Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 19

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 19 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Kelly Link
It's very unlikely that a writer is going to make a living by writing. So then the question is: how do you balance work, life, and writing? If you find out, please tell me.
- Kelly Link
Collection: Writing
Image of Kelly Link
Topiary has always seemed like a good occupation, comparable in some ways to writing short fiction.
- Kelly Link
Collection: Writing
Image of Matthew Reilly
There is no such thing as an "aspiring writer". You are a writer. Period.
- Matthew Reilly
Collection: Writing
Image of Lytton Strachey
Perhaps of all the creations of man language is the most astonishing.
- Lytton Strachey
Collection: Writing
Image of Barry White
All I had was the will and the love for music. I couldn't read music or write it. No connections, no car, no money, no bankroll, no clothes, no nothing.
- Barry White
Collection: Writing
Image of Barry White
I never learned to read or write music. Never wanted to fool with scales. That was boring, forced. The music I heard was free - flowing.
- Barry White
Collection: Writing
Image of Chris Bohjalian
We may talk a good game and write even better ones, but we never outgrow those small wounded things we were when we were five and six and seven.
- Chris Bohjalian
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Southey
By writing much, one learns to write well.
- Robert Southey
Collection: Writing
Image of Dax Shepard
People talk differently. You can say some things some places you can't say in other places. But me as a film maker, no words are ever going to be off limits in something I write. As long as people use the words, I'm going to report that.
- Dax Shepard
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Sington
One thing I knew about the novelist’s task: when in doubt, write; when empty, write; when afraid, write. Nothing is more impenetrable than the blank page. The blank page is the void, the absence of sense and feeling, the white light of literary death.
- Philip Sington
Collection: Writing
Image of Li-Young Lee
Every time you write a poem it’s apocalyptic. You’re revealing who you really are to yourself.
- Li-Young Lee
Collection: Writing
Image of Li-Young Lee
The knowledge that it takes to write a poem gets burnt up in the writing of the poem.
- Li-Young Lee
Collection: Writing
Image of Li-Young Lee
In writing poetry, all of one's attention is focused on some inner voice.
- Li-Young Lee
Collection: Writing
Image of Wallace Shawn
I don't have an idea for a play until after I've finished writing it. I write first, and come up with what it's about later. My technique could be compared to having a large canvas and coming in every day and putting a dot on it somewhere, and after several years - literally - I begin to say, That reminds me of an elephant, so I think I'll make it one.
- Wallace Shawn
Collection: Writing
Image of Wallace Shawn
Who says one instance of writing has anything in common with another instance?
- Wallace Shawn
Collection: Writing
Image of Homer Hickam
A lot of folks just get it in their head that, for instance, like writing memoirs is just easy. You just write down what happened. It doesn't quite work that way.
- Homer Hickam
Collection: Writing
Image of Homer Hickam
The key to not getting rejected if you're writing for a magazine, is to know to read that magazine and know everything about them before you ever make a submission.
- Homer Hickam
Collection: Writing
Image of Homer Hickam
Always I try to write about people. People are interested in other people always.
- Homer Hickam
Collection: Writing
Image of Norma Fox Mazer
A piece of writing takes exactly as long as it needs to be done right.
- Norma Fox Mazer
Collection: Writing
Image of Anthony Swofford
Right now in American writing there is no genre as exciting as memoir - the writer can do anything, as long as it works. It's like the 1920s up in this joint. So, I'd say, experiment with how you tell the story. In the best memoir it's not the what, it's how the writer tells the what - meaning and effect through form.
- Anthony Swofford
Collection: Writing
Image of George Pelecanos
What's more interesting are the dynamics between people that involve hypocrisy or ignoring each other. That's what I want to write about. I like to make people uncomfortable because it's something we should be uncomfortable about.
- George Pelecanos
Collection: Writing
Image of Elvis Presley
You only pass through this life once, you don't come back for an encore.
- Elvis Presley
Collection: Writing
Image of Andy Samberg
When you work with people and are friends with them also, you have more of a shorthand. I think people relax more and it opens the door to being less precious and trying things that, when you're shooting and writing, it becomes much more collaborative - therefore funny, hopefully.
- Andy Samberg
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Stipe
When I write, I tend toward melancholy, and the few times that I've tried pure joy in music, it doesn't really work that well. The joy can be through catharsis. I think that's what I do well, and observation.
- Michael Stipe
Collection: Writing
Image of Jim Woodring
The fiction I tend to like is nothing like my own work. I like the kind of writing that shows me things I don't know about, and what I don't know about is the everyday, normal world.
- Jim Woodring
Collection: Writing
Image of Dani Shapiro
Everything you need to know about life can be learned from a genuine and ongoing attempt to write
- Dani Shapiro
Collection: Writing
Image of Dani Shapiro
Writing has been my window-flung wide open to this magnificent, chaotic existence-my way of interpreting everything within my grasp.
- Dani Shapiro
Collection: Writing
Image of Dani Shapiro
The writing life requires courage, patience, persistence, empathy, openness, and the ability to deal with rejection. It requires the willingness to be alone with oneself. To be gentle with oneself. To look at the world without blinders on. To observe and withstand what one sees. To be disciplined, and at the same time, take risks. To be willing to fail - not just once, but again and again, over the course of a lifetime.
- Dani Shapiro
Collection: Writing
Image of Pat Murphy
I've learned to write the truth. But to do that, I had to figure out what the truth was-and I had to realize that the truth isn't always the same for everyone. I had to realize that my truth may not be the same as your truth.
- Pat Murphy
Collection: Writing
Image of Gene Kranz
Mission Control will be perfect. When you leave this meeting today you will go to your office and the first thing you will do there is to write "Tough and Competent" on your blackboards. It will never be erased. Each day when you enter the room these words will remind you of the price paid by Grissom, White, and Chaffee. These words are the price of admission to the ranks of Mission Control.
- Gene Kranz
Collection: Writing
Image of Christian Bauman
I write for the same reason I read: because it's all there is for me.
- Christian Bauman
Collection: Writing
Image of F. Paul Wilson
Writing is solitary, so I love going out once in a while and meeting my readers. I'll often hang with them after a signing for some beers. They're invariably bright!
- F. Paul Wilson
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Douglas Wiggin
If I haven't anything to write, I am just as anxious to 'take my pen in hand' as though I had a message to deliver, a cause to plead, or a problem to unfold. Nothing but writing rests me; only then do I seem completely myself!
- Kate Douglas Wiggin
Collection: Writing
Image of Kerry Washington
When you leave here today and commence the next stage of your life, you can follow someone else's script, try to make choices that will make other people happy, avoid discomfort, do what is expected, and copy the status quo. Or you can look at all that you have accomplished today and use it as fuel to venture forth and write your own story. If you do, amazing things will take shape.
- Kerry Washington
Collection: Writing
Image of Harold Pinter
I don't give a damn what other people think. It's entirely their own business. I'm not writing for other people.
- Harold Pinter
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Moorcock
Introduce your main characters and themes in the first third of your novel. If you are writing a plot-driven genre novel make sure all your major themes/plot elements are introduced in the first third, which you can call the introduction. Develop your themes and characters in your second third, the development. Resolve your themes, mysteries and so on in the final third, the resolution.
- Michael Moorcock
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Procter
It was the first time, in the West Wing, I had ever read anyone write a Southerner properly. Because Southern women, in my opinion, are complicated and are equally feminine and driven. That's kind of an unusual combination and people usually tend to get it wrong.
- Emily Procter
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Cooper
Poets find truth by writing about what they love.
- Susan Cooper
Collection: Writing
Image of Guy Pearce
I can be completely indulgent and spend as many hours and days or weeks as I like on one thing. Writing music and sitting in my studio, just pottering with ideas, it's a lot more personal and creative for me, I don't feel restricted.
- Guy Pearce
Collection: Writing
Image of Amy Tan
I am fascinated by language in daily life: the way it can evoke an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth.
- Amy Tan
Collection: Writing
Image of W. Eugene Smith
I didn’t write the rules. Why would I follow them?
- W. Eugene Smith
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucinda Williams
You can't be afraid to deal with your demons. You've got to go there to be able to write.
- Lucinda Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Strand
Life makes writing poetry necessary to prove I really was paying attention.
- Mark Strand
Collection: Writing
Image of Tao Lin
If a context and a goal is defined I could say if it's good or bad. But overall I don't view things as good or bad. So I'm like a robot or computer in that sense. So maybe that's why people don't think they know me when they read my writing.
- Tao Lin
Collection: Writing
Image of Maeve Binchy
I don't have ugly ducklings turning into swans in my stories. I have ugly ducklings turning into confident ducks.
- Maeve Binchy
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Saliers
If life ever stops inspiring us to write, it's time to stop doing what we do.
- Emily Saliers
Collection: Writing
Image of Lawrence Clark Powell
The good writer, the great writer, has what I have called the three S's: the power to see, to sense, and to say. That is, he is perceptive, he is feeling, and he has the power to express in language what he observes and reacts to.
- Lawrence Clark Powell
Collection: Writing
Image of Lawrence Clark Powell
We all think were going to be great and we feel a little bit robbed when our expectation aren't met, but sometimes our expectations sell us short. Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow.
- Lawrence Clark Powell
Collection: Writing
Image of Lawrence Clark Powell
This is the gift all writers seek-to write language that incandesces yet does not melt.
- Lawrence Clark Powell
Collection: Writing