Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 199

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 199 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Peter Orner
As a professor I can't teach writing.
- Peter Orner
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Orner
I always say writing fiction isn't something you teach. It's something you do, and only experimentation - i.e. doing it, either badly or good sometimes - can help anybody get any better or worse at it.
- Peter Orner
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Orner
I think anything we do - eating, walking down the street, online shopping - gives you another perspective on writing stories.
- Peter Orner
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam Duritz
You aren't really writing about what you did; you're writing about how you feel.
- Adam Duritz
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam Duritz
I think I'd been limiting myself in some ways just writing in first person all the time.
- Adam Duritz
Collection: Writing
Image of Adam Duritz
You live through stuff, and it affects the way you feel about the world, and you write about it.
- Adam Duritz
Collection: Writing
Image of E. L. Doctorow
The act of composition is a series of discoveries.
- E. L. Doctorow
Collection: Writing
Image of E. L. Doctorow
I thought of myself as a writer for years before I got around to writing anything.
- E. L. Doctorow
Collection: Writing
Image of E. L. Doctorow
Planning to write is not writing. Outlining, researching, talking to people about what you're doing - none of that is writing. Writing is writing. Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.
- E. L. Doctorow
Collection: Writing
Image of Will Durant
Nothing is new except arrangement.
- Will Durant
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthea Harvey
I suppose it's useful in designating writing that tends to come from personal experience, work that delineates an "I," but it's a loose lasso, one which may rope certain poems by one poet and not others.
- Matthea Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthea Harvey
In my own writing, I've mostly abandoned end-rhyme, but wordplay is still a huge part of my process. I've written a series of mermaid poems in the last few years. The first one was called "The Straightforward Mermaid" which arose from my delight in that word combination. After that, I decided that future mermaid poems would have to be words ending in "d" or "t," which led to "The Deadbeat Mermaid," "The Morbid Mermaid" and so forth . . .
- Matthea Harvey
Collection: Writing
Image of Ryan Tedder
I'm in an odd position because I write across so many genres for so many people and they all influence me, and if I'm going to write as honest an album as possible, it's going to be layered.
- Ryan Tedder
Collection: Writing
Image of Sam Altman
Press releases are easier to write than code, and that is still easier than making a great product.
- Sam Altman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ken Follett
When I'm writing a woman character, I don't think, 'What would a woman do?' I just think, 'What would this character do in this situation?
- Ken Follett
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Eno
When you look back on a historical period of music, it seems so obvious to you what the characteristics of it are, but they're not obvious at the time. So, when I look back at my own work, I could easily write a very convincing sort of account of it that made it look like I had planned it all out from day one and that this led logically to that and then I did this and then that followed quite naturally from that. But that's not how it felt.
- Brian Eno
Collection: Writing
Image of William Feather
To make yourself understood you have to think plain and write plain.
- William Feather
Collection: Writing
Image of Gustave Flaubert
There comes a point at which you stop writing and think all the more
- Gustave Flaubert
Collection: Writing
Image of Tristan Prettyman
Writing music obviously comes from being inspired by things, and big changes in your life, and relationships and growing older and being more independent.
- Tristan Prettyman
Collection: Writing
Image of Drake
I write best about two things, which is evident from the cover of So Far Gone: the constant quest to understand love and money.
- Drake
Collection: Writing
Image of Bret Easton Ellis
I learned that you really don't have any control as a writer. Waah, waah, waah. Big deal. Unless you're the director on the movie, or putting up the money for the movie, you really don't have a lot of control. As someone who's just writing scripts, you just kind of have to shrug. I have no problems or issues with screenwriting in general. It is what it is.
- Bret Easton Ellis
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The sermon which I write inquisitive of truth is good a year after, but that which is written because a sermon must be writ is musty the next day.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
One of the illusions of life is that the present hour is not the critical decisive hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year. He only is right who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded by worry, fret and anxiety. Finish every day, and be done with it. You have done what you could.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jacqueline Novogratz
Philanthropy is no longer about writing a check for $10,000 to the opera.
- Jacqueline Novogratz
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Zapruder
I wanted to write not exclusively for (or against) poets or scholars, though many of them are people, too! But that was not my primary audience. It was that person you like who tells you they don't get poetry, and you think to yourself, aw man, what can I do for this good person?
- Matthew Zapruder
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Zapruder
Today is such a strange day. The news is out about the Russians and mini-Donald. This seems like a turning point, but it certainly has felt that way before. Like all of us, I am vibrating with electric uncertainty. How do you manage to concentrate and write poems? I know that for me it is just a relief to be in that sort of thinking, away from the news and all the immense global and personal worries.
- Matthew Zapruder
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Zapruder
The question does arise if how and why to write poetry in this time. It feels both completely essential and also quite difficult. But that's how writing poetry has felt to me my whole life. Everything seems to have just gotten immensely more mortal and tragic and scary, which makes it hard to concentrate, but also, if harnessed, can provide immense energy for making poems.
- Matthew Zapruder
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Zapruder
I would like to try to write poetry that would do everything I wanted poems to do, but also be readable by any person. I didn't know if this was possible, but I suddenly knew, in that few-times-in-a-lifetime sort of way, that this would be my life's search.
- Matthew Zapruder
Collection: Writing
Image of Jesse Eisenberg
As an actor, you are in a unique position because you’re not only memorizing dialogue but really embodying it. You naturally feel the rhythm of good writing.
- Jesse Eisenberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeph Loeb
While we do have 50 years of terrific Avengers stories, many of which our writing staff has written, along the way, this has to live in its own world.
- Jeph Loeb
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Folds
Im really good at writing almost hits.
- Ben Folds
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
In good writing, words become one with things.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
Whatever the style is, I want to have a sense that the writer is thinking, and really trying to get at something, and that there's a sense of discovery as the writing goes along.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
You have to create the space for the possibility of people speaking as they do. If writing is supposed to lead us in any way or educate or suggest other ways of being, it can't do so by simply reflecting what's considered to be realistic.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Eminem
It's just hard when you've spent so much time on something, writing and recording, laying the vocals, getting the hook right, getting the beat right, making everything sound right - you spent a freaking week trying to make it sound perfect, and someone comes along and shoots it down.
- Eminem
Collection: Writing
Image of Jennifer Egan
Goon Squad' took about three years to write and that's the short end. My second novel, 'Look at Me,' took six years.
- Jennifer Egan
Collection: Writing
Image of Jennifer Egan
A sense of that kind of narrative movement that we experience online could have been in my mind easily, though not consciously. I do rely so much on my unconscious, the way I write my stuff the way I do. I let my unconscious work. I have better ideas that way and more interesting work.
- Jennifer Egan
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Ferriss
I do my best writing between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.. Almost every friend I have who is a consistently productive writer, does their best writing between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. My quota is two crappy pages per day. I keep it really low so I'm not so intimidated that I never get started. I will do the gathering of interviews and research throughout the day. I'll get all my notes and materials together and then I'll do the synthesis between 10 p.m. to bed, which is usually 4 or 5 a.m.
- Tim Ferriss
Collection: Writing
Image of Carrie Fisher
I have tons of stuff that, you know, seems like it's a well-constructed sentence but it is not how people talk, it's how people write. So that's why I think it's sometimes easier for me to write for actors 'cause I know what's frustrating about, you know, sentences that come out just perfect. Well, who talks like that? And who of us don't overlap each other? Except on the radio, hopefully.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Writing
Image of Michelangelo Antonioni
When I'm sure I have a story, I call my collaborators and we begin to discuss it. And we conduct studies of certain subjects to make sure of our terrain. Then, finally, in the last month or two, I write the story.
- Michelangelo Antonioni
Collection: Writing
Image of John Darnielle
I know it's a cliché to say I write for myself, but I write for myself.
- John Darnielle
Collection: Writing
Image of John Darnielle
Adulthood is interesting to adults. But I would never want to write about stuff I dont feel everybody can connect to.
- John Darnielle
Collection: Writing
Image of Louise Erdrich
It kills your writing if you try to manipulate it with crude politics.
- Louise Erdrich
Collection: Writing
Image of Louise Erdrich
I spend most of my time writing.
- Louise Erdrich
Collection: Writing
Image of Eve Ensler
I think being an activist and an artist is an interesting contradiction, because so often they are at odds with one another. When you write as an artist you have to clean the palate of your own politics in creating characters and activism is kind of the exact opposite.
- Eve Ensler
Collection: Writing
Image of Eve Ensler
I'm feeling a kind of liberty to write about what's interesting to me without worrying about what I should be writing about. And that feels good.
- Eve Ensler
Collection: Writing
Image of Malcolm Forbes
There's one post-Christmas chore I love-writing thank-you letters.... Lots of companies for many reasonable reasons, I guess, have a policy against sending even Christmas cards, never mind things, at Christmastime. But our clan gets a big kick out of opening the Warner-Lambert box containing an assortment of their wares; we argue over which of the boys is to get the Union Oil Co. necktie [and] all the holiday long we play the marvelous Christmas music sent by Goodyear.... None of these things means that Forbes or Forbeses have been had. But all of us like being thought of.
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Ellison
I suspect that all the agony that goes into writing is borne precisely because the writer longs for acceptance-but it must be acceptance on his own terms.
- Ralph Ellison
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Elliot
It makes me boil when I think of the power we profess and the utter impotency of our action. Believers who know one-tenth as much as we do are doing one-hundred times more for God, with His blessing and our criticism. Oh if I could write it, preach it, say it, paint it, anything at all, if only God's power would become known among us.
- Jim Elliot
Collection: Writing