feeling better today??
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Alexandra Bracken
He held me against him gently, as if I was glass - as if I could shatter and fall away from him at any moment and leave him breathless and alone once more.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Love
Image of Alexandra Bracken
I'm trying to feel sorry for you, really I am,"North said."If you wait just a moment I'm sure the tears will come.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Sorry
Image of Alexandra Bracken
If there was one good thing that came out of all this, it was that I got to meet you. I would go through it all again - I would, as long as it meant I'd met you.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Long
Image of Alexandra Bracken
He's just like a stallion. Wild and kicking on the outside, but a heart soft as satin on the inside. Just waiting for the right girl to break him in.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Girl
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Why are you so weird?" "Because my weird has to be able to cancel out your weird, Lady Cross-stitch." "At least what I do is considered an art form." "Yes, in ye olde medieal Europse you would've been quite the catch-
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Art
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Well, have you ever thought of bathing?' I asked, turning away. 'No one wants to hire a wizard who smells worse than their outhouse. And who knows what creatures are living in that hair?
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Hair
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Ghosts don't haunt people--their memories do.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Memories
Image of Alexandra Bracken
You are actually the worst person I have ever met.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Worst Person
Image of Alexandra Bracken
I was just an okay person.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Okay
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Everyone is just making the choices they think will help them get by.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Thinking
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Sometimes you're the one speeding along in a panic, doing too much, not paying attention, wrecking things you don't mean to. And sometimes life just happens to you, and you can't dodge it. It crashes into you because it wants to see what you're made of.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexandra Bracken
I can't make it fade.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Fades
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Real friends are hard to come by, and as annoying as Henry is, he'd throw himself in front of dragon's fire for you." "And that's the definition of a real friend?" "Oh, yes, just ask Owain." He laughed.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Real
Image of Alexandra Bracken
They were never scared of the kids who might die, or the empty spaces they would leave behind. They were afraid of us-the ones who lived.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Kids
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Where did she come from, and where can I find one?" "Picked this one up at a gas station in West Virginia, bargain price. Last one on the shelf, sorry.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Sorry
Image of Alexandra Bracken
The most important thing you ever did was learn how to survive. Do not let anyone make you feel like you shouldn't have.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Important
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Cause, frankly, the way I see it, you and me? Inevitable.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Way
Image of Alexandra Bracken
We want you. We wanted you yesterday, we want you today and we'll want you tomorrow. There's nothing you could do to change that.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Ruby, I lied before. I would have run. —CG
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Running
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Did you make me so happy that sometimes I actually forget to breath? I'll be looking at you, and my chest will get so tight...and it's like, the only thought in my head is how much I want to reach over and kiss you.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Love
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Owain crossed his arms over his chest. "I've gone straight. Only good, clean jobs for me now." "So, in other words," North said, "you're living in poverty?
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alexandra Bracken
We have no idea, but its not like we're going to win any awards for normalcy anytime soon. So you get into people's heads? The two of us can throw people around like toys. Zu once blew up an AC unit, and all she did was walk by it.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Winning
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Ruby, give me one reason why we can’t be together, and I’ll give you a hundred why we can. We can go anywhere you want. I’m not your parents. I’m not going to abandon you or send you away, not ever.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Giving
Image of Alexandra Bracken
I don't want to just see someone's face; I want to know his shadow, too. —Jude
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Shadow
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Thank you,” he was whispering, “thank you, thank you.…” And then he was kissing my face, every inch of it he could find, wiping away the tears and soot, chanting my name.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Kissing
Image of Alexandra Bracken
When a girl cries, few things are more worthless than a boy
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Girl
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Maybe we had just gotten too used to being alone-- and maybe that needed to change.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Used
Image of Alexandra Bracken
So help me God,” I said slowly, clearly, when Cate looked up at me. “If you go back on your word, I will tear you apart. And I won’t stop, not ever, until I’ve destroyed your life and the lives of every single person in this organization. Believe me, you may not always keep your promises, but I do.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Believe
Image of Alexandra Bracken
I had to be alone for a little while, but I'm okay now." "All right. But next time, don't go where I can't find you.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Littles
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Try to imagine where we'd be without you, darlin', and then maybe you'll see just how lucky we got.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Trying
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Dear Dad, When you sent me to school that morning, I thought you loved me. But now I see you for what you are. You called me a monster and a freak. But you’re the one that raised me.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Morning
Image of Alexandra Bracken
That was the Liam Stewart way of saying, Hi, darlin', missed you something fierce.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Way
Image of Alexandra Bracken
Yes, you are,” Chubs agreed. “But you’re our idiot, so be more careful next time.” “Cosigned,” Liam said, hooking his fingers over mine on top of the armrest.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Next
Image of Alexandra Bracken
I pulled myself from his mind, day by day, piece by piece, memory by memory, until there was nothing of Ruby left to weigh him down or keep him bound to my side.
- Alexandra Bracken
Collection: Memories