Carrie Fisher

Image of Carrie Fisher
I really love the internet. They say chat-rooms are the trailer park of the internet but I find it amazing.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Amazing
Image of Carrie Fisher
There's a line I have that our family was designed more for public than for private. But there are definitely some things that are only mine. I am someone who dreams at night, and you don't know what I'm dreaming.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Dreams
Image of Carrie Fisher
Movies are dreams! And they work on you subliminally.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Movies
Image of Carrie Fisher
I don't think Christmas is necessarily about things. It's about being good to one another, it's about the Christian ethic, it's about kindness.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Christmas
Image of Carrie Fisher
Going to AA helped me to see that there were other people who had problems that had found a way to talk about them and find relief and humor through that.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Humor
Image of Carrie Fisher
We treat beauty like an accomplishment, and that is insane. Everyone in L.A. says, 'Oh, you look good,' and you listen for them to say you've lost weight. It's never 'How are you?' or 'You seem happy!'
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Beauty
Image of Carrie Fisher
If my life wasn't funny, it would just be true, and that's unacceptable.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Funny
Image of Carrie Fisher
Instant gratification takes too long.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Funny
Image of Carrie Fisher
Acting engenders and harbours qualities that are best left way behind in adolescence.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Best
Image of Carrie Fisher
Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I am mentally ill. I can say that. I am not ashamed of that. I survived that, I'm still surviving it, but bring it on. Better me than you.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I'm very sane about how crazy I am.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
There is no point at which you can say, 'Well, I'm successful now. I might as well take a nap.'
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I'm fine, but I'm bipolar. I'm on seven medications, and I take medication three times a day. This constantly puts me in touch with the illness I have. I'm never quite allowed to be free of that for a day. It's like being a diabetic.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I have a mess in my head sometimes, and there's something very satisfying about putting it into words. Certainly it's not something that you're in charge of, necessarily, but writing about it, putting it into your words, can be a very powerful experience.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Two of the saddest words in the English language are, 'What party?' And L.A. is the 'What party?' capital of the world.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Along with aging comes life experience, so in every way that is consistent with even being human, Leia has changed.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Kevin Smith is a very challenging conversationalist and Jay has many great stories.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
People are still asking me if I knew Star Wars was going to be that big of a hit. Yes, we all knew. The only one who didn't know was George.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
You get to choose what monsters you want to slay. I'm sorry to say this again, but let's face it - the Force is with you.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
My father was a joyous, joyous spirit, he really was. He was a hedonist, that was just - he enjoyed life, thrust up to the elbows with it. He was a terrible father. I don't know that he was parented that well.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
People see me and they squeal like tropical birds or seals stranded on the beach.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I think of my body as a side effect of my mind.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I have two moods. One is Roy, rollicking Roy, the wild ride of a mood. And Pam, sediment Pam, who stands on the shore and sobs... Sometimes the tide is in, sometimes it's out.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I am a very discreet human when it comes to other people.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I trust myself. I trust my instincts. I know what I'm gonna do, what I can do, what I can't do. I've been through a lot, and I could go through more, but I hope I don't have to. But if I did, I'd be able to do it. I'm not going to enjoy dying, but there's not much prep for that.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
In the Fifties, my parents were known as 'America's sweethearts'. Their pictures graced the covers of all the newspapers. They were the Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston of their day.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
You can't find any true closeness in Hollywood, because everybody does the fake closeness so well.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
If anything, my mother taught me how to sur-thrive. That's my word for it.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
There were days I could barely struggle into a size 46 or 48, months of larges and XXLs, and endless rounds of leggings with the elastic at the waist stretched to its limit and beyond - topped with the fashion equivalent of a tea cozy. And always black, because I was in mourning for my slimmer self.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I always kept a diary - not a diary like, 'Dear Diary, we got up at 5 A.M., and I wore the weird hair again and that white dress! Hi-yeee!' I'd just write.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Certainly there are people who like me, but then there are those who don't know me who gossip about me. You can't believe the things I've heard.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
What I wrote all the time when I was a kid - I don't want to call it 'poetry,' because it wasn't poetry. I was not that kind of a writer. I was a rhymer. I was a fan of Dorothy Parker's, so maybe I wrote poetry to that extent, but my main focus was the humor of it, and word construction, and the slant. Your words, it's a very powerful experience.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Leia follows me like a vague smell.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Anything you can do in excess for the wrong reasons is exciting to me.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I went to a doctor and told him I felt normal on acid, that I was a light bulb in a world of moths. That is what the manic state is like.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Now I say I'm a diarist with an explanation I'll get back to you on. Someday I may try and write in memoir form.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
One of the great things to pretend is that you're not only alright, you're in great shape. Now to have that come true - I've actually gone on stage depressed and that's worked its magic on me, 'cause if I can convince you that I'm alright, then maybe I can convince me.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Drugs made me feel more normal.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
It's difficult to know what to say to someone whose partner has cheated on them.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I was street smart, but unfortunately the street was Rodeo Drive.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Mistakes are a drag, because you get in the area of regret and self-pity.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I have been in 'Star Wars' since I was 20. And they're not just doing some goofy sequel, like, to service the hunger of it. It actually has been thought out and it has integrity and they took it seriously, which they didn't have to do, you know? It's hard to do, given the appetite and the angles from which everybody's coming at it.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Over time, I've paid attention, taken notes and forgotten easily half of everything I've gone through.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
Some of my memories will never return. They are lost - along with the crippling feeling of defeat and hopelessness. Not a tremendous price to pay.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
What I always wanna tell young people now: Pay attention. This isn't gonna happen again. Rather than try to understand it as it's going along, have it go along for a while and then understand it.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I always wrote. I wrote from when I was 12. That was therapeutic for me in those days. I wrote things to get them out of feeling them, and onto paper. So writing in a way saved me, kept me company. I did the traditional thing with falling in love with words, reading books and underlining lines I liked and words I didn't know.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
The manic end of is a lot of fun.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I think that the truth is a really stern taskmistress.
- Carrie Fisher
Image of Carrie Fisher
I spent a year in a 12-step program, really committed, because I could not believe what had happened - that I might have killed myself.
- Carrie Fisher