
Image of Virgil
Time flies never to be recalled.
- Virgil
Collection: Time
Image of Virgil
Trust one who has tried.
- Virgil
Collection: Trust
Image of Virgil
To have died once is enough.
- Virgil
Collection: Death
Image of Virgil
Veiling truth in mystery.
- Virgil
Collection: Truth
Image of Virgil
Age carries all things away, even the mind.
- Virgil
Collection: Age
Image of Virgil
Love conquers all.
- Virgil
Collection: Love
Image of Virgil
Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.
- Virgil
Collection: Patience
Image of Virgil
Is there any pleasure in anger? Yes, if the fire of my anger appeases the ashes of my friends.
- Virgil
Collection: Anger
Image of Virgil
But meanwhile time flies; it flies never to be regained.
- Virgil
Collection: Time
Image of Virgil
Go forth a conqueror and win great victories.
- Virgil
Collection: Great
Image of Virgil
Time passes irrevocably.
- Virgil
Collection: Time
Image of Virgil
Time is flying never to return.
- Virgil
Collection: Time
Image of Virgil
They can conquer who believe they can.
- Virgil
Collection: Motivational
Image of Virgil
In strife who inquires whether stratagem or courage was used?
- Virgil
Collection: Courage
Image of Virgil
All our sweetest hours fly fastest.
- Virgil
Collection: Time
Image of Virgil
Who asks whether the enemy was defeated by strategy or valor?
- Virgil
Collection: Courage
Image of Virgil
It is easy to go down into Hell; night and day, the gates of dark Death stand wide; but to climb back again, to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub, the task.
- Virgil
Collection: Death
Image of Virgil
Age steals away all things, even the mind.
- Virgil
Collection: Age
Image of Virgil
They succeed, because they think they can.
- Virgil
Collection: Success
Image of Virgil
Every calamity is to be overcome by endurance.
- Virgil
Collection: Strength
Image of Virgil
As the twig is bent the tree inclines.
- Virgil
Collection: Nature
Image of Virgil
I fear the Greeks, even when they bring gifts.
- Virgil
Collection: Fear
Image of Virgil
Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
- Virgil
Collection: Fear
Image of Virgil
Trust not too much to appearances.
- Virgil
Collection: Trust
Image of Virgil
If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell.
- Virgil
Collection: Moving
Image of Virgil
Easy is the descent to hell; all night long, all day, the doors of dark Hades stand open; but to retrace the path; to come out again to the sweet air of Heaven - there is the task, there is the burden.
- Virgil
Collection: Sweet
Image of Virgil
Fortune sides with he who dares
- Virgil
Collection: Sides
Image of Virgil
Time bears away all things.
- Virgil
Collection: Time
Image of Virgil
They can do all because they think they can.
- Virgil
Collection: Confidence
Image of Virgil
Evil is nourished and grows by concealment.
- Virgil
Collection: Evil
Image of Virgil
Maybe one day we shall be glad to remember even these hardships.
- Virgil
Collection: Broken Heart
Image of Virgil
No day shall erase you from the memory of time
- Virgil
Collection: Memories
Image of Virgil
Love conquers all; therefore, let us submit to love.
- Virgil
Collection: Love Conquers All
Image of Virgil
Endure the present, and watch for better things.
- Virgil
Collection: Watches
Image of Virgil
Let us go singing as far as we go: the road will be less tedious.
- Virgil
Collection: Music
Image of Virgil
Happy the man who has been able to learn the causes of things.
- Virgil
Collection: Latin
Image of Virgil
What each man feared would happen to himself, did not trouble him when he saw that it would ruin another.
- Virgil
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Virgil
Fear is the proof of a degenerate mind.
- Virgil
Collection: Fear
Image of Virgil
The hour is ripe, and yonder lies the way.
- Virgil
Collection: Determination
Image of Virgil
Yield thou not to adversity, but press on the more bravely.
- Virgil
Collection: Faith
Image of Virgil
Even virtue is fairer when it appears in a beautiful person.
- Virgil
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Virgil
Love conquers all things.
- Virgil
Collection: Love
Image of Virgil
Each of us bears his own Hell.
- Virgil
Collection: Reality
Image of Virgil
Fortunate is he whose mind has the power to probe the causes of things and trample underfoot all terrors and inexorable fate.
- Virgil
Collection: Fate
Image of Virgil
All things deteriorate in time.
- Virgil
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Virgil
Every man makes a god of his own desire
- Virgil
Collection: Men
Image of Virgil
The medicine increases the disease.
- Virgil
Collection: Philosophical
Image of Virgil
Whatever may happen, every kind of fortune is to be overcome by bearing it.
- Virgil
Collection: Kindness
Image of Virgil
May the countryside and the gliding valley streams content me. Lost to fame, let me love river and woodland.
- Virgil
Collection: Rivers
Image of Virgil
Trust not too much to appearances
- Virgil
Collection: Political