Top Shadow Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Shadow quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Antonio Porchia
The shadows: some hide, others reveal.
- Antonio Porchia
Collection: Shadow
Image of Czeslaw Milosz
What has no shadow has no strength to live.
- Czeslaw Milosz
Collection: Shadow
Image of Samuel Rogers
Vast and deep the mountain shadows grew.
- Samuel Rogers
Collection: Shadow
Image of Sidney Sheldon
you are my sun, and if the sun went out, the shadow would die.
- Sidney Sheldon
Collection: Shadow
Image of Jean-Pierre de Caussade
The duties of each moment are the shadows beneath which hides the divine operation.
- Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Collection: Shadow
Image of Gavin Extence
Fear distorts the world. Fear sees demons where only shadows dwell.
- Gavin Extence
Collection: Shadow
Image of Theodore Roethke
The visible exhausts me. I am dissolved in shadow.
- Theodore Roethke
Collection: Shadow
Image of Maggie Smith
We can't escape the shadow, so the best thing we can do is notice the light and be open to it.
- Maggie Smith
Collection: Shadow
Image of Michelle Sagara
History is not our guide, it is not our friend. It is a passing stranger, one which shadows legend, sprinkling it with the seeds of truth.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Shadow
Image of Junichiro Tanizaki
Were it not for shadows, there would be no beauty.
- Junichiro Tanizaki
Collection: Shadow
Image of Mark Waid
Not since Walter Gibson has anyone been better suited to The Shadow than Howard Chaykin
- Mark Waid
Collection: Shadow
Image of Anna Akhmatova
My shadow serves as the friend I crave
- Anna Akhmatova
Collection: Shadow
Image of Fausto Cercignani
Your identity is like your shadow: not always visible and yet always present.
- Fausto Cercignani
Collection: Shadow
Image of J. R. R. Tolkien
Above all shadows rides the sun.
- J. R. R. Tolkien
Collection: Shadow
Image of Carlos Ruiz Zafon
somethings can only be seen in the shadows
- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Collection: Shadow
Image of Virginia Woolf
I feel all shadows of the universe multiplied deep inside my skin.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Shadow
Image of Eric Weiner
[Happiness is] a ghost, it’s a shadow. You can’t really chase it. It’s a by-product, a very pleasant side effect to a life lived well.
- Eric Weiner
Collection: Shadow
Image of Eavan Boland
Poetry begins where language starts: in the shadows and accidents of one person’s life.
- Eavan Boland
Collection: Shadow
Image of Thomas Overbury
A flatterer is the shadow of a fool.
- Thomas Overbury
Collection: Shadow
Image of Francois Jacob
The Place of No Shadows, in Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazine (1990) In our Universe, matter is arranged in a hierarchy of structures by successive integrations.
- Francois Jacob
Collection: Shadow
Image of PJ Harvey
Shame is the shadow of love.
- PJ Harvey
Collection: Shadow
Image of Rembrandt
A painting is complete when it has the shadows of a god.
- Rembrandt
Collection: Shadow
Image of Elizabeth Siddal
I sit in thy shadow but not alone.
- Elizabeth Siddal
Collection: Shadow
Image of Don Paterson
Imagine your shadow burning off the page / As the dear world and the dead word disengage
- Don Paterson
Collection: Shadow
Image of Peter Deunov
Stop in somebody's shadow to rest and cool down, and you are lost. No one can make anyone else happy.
- Peter Deunov
Collection: Shadow
Image of Anna Katharine Green
The very shadows seem to listen.
- Anna Katharine Green
Collection: Shadow
Image of Richard Chenevix Trench
As shadows attend substances, so words follow upon things.
- Richard Chenevix Trench
Collection: Shadow
Image of Paula Gunn Allen
The shadows cannot speak.
- Paula Gunn Allen
Collection: Shadow
Image of Joan Walsh Anglund
We dwell in shadow or in sunlight . . . according to our belief.
- Joan Walsh Anglund
Collection: Shadow
Image of Willa Cather
Life was so short that it meant nothing at all unless it were continually reinforced by something that endured; unless the shadows of individual existence came and went against a background that held together.
- Willa Cather
Collection: Shadow
Image of Angela Carter
I am entirely alone. I and my shadow fill the universe.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Shadow
Image of Edith M. Thomas
Treasure the shadow. ... There are no shadows save from substance cast.
- Edith M. Thomas
Collection: Shadow
Image of Allison Mackie
Sharing words with someone you have never met is like observing a shadow, without seeing the whole person; the place where my shadow touches theirs, is the place where our words meet, and it is in that place where wonderful exchanges can take place.
- Allison Mackie
Collection: Shadow
Image of Clare of Assisi
Our labor here is brief, but the reward is eternal. Do not be disturbed by the clamor of the world, which passes like a shadow. Do not let false delights of a deceptive world deceive you.
- Clare of Assisi
Collection: Shadow
Image of George Mackay Brown
Old wisdom out of the cluster of gathering shadows.
- George Mackay Brown
Collection: Shadow
Image of Opal Whiteley
And this I have learned grown-ups do not know the language of shadows.
- Opal Whiteley
Collection: Shadow
Image of Claude Debussy
Music begins where words are powerless to express. Music is made for the inexpressible. I want music to seem to rise from the shadows and indeed sometimes to return to them.
- Claude Debussy
Collection: Shadow
Image of Chris Johnson
Truth can be sliced a hundred different ways, and it will still remain true, but falsehood shrinks into the shadows, hoping never to be tested, with excuses aplenty.
- Chris Johnson
Collection: Shadow
Image of Shmuel Yosef Agnon
Our days on earth are like a shadow, and the time of our affliction is the length of our days.
- Shmuel Yosef Agnon
Collection: Shadow
Image of Jon Wynne-Tyson
Until we establish a felt sense of kinship between our own species and those fellow mortals who share with us the sun and shadow of life on this agonized planet, there is no hope for other species, there is no hope for the environment, and there is no hope for ourselves.
- Jon Wynne-Tyson
Collection: Shadow
Image of Andre Comte-Sponville
Necessary, since every moment in our lives is marked by death, like a shadow from another realm, it appear to us like a vanishing point for everything. How can one meditate on live without meditating too on its brevity, its precariousness, its fragility?
- Andre Comte-Sponville
Collection: Shadow
Image of Stephen Johnson Field
The Constitution deals with substance, not shadows.
- Stephen Johnson Field
Collection: Shadow
Image of Peter Lindbergh
I remember how difficult it was to perform certain operations on gelatine prints. A few weeks ago I asked my gelatine printer at Picto, "Can you make just the shadows a little bit brighter?" He gave me a very strange look because in Photoshop you just turn a button, and we're used to that now, but it is totally impossible in gelatine silver printing.
- Peter Lindbergh
Collection: Shadow
Image of Salle Merrill Redfield
Where I once found it safer to stay in the background... I've stepped from the shadows into the spotlight.
- Salle Merrill Redfield
Collection: Shadow
Image of Bhikkhu Bodhi
In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; these follow you as the shadow follows the body.
- Bhikkhu Bodhi
Collection: Shadow
Image of Joy Fielding
October was always the least dependable of months ... full of ghosts and shadows.
- Joy Fielding
Collection: Shadow
Image of Loren Eiseley
I am what I am and cannot be otherwise because of the shadows.
- Loren Eiseley
Collection: Shadow
Image of Jason Aaron
Chaykin at his ballsiest and most dynamic. This is how the Shadow should be done.
- Jason Aaron
Collection: Shadow
Image of Rick Remender
Chaykin's Shadow is a modern legend at his best.
- Rick Remender
Collection: Shadow
Image of Allison Joseph
I need sometimes to hang back in the shadows with my pen and paper, and then other times, I need to take center stage in my own creations. The trick is to know when to hang back, and when to step forward. It's a perpetual ongoing balance.
- Allison Joseph
Collection: Shadow