Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 200

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 200 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Fiona Apple
I used to love to make things - you couldn't drag me away for dinner because I was always writing a story or something.
- Fiona Apple
Collection: Writing
Image of Craig Finn
One thing I have a tendency to do is not write choruses, or write choruses that have different words. The first chorus will have different words than the second chorus.
- Craig Finn
Collection: Writing
Image of Craig Finn
My style of lyric-writing is very specific and has a lot of details, and I think people react most to that.
- Craig Finn
Collection: Writing
Image of George Eliot
People who write finely must not expect to be left in repose; they will be molested with thanks, at least.
- George Eliot
Collection: Writing
Image of Gavin Friday
I like a fine wine. Who can beat that? I don't think it helps writing; I think it's a hinderance. It helps numb you.
- Gavin Friday
Collection: Writing
Image of Wayne Dyer
Flexibility, openness and softness are consorting with life. When you are rigid and you know the answer and don't listen to other people's point of view, you are consorting with death. Everything that is old and close to death is brittle and breaks apart including our thinking. So always stay flexible and soft and listen to others with caring. And truthfully, all of the verses hit me - especially when you think about them for days, and then write on them.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Writing
Image of Cory Doctorow
Stop in the middle of a sentence, leaving a rough edge for you to start from the nest day - that way, you can write three or five words without being “creative” and before you know it, you're writing.
- Cory Doctorow
Collection: Writing
Image of Lawrence Wright
When I'm writing about complicated subjects, it usually involves a world. It could be the world of Scientology or the world of Al Qaeda, or the world of counter-terrorism.I look for emblematic beasts of burden - what I call "donkeys" - who can carry the reader through this world. They serve a different purpose. Donkeys are not especially interesting or likeable, but they are serviceable. They will take you into this world. The distinction I'm trying to make is: It's not about them. It's about the world.
- Lawrence Wright
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
The writing itself is no big deal. The editing, and even more than that, the self-doubt, is excruciatingly impossible.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: Writing
Image of Vera Farmiga
There's just a deeper level of sophistication in the writing of female characters on TV.
- Vera Farmiga
Collection: Writing
Image of Ron Suskind
The President [Barack Obama] is very focused on [healthcare]. He, of course, is also writing this speech at high speed. And right coming up until the speech, he is convinced that a full plan, letter and verse of what the administration wants, will be released.
- Ron Suskind
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Malkmus
The best I do, if I'm just playing around and riffing in a fantasy world, and then I'll write something down. Hopefully I write it down.
- Stephen Malkmus
Collection: Writing
Image of Epicurus
Haec ego non multis (scribo), sed tibi: satis enim magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus. I am writing this not to many, but to you: certainly we are a great enough audience for each other.
- Epicurus
Collection: Writing
Image of Craig Finn
Some people I've talked to have had really an interpretation of this record as being nostalgic. But in some ways, when we were writing Stay Positive, I was really obsessed with age. I kept saying it was a record about trying to age gracefully. This record, I think actually was us aging gracefully.
- Craig Finn
Collection: Writing
Image of Vilmos Zsigmond
I love to make movies about young people - young scientists that are inventing things and all the writing they did was very funny and very true.
- Vilmos Zsigmond
Collection: Writing
Image of Nathan Fillion
Castle is a guy living in a fantasy world. He's in his imagination, writing these stories of murder.
- Nathan Fillion
Collection: Writing
Image of Ogden Nash
Authors of all races, be they Greeks, Romans, Teutons, or Celts, Can't seem just to say anything is the thing it is but have to go out of their way to say that it is like something else.
- Ogden Nash
Collection: Writing
Image of William O. Douglas
The first opinion the Court ever filed has a dissenting opinion. Dissent is a tradition of this Court... When someone is writing for the Court, he hopes to get eight others to agree with him, so many of the majority opinions are rather stultified.
- William O. Douglas
Collection: Writing
Image of Eve Ensler
When I was younger I was much more polemical and didactic, much less trusting. Inherently my own vision of the world would weave its way through the characters. Also, my concerns are changing. What happens is you write a few plays and get boxed into some idea of what your concerns are and what you're supposed to be writing about.
- Eve Ensler
Collection: Writing
Image of Albert Einstein
If everybody lived as I do, surely the writing of romance novels would never have come into being.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Faludi
I write to figure out what I am thinking: What does my life mean?
- Susan Faludi
Collection: Writing
Image of Stephen Dobyns
I majored in English in college and that was my major in graduate school before switching to creative writing. I read a lot of [Charles] Dickens and [Anthony ] Trollope, but there was lots of stuff I hadn't read like Thackeray's "Vanity Fair," which is so well written and funny.
- Stephen Dobyns
Collection: Writing
Image of John Dryden
Learn to write well, or not to write at all.
- John Dryden
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederick Lenz
It's suggested that enlightenment has some tremendous compassion, some driving necessity to help humanity. I don't think that's the case at all. I think humanity wishes it were the case since it's humanity that writes the various scriptures.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Writing
Image of Janet Fitch
The poets are the standard bearers of language. Their work lives or dies word by word. When I write and can hear a clunky sentence, I try to write up to the poetry that I have recited beforehand.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Writing
Image of Chad Harbach
For me, the process always has to be pretty intense. I could never write just two or three days a week. It had to be every day.
- Chad Harbach
Collection: Writing
Image of Wayne Dyer
All excuses are nothing more than misalignments with God. Just imagine the great creative Source needing an excuse. It doesn't have any concept of, "I'm too busy. I'm too old. I'm too afraid. Things are going to take too long." Source doesn't work like that. The Tao does nothing, Lao-tzu writes, but it leaves nothing undone.
- Wayne Dyer
Collection: Writing
Image of Merlin Mann
Distractions have never prevented a Writing Writer Who Writes from writing; distractions are an excuse proffered by Non-Writing Non-Writers Who are Not-Writing for why they are not writing.
- Merlin Mann
Collection: Writing
Image of Merlin Mann
Personally, it's changed my game - it's how I think now. Can't imagine writing more than a paragraph in anything that doesn't do MMD.
- Merlin Mann
Collection: Writing
Image of Kimbra
I moved from New Zealand to Melbourne when I was 17. I'd planned to go to university to study French, but I was offered a contract to write and record an album that was too good to pass up. Looking back now I think that was pretty young but, at the time, I was ready to have an adventure.
- Kimbra
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeffrey Eugenides
No matter how long your've been at it, you always start from scratch.
- Jeffrey Eugenides
Collection: Writing
Image of Idris Elba
It's weird because my parents don't really understand my business. I get fan mail all day long, but if a piece happens to get to their house, they're like, 'Oh, my God, you've got a fan! You have to write them back. You have to do it!
- Idris Elba
Collection: Writing
Image of F. Scott Fitzgerald
A writer wastes nothing.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Collection: Writing
Image of Will Durant
Who will dare to write a history of human goodness?
- Will Durant
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are as much informed of a writer's genius by what he selects as by what he originates.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Writing
Image of Maya Angelou
If I wanted to write, I had to be willing to develop a kind of concentration found mostly in people awaiting execution. I had to learn technique and surrender my ignorance.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Writing
Image of Maya Angelou
One of the problems we have as writers is we don't take ourselves seriously while writing; being serious is setting aside a time and saying if it comes, good; if it doesn't come, good, I'll just sit here.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
Beyond the obvious facts that he has at some time done manual labour, that he takes snuff, that he is a Freemason, that he has been in China, and that he has done a considerable amount of writing lately, I can deduce nothing else.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Writing
Image of T. S. Eliot
Taking the question in general, I should say, in the case of many poets, that the most important thing for them to do ... is to write as little as possible
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Writing
Image of Clint Eastwood
I don't write. I usually look for material by other people. Sometimes I change things or adapt things but I don't write from scratch. I wish I had that ability.
- Clint Eastwood
Collection: Writing
Image of Brian Eno
What matters in modern music is not the part you can write down, the words and the tune, but the rest - the texture, the atmosphere, the references and associations.
- Brian Eno
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
I'm not interested in safety. A great risk in writing is imagining you have something to protect. Playing it safe to placate someone or something. People talk about compromise, but often people don't even know when they're compromising, because they're not conscious of contradictions.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
I think the slowness of exchange is over, and the idea of waiting for a response - that's gone. People don't want to wait. It's all this instantaneity. That's fine. But it also makes writing different, if you're writing for an instant exchange compared with being able to have time for more reflection.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
I think that sense of surprise, that you don't know where something is going, or what's going to happen, even as you write, that you're making it up as you go along - that's important to me. It's not a question of shock or surprise in a gimmicky way. It's that as you read, you become more deeply into something and into what happens, and become more involved and engaged, you're learning something or you're appreciating something or seeing something differently - that's what's surprising.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
I think about material that could work in the novel or story as I'm writing. I see if I can get there through what's happening with the character. But it's by inclination. It's not "At this moment this will happen." Usually with my characters you can't tell what has induced them to do anything. That's because, from my understanding of reality - which is always subjective - everything is overdetermined.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
Wanting to know all kinds of things is perfect for novelists, because novelists are generalists. We're not specialists in anything, except, hopefully, writing.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Lynne Tillman
You have to create the space for the possibility of people speaking as they do. If writing is supposed to lead us in any way or educate or suggest other ways of being, it can't do so by simply reflecting what's considered to be realistic. I'm not a realist in that way.
- Lynne Tillman
Collection: Writing
Image of Hilary Duff
I actually didn't want to have control of the writing on my first album. To write, you have to have time to connect with yourself. I don't have that time right now, because I'm so busy.
- Hilary Duff
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Folds
I think people use temp music quite a bit, but the people who write the temp music don't ever really learn that their music was inspiring a movie.
- Ben Folds
Collection: Writing