Image of George Noory
Chill out, relax and have an open mind.
- George Noory
Collection: Mind
Image of Barbara Johnson
Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.
- Barbara Johnson
Image of Jaggi Vasudev
Meditation is the only way to freedom from stress as it is a dimension beyond the mind. All the stress and struggle are of the mind.
- Jaggi Vasudev
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Nick Vujicic
What really matters are the lives you touch along the way and how you finish your journey.
- Nick Vujicic
Collection: Journey
Image of Massimo Vignelli
The life of a designer is a life of fight. Fight against the ugliness. Just like a doctor fights against disease. For us, the visual disease is what we have around, and what we try to do is cure it somehow with design.
- Massimo Vignelli
Collection: Fashion
Image of John F. Kennedy
Never before has man had such a great capacity to control his own environment, to end hunger, poverty and disease, to banish illiteracy and human misery. We have the power to make the best generation of mankind in the history of the world.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Men
Image of Charles Dickens
A very little key will open a very heavy door.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Educational
Image of Arthur Schopenhauer
Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
Collection: Religion
Image of Rumi
There is a loneliness more precious than life. There is a freedom more precious than the world. Infinitely more precious than life and the world is that moment when one is alone with God.
- Rumi
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Henry Winkler
Assumptions are the termites of relationships.
- Henry Winkler
Collection: Relationship
Image of Richard Branson
I don’t think of work as work and play as play. It’s all living.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Life
Image of Pat Nixon
I love my husband. I believe in him, and I am proud of his accomplishments.
- Pat Nixon
Image of Michael Jackson
You can’t hurt me, I found peace within myself.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Hurt
Image of Thomas Carlyle
Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.
- Thomas Carlyle
Image of Swami Vivekananda
Liberty in thought and action is the only condition of life, growth and well-being: Where it does not exist, the man, the race, and the nation must go down.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Men
Image of Thich Nhat Hanh
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Collection: Hope
Image of Diane von Furstenberg
The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.
- Diane von Furstenberg
Collection: Important Relationships
Image of Voltaire
Men will always be mad, and those who think they can cure them are the maddest of all.
- Voltaire
Collection: Men
Image of Gail Devers
Remember, all things are possible to those who believe!
- Gail Devers
Collection: Believe
Image of William Osler
Variability is the law of life, and as no two faces are the same, so no two bodies are alike, and no two individuals react alike and behave alike under the abnormal conditions which we know as disease.
- William Osler
Image of Seth Klarman
The single greatest edge an investor can have is a long-term orientation.
- Seth Klarman
Collection: Long
Image of Michael Porter
Innovation is the central issue in economic prosperity.
- Michael Porter
Image of Subir Chowdhury
Quality combines people power and process power.
- Subir Chowdhury
Collection: People
Image of Tara Brach
Feeling compassion for ourselves in no way releases us from responsibility for our actions. Rather, it releases us from the self-hatred that prevents us from responding to our life with clarity and balance.
- Tara Brach
Image of Rick Warren
All leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning, you stop leading. I learn as much as I can, from as many as I can, as often as I can.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Leader
Image of Helen Keller
The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
- Helen Keller
Collection: Experience
Image of Michel Foucault
Our society is not one of spectacle but of surveillance.
- Michel Foucault
Collection: Surveillance
Image of Jaggi Vasudev
Whatever your goal in life, unless you develop a great urgency, what could be near will be far away.
- Jaggi Vasudev
Collection: Love
Image of Warren Buffett
Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Finance
Image of Michael Keaton
Filmmaking is the ultimate team sport.
- Michael Keaton
Image of Stephen King
Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters.
- Stephen King
Collection: Monsters
Image of Virgil
Love conquers all things.
- Virgil
Collection: Love
Image of Ali ibn Abi Talib
The disease of the heart is worse than the disease of the body.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib
Collection: Heart
Image of Timothy Keller
But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Commitment
Image of Joel Osteen
Replace those thoughts of worry with thoughts of hope, faith, and victory.
- Joel Osteen
Collection: Life
Image of Tim Burton
Live people ignore the strange and unusual. I myself, am strange and unusual.
- Tim Burton
Collection: People
Image of Julius Caesar
In war, important events result from trivial causes.
- Julius Caesar
Collection: War
Image of Confucius
When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.
- Confucius
Collection: Clever
Image of Neal A. Maxwell
The good life is the best preparation for bad times.
- Neal A. Maxwell
Collection: Good Life
Image of Catherine Ponder
I have unshakeable faith in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life, for God is in absolute control.
- Catherine Ponder
Collection: Perfect
Image of Jiddu Krishnamurti
Through self-knowledge you begin to find out what is God, what is truth, what is that state which is timeless. In self-knowledge is the whole universe; it embraces all the struggles of humanity.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Aristotle
All men by nature desire knowledge.
- Aristotle
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas S. Monson
Decisions determine destiny.
- Thomas S. Monson
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Albert Schweitzer
Pain is a more terrible lord of mankind than even death itself.
- Albert Schweitzer
Collection: Sad
Image of Voltaire
Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.
- Voltaire
Collection: Freedom
Image of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Want, or desire, arises when you are not happy. Have you seen this? When you are very happy then there is contentment. Contentment means no want.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Collection: Mean
Image of Patrick Leahy
Judiciary is where my passion is.
- Patrick Leahy
Image of Abdu'l-Bahá
Love is the spirit of life unto the adorned body of mankind, the establisher of true civilization in this mortal world, and the shedder of imperishable glory upon every high-aiming race and nation.
- Abdu'l-Bahá
Collection: Love
Image of Isaac Newton
God in the beginning formed matter in solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particles, of such sizes and figures, and with such other properties, and in such proportion to space, as most conduced to the end for which he formed them.
- Isaac Newton
Collection: Space