Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 18

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 18 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Gloria E. Anzaldúa
A woman who writes has power, and a woman with power is feared.
- Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Collection: Writing
Image of Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Until I am free to write bilingually and to switch codes without having always to translate, while I still have to speak English or Spanish when I would rather speak Spanglish, and as long as I have to accommodate the English speakers rather than having them accommodate me, my tongue will be illegitimate. I will no longer be made to feel ashamed of existing. I will have my voice: Indian, Spanish, white. I will have my serpent's tongue - my woman's voice, my sexual voice, my poet's voice. I will overcome the tradition of silence.
- Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Collection: Writing
Image of Kim Addonizio
Maybe you're one of those people who writes poems, but rarely reads them. Let me put this as delicately as I can: If you don't read, your writing is going to suck.
- Kim Addonizio
Collection: Writing
Image of Kim Addonizio
. . . All artists’ work is autobiographical. Any writer’s work is a map of their psyche. You can really see what their concerns are, what their obsessions are, and what interests them.
- Kim Addonizio
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Elizabeth Phillips
When male authors write love stories, the heroine tends to end up dead.
- Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Elizabeth Phillips
I write about the men you want to read about but don't necessarily want to be married to.
- Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Collection: Writing
Image of Marilynne Robinson
I think to the degree writers are serious, there is a greater tendency for them to write to themselves, because they're trying to compose their own thoughts. They are trying to find out what is in their minds, which is the great mystery. Finding out who you are, what is in your head, and what kind of companion you are to yourself in the course of life. I do think people have very profound lives of which they say virtually nothing.
- Marilynne Robinson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
No one says a novel has to be one thing. It can be anything it wants to be, a vaudeville show, the six o’clock news, the mumblings of wild men saddled by demons.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
Multicultural is not a description of a category of American writing-it is a definition of all American writing.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
Writing has made me a better man. It has put me in contact with those fleeting moments which prove the existence.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of John Berryman
You should always be trying to write a poem you are unable to write, a poem you lack the technique, the language, the courage to achieve. Otherwise you're merely imitating yourself, going nowhere, because that's always easiest.
- John Berryman
Collection: Writing
Image of John Berryman
One must be ruthless with one's own writing or someone else will be.
- John Berryman
Collection: Writing
Image of Potter Stewart
The First Amendment guarantees liberty of human expression in order to preserve in our Nation what Mr. Justice Holmes called a "free trade in ideas." To that end, the Constitution protects more than just a man's freedom to say or write or publish what he wants. It secures as well the liberty of each man to decide for himself what he will read and to what he will listen. The Constitution guarantees, in short, a society of free choice.
- Potter Stewart
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Simon
Writing is an escape from a world that crowds me. I like being alone in a room. It's almost a form of meditation- an investigation of my own life.
- Neil Simon
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Simon
It's always painful when you're writing memoirs because you've got to go through the dark places, but it gives you a chance to find out the person you really are, not the person you thought you were.
- Neil Simon
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Simon
Writers feel like a middleman, standing with pen in hand over the page. A force greater than me stands above telling me what to write. That may sound romantic, but that's how it feels.
- Neil Simon
Collection: Writing
Image of Neil Simon
I don’t like writing for comedians. I like writing for actors. The best comedians are the best actors.
- Neil Simon
Collection: Writing
Image of Jessica Alba
Good actors never use the script unless it's amazing writing. All the good actors I've worked with, they all say whatever they want to say.
- Jessica Alba
Collection: Writing
Image of Nathaniel Philbrick
Something like going to get the newspaper can increase your writing efficiency by taking you away from the material. When I'm doing other things, writing stuff will be swirling around in my head, and sometimes I'll see a new way into the material.
- Nathaniel Philbrick
Collection: Writing
Image of Rosamunde Pilcher
Writing is work, but it's also a compulsion, and once you get your characters on paper, you can't abandon them. You have to respond to them.
- Rosamunde Pilcher
Collection: Writing
Image of Alfred Bester
It's been suggested that most women fail to write significantly because the female mind is viscerotonic, and occupied almost exclusively with the moment-to-moment reality of emotions. If this is true, literature's loss is science fiction's gain, for Out of Bounds, Judith Merril's collection of short stories, is a warm and colorful rendering of the minutiae of the future.
- Alfred Bester
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Simic
The poem I want to write is impossible. A stone that floats.
- Charles Simic
Collection: Writing
Image of Charles Simic
One writes because one has been touched by the yearning for and the despair of ever touching the Other.
- Charles Simic
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald E. Westlake
Writing is flat, so if you only have part of one eye working, you still can do the job. It's just that you sit there and you're angry, which doesn't help.
- Donald E. Westlake
Collection: Writing
Image of Christina Milian
Still, to this day I go back and listen to music that inspires me to write now
- Christina Milian
Collection: Writing
Image of Gao Xingjian
Writing eases my suffering . . . writing is my way of reaffirming my own existence.
- Gao Xingjian
Collection: Writing
Image of Gao Xingjian
Everybody can write poetry, just like everybody knows how to make love.
- Gao Xingjian
Collection: Writing
Image of Joan Lowery Nixon
Work extra hard on the beginning of your story, so it snares reader's instantly. And know how you're going to end your story before you start writing. Without a sense of direction, you can get lost in the middle.
- Joan Lowery Nixon
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter Benjamin
The more circumspectly you delay writing down an idea, the more maturely developed it will be on surrendering itself.
- Walter Benjamin
Collection: Writing
Image of Walter Benjamin
Work on a good piece of writing proceeds on three levels: a musical one, where it is composed, an architectural one, where it is constructed, and finally a textile one, where it is woven.
- Walter Benjamin
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Bringhurst
When you think intensely and beautifully, something happens. That something is called poetry. If you think that way and speak at the same time, poetry gets in your mouth. If people hear you, it gets in their ears. If you think that way and write at the same time, then poetry gets written. But poetry exists in any case. The question is only: are you going to take part, and if so, how?
- Robert Bringhurst
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Bringhurst
To design things means to interfere with things: to think of how they might be and to alter how they are. Design is to making as writing is to speech: it is an ordinary physical activity pushed to a conscious edge. That interference with the given world can still be founded on admiration. Where it is not, what is the point of designing at all?
- Robert Bringhurst
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Bringhurst
If language is lost, humanity is lost. If writing is lost, certain kinds of civilization and society are lost, but many other kinds remain - and there is no reason to think that those alternatives are inferior.
- Robert Bringhurst
Collection: Writing
Image of Ridley Scott
Blade Runner was the godfather of all these fantastic movies that occur today. What's frustrating is that we're short of really great writing and great ideas. Blade Runner was full of them.
- Ridley Scott
Collection: Writing
Image of William Maxwell
If I had had to write only about imaginary people, I would have had to close up my typewriter. I wrote about my life in less and less disguise as I grew older, and finally with no disguise - except the disguise we create for ourselves, which is self-deception.
- William Maxwell
Collection: Writing
Image of Curtis Sittenfeld
I just think that people are complicated, both men and women. It happens that I write more about women.
- Curtis Sittenfeld
Collection: Writing
Image of Ruskin Bond
The more you write, the better you will write! So - keep at it!
- Ruskin Bond
Collection: Writing
Image of Ruskin Bond
I write a story in my head. I see the story like a movie.
- Ruskin Bond
Collection: Writing
Image of Tess Gerritsen
I devote most of my day to writing, and try to turn out at least four pages a day. As for what triggers the creative process, it's a mystery to me! Characters often just walk on the page and I wait to see what they do and say while I'm writing them.
- Tess Gerritsen
Collection: Writing
Image of James Patterson
Stop trying to write sentences and start trying to write stories.
- James Patterson
Collection: Writing
Image of James Patterson
If you want to write for yourself, get a diary. If you want to write for your friends, get a blog. If you want to write for others...become an author.
- James Patterson
Collection: Writing
Image of James Patterson
If it's commercial fiction that you want to write, it's story, story, story. You've got to get a story where if you tell it to somebody in a paragraph, they'll go, "Tell me more." And then when you start to write it, they continue to want to read more. And if you don't, it won't work.
- James Patterson
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward
I read, with a kind of hopeless envy, histories and legends of people of our craft who "do not write for money." It must be a pleasant experience to be able to cultivate so delicate a class of motives for the privilege of doing one's best to express one's thoughts to people who care for them. Personally, I have yet to breathe the ether of such a transcendent sphere. I am proud to say that I have always been a working woman, and always had to be.
- Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward
Collection: Writing
Image of James Salter
What is the ultimate impulse to write? Because all this is going to vanish.
- James Salter
Collection: Writing
Image of James Salter
My idea of writing is of unflinching and continual effort, somehow trying to find the right words until you reach a point where you can make no further progress and you either have something or you don’t.
- James Salter
Collection: Writing
Image of Elsie de Wolfe
It does not matter whether one paints a picture, writes a poem, or carves a statue - simplicity is the mark of a master-hand.
- Elsie de Wolfe
Collection: Writing
Image of Julius Lester
Each of us is comprised of stories, stories not only about ourselves but stories about ancestors we never knew and people we've never met. We have stories we love to tell and stories we have never told anyone. The extent to which others know us is determined by the stories we choose to share. We extend a deep trust to someone when we say, "I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone." Sharing stories creates trust because through stories we come to a recognition of how much we have in common.
- Julius Lester
Collection: Writing
Image of Julius Lester
I write because the lives of all of us are stories. If enough of those stories are told, then perhaps we will begin to see that our lives are the same story. The differences are merely in the details.
- Julius Lester
Collection: Writing
Image of Julius Lester
When I read students’ attempts at creative writing it is obvious immediately that most of them have not read much or widely. The aspiring writer must read everything he or she can to appreciate the myriad ways words are used and to what effect.
- Julius Lester
Collection: Writing