Ishmael Reed

Image of Ishmael Reed
Writing poetry is the hard manual labor of the imagination.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ishmael Reed
I used to be a discipline problem, which caused me embarrassment until I realized that being a discipline problem in a racist society is sometimes an honor.
- Ishmael Reed
Image of Ishmael Reed
I finally had to go to the American Civil Liberties Union here in northern California to get my reply published to what I considered to be a hatchet job done by Stanley Crouch.
- Ishmael Reed
Image of Ishmael Reed
I'm sure that you could go back and make a graph showing that all the killings of black males increased in times of economic difficulty. As a matter of fact, a black man was lynched last year.
- Ishmael Reed
Image of Ishmael Reed
That kind of thing happens to black people every day in this country, and they don't receive that kind of sentence he did, which was to go to prison on the weekends; I think he lectured there-an outside lecturer.
- Ishmael Reed
Image of Ishmael Reed
Free enterprise is not a bad idea and has produced art.
- Ishmael Reed
Image of Ishmael Reed
Ethnic life in the United States has become a sort of contest like baseball in which the blacks are always the Chicago Cubs.
- Ishmael Reed
Image of Ishmael Reed
During the last decades, films about the black experience have been produced, directed, and even scripted by white men. Some of them are excellent. But most reflect George Bernard Shaw’s warning that 'if you do not tell your stories others will tell them for you and they will vulgarize and degrade you.'
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Men
Image of Ishmael Reed
No one says a novel has to be one thing. It can be anything it wants to be, a vaudeville show, the six o’clock news, the mumblings of wild men saddled by demons.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
One of the joys of reading is the ability to plug into the shared wisdom of mankind.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Book
Image of Ishmael Reed
I consider racism to be a medical problem. Racists need serious medical and psychiatric help, because they are killing themselves and making others suffer along with them.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Medical Problems
Image of Ishmael Reed
A black boxer's career is the perfect metaphor for the career of a black male. Every day is like being in the gym, sparring with impersonal opponents as one faces the rudeness and hostility that a black male must confront in the United States, where he is the object of both fear and fascination.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Careers
Image of Ishmael Reed
History is the story of warfare between secret societies.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Secret
Image of Ishmael Reed
American cultural institutions seem so bent on preserving the values of "Western civilization," the mythical "Whitetown," that welearn about one another's cultures the same way we learn about sex: in the streets.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Education
Image of Ishmael Reed
Multicultural is not a description of a category of American writing-it is a definition of all American writing.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
In Haitian mythology there is the figure Ghede, who in West Africa, is Iku, whose role is to show "each man his devil." He's represented by a figure wearing a top hat and smoking a cigar. That's my gig.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Men
Image of Ishmael Reed
The treatment of African and African American culture in our education was no different from their treatment in Tarzan movies.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Education
Image of Ishmael Reed
What was once dormant is now a Creeping Thing
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Dormant
Image of Ishmael Reed
Writing has made me a better man. It has put me in contact with those fleeting moments which prove the existence.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
In the middle of the next century, when the literary establishment will reflect the multicultural makeup of this country and not be dominated by assimiliationists with similar tastes, from similar backgrounds, and of similar pretensions, Langston Hughes will be to the twentieth century what Walt Whitman was to the nineteenth.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Country
Image of Ishmael Reed
A lot of great art comes from the Afro-American male experience. Black men are geniuses, and many times their desperation, their position as being pariahs, leads them to great originality.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Art
Image of Ishmael Reed
We learn about one another's culture the same way we learn about sex: in the streets.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Love
Image of Ishmael Reed
We not only grew up on Be-Bop; Be-Bop raised us. For my generation, Be-Bop came on like a light bulb going flash behind the eyes.For us, it was not only an intellectual movement, but a way of life. We walked, dressed, and rapped Be-Bop.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Music
Image of Ishmael Reed
How does the [New York] Times treat White pathology? They reported an epidemic of heroin addiction in the Philadelphia suburbs. which included emergency admissions and overdoses; these White people in the suburbs were doing heroin like it was going out of style. I counted the words: the article consisted of 200 words. "Heroin Epidemic" in the back section. Out here in California, the typical drug addict is a housewife or suburban White woman.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: New York
Image of Ishmael Reed
I think I have a pugnacious style. My style is not pretty. I don't use words like "amber" or "opaque."
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ishmael Reed
I reached the age of 70, because I have cultivated an association of multicultural intellectuals who are informed and alert to whatever "tricknology" that's laid on us by the powers that be. These include White ethnic intellectuals- people who know their roots- as well as Native American, Asian American, Hispanic and Black intellectuals. These are thirty, forty-year associations with some of the best minds around. Minds that are ignored by the media.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Native American
Image of Ishmael Reed
Currently, U.S. society has been encouraged by its political and subsidized mass-media intelligentsia to view U.S. life as a continual "morning in America" paradise, where the only social problems occur in the inner cities. Psychologists call this denial.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Morning
Image of Ishmael Reed
Neo-Hoodoo is the 8 basic dances of 19th century New Orleans' Place Congo- the Calinda the Bamboula the Chacta the Babouille the Conjaille the Juba the Congo and the VooDoo- modernized into the Philly Dog, the Hully Gully, the Funky Chicken, the Popcorn, the Boogaloo and the dance of great American choreographer Buddy Bradley.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Dog
Image of Ishmael Reed
Hateful material travels the globe. A few years ago, CNN, America's Der Sturmer, ran a story about Black parents being so low down that they abandoned their children and the children had to eat rats. I was at a University in Wisconsin at the time and the mother of a student from South Africa called to see whether the story was true. She had seen it all the way over there. The story was untrue. The children lied. CNN never corrected the story.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Mother
Image of Ishmael Reed
I use non-fiction work written by Whites in my research. It's indispensable. That wasn't the problem. I said that "The Wire" was a cliché! It's like my writing a series about Jewish life and casting all of the characters as inside traders.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
The plays raise issues that are ignored in other forums.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Play
Image of Ishmael Reed
In Crash, you've got a pathological cop who at the end justifies police brutality. He tells the naïve, young cop that you're going to end up the same as him. He's the most sympathetic character in the movie. So, the naïve cop ends up murdering this Black kid and tries to cover up the evidence. It sort of justifies police brutality and the planting of evidence which is what happened in the O.J. Simpson case.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Character
Image of Ishmael Reed
I don't know why people always compare me [ with Amiri Baraka] I was never part of the Black Arts Repertory Theater or the Black Arts Movement; people who claim that I was are wrong. I was downtown. I was living in Chelsea when they were operating in Harlem.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Art
Image of Ishmael Reed
As a writer, you explore all kinds of different emotions.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Different
Image of Ishmael Reed
Phillip Roth uses his Black women characters to make anti intellectual remarks about Black history month, begun by a man who reached intellectual heights that Roth will never attain. Roth is a petty bigot and his ignorant remarks about black culture expose him as a buffoon to scholars the world over.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Character
Image of Ishmael Reed
I was roommates with 2 of the guys who were influential in forming the Black Arts philosophy. I called them "goons," and [Amiri] Baraka took offense at that. But if you read his autobiography, the night we went up there for a fundraiser, he talks about how he wished that some violence would happen to us. How do you like Baraka as a gracious host?
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Art
Image of Ishmael Reed
Howard University holds something called "Heart's Day," an all day ceremony in which a writer is honored. I was the recipient of this honor. It's a wonderful ceremony that Eleanor Traylor chair of English at Howard University organizes for writers. Writers from around the country came to pay tribute to my work. It was very flattering.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Country
Image of Ishmael Reed
The cultural wars of the sixties are over. I've reconciled with those who were my critics and opponents years ago. I was at odds with some those who were Black nationalists. Yet when feminists attempted to end my career and leave me as literary road kill, it was the Black nationalists who came to my rescue.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: War
Image of Ishmael Reed
Do you think that Gwendolyn Brooks would give an award to someone who hated Black women, the lie that was circulated throughout New York and reached all the way down to Martinique where I was a guest Professor? The lie was circulated by people who don't read my books.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: New York
Image of Ishmael Reed
I was on a panel with light skinned Blacks and a famous gay science fiction writer, who were complaining about how Blacks are against gays and light skinned Blacks and how intolerant Blacks are of different groups. My position was that Blacks were among the most humanistic, tolerant groups in the country and that across the street from my house in Oakland was one inhabited by White gays.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Country
Image of Ishmael Reed
I was challenged to a fistfight by Margo Jefferson, the Pulitzer Prize winner, New York Times writer, who is part of a feminist clique at the Times, which believes that Black men are the principal threat to the women of the world.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: New York
Image of Ishmael Reed
Joel Chandler Harris, who created a multi billion dollar industry, everything from his books, to Disney's "Song of the South" based upon the Uncle Remus stories. He got his start by transcribing the stories of slave Informants. I'm sure that none them got a dime.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Song
Image of Ishmael Reed
Richard Price, who has made a fortune writing fake ghetto books, says he takes a cab into the ghetto, transcribes Black speech for a brief time and returns home. His fake ghetto books have bought him a townhouse in Gramercy Park and home on Staten Island.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Book
Image of Ishmael Reed
I asked Joe Weixlmann why he would print a death threat like that in light of the fact that there are all of these armed ideological nuts wandering around loose. He said that for him, to "ice" someone means to reprimand them.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Mean
Image of Ishmael Reed
I get most my information about what's happening in the United States from reports and studies, which are often in conflict with what you read on the editorial pages, or handouts from right wing institutions like the American Enterprise Institute.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Wings
Image of Ishmael Reed
Unfortunately, in the world today, we have dogmatic people entering into politics. I don't think the two mix.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ishmael Reed
Americans are fickle. And what constitutes the enemy is always changing. Believe it or not, at one time Blacks were the favored model minority over Asian Americans.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Believe
Image of Ishmael Reed
I'm sure that a previous generation of Jews who published radical newspapers and journals would be critical of [David] Simon's projects. These were left wingers who suffered casualties in some of bloodiest strikes in American history.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Would Be
Image of Ishmael Reed
My generation of writers has been prone to premature illness and death, especially the women. When Black male writers meet it's like a session of the American Diabetic Association.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Black
Image of Ishmael Reed
David Simon goes to the Jewish Weekly and said he's made all this money, but he can't enjoy it because of criticism by people like Ishmael Reed.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: People