Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 16

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 16 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Wendell Phillips
Write on my gravestone: 'Infidel, Traitor.', infidel to every church that compromises with wrong; traitor to every government that oppresses the people.
- Wendell Phillips
Collection: Writing
Image of Cherie Priest
OMG YOU GUYS it has come to my attention that SOMEONE on the internet is saying that my fictional 19th century zombies are NOT SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND. Naturally, I am crushed. To think, IF ONLY I’d consulted with a zombologist or two before sitting down to write, I could’ve avoided ALL THIS EMBARRASSMENT.
- Cherie Priest
Collection: Writing
Image of Joss Stone
I always try to write about something that's actually happened or it doesn't always have to have happened to me, but it has to have happened at some point. So every single lyric that you hear comes from some kind of story that I've come across in my life. I like to think that that maybe helps me mean it a bit more and if you don't mean it, it ceases to be soul music.
- Joss Stone
Collection: Writing
Image of Israel Zangwill
There never was an age in which so many people were able to write badly.
- Israel Zangwill
Collection: Writing
Image of Miller Williams
Too many poets write poems which are only difficult on the surface, difficult because the dramatic situation is easily misunderstood. It's not difficult to write poems that are misunderstood. A drunk, a three-year-old-they are easily misunderstood. What is difficult is being clear and mysterious at the same time. The dramatic situation needs to be as clear in a poem as it is in a piece of good journalism. The why is part of the mystery, but the who, what, where, and when should all be understood.
- Miller Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of A.L. Kennedy
Remember you love writing. It wouldn’t be worth it if you didn’t. If the love fades, do what you need to and get it back.
- A.L. Kennedy
Collection: Writing
Image of A.L. Kennedy
Write. No amount of self-inflicted misery, altered states, black pullovers or being publicly obnoxious will ever add up to your being a writer. Writers write. On you go.
- A.L. Kennedy
Collection: Writing
Image of John Dean
To me the fact that a Vice President can go to Capitol Hill and lobby for torture is just unbelievable. Just unbelievable! The fact that a small clique of attorneys in the Department of Justice can write how can we get around the Geneva Conventions so that we can torture during interrogations - I can't even get their mentally. And when you read their briefs, they didn't get there mentally.
- John Dean
Collection: Writing
Image of Archie Panjabi
When I started out in the '90s, there were not many people of color writing, directing and producing - hence, the roles for people of color were few and far between. There's still few roles in England [where she's from].
- Archie Panjabi
Collection: Writing
Image of Bernardo Bertolucci
As a loyal believer in the Auteur Theory I first felt editing was but the logical consequence of the way in which one shoots. But, what I learned is that it is actually another writing.
- Bernardo Bertolucci
Collection: Writing
Image of Vikram Chandra
I was writing fiction steadily, but I found that the stark determinisms of code were a welcome relief from the ambiguities of literary narrative.
- Vikram Chandra
Collection: Writing
Image of Herman Wouk
I try to write a certain amount each day, five days a week. A rule sometimes broken is better than no rule.
- Herman Wouk
Collection: Writing
Image of Trenton Lee Stewart
I think when I started to write The Mysterious Benedict Society that I had that kind of thing in mind - the notion of having to be able to solve puzzles and riddles because enormous stakes rode upon your ability to do that.
- Trenton Lee Stewart
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Evison
The Mathematician's Shiva is a brilliant and compelling family saga full of warmth, pathos, history, and humor, not to mention a cast of delightfully quirky characters, and a math lesson or two; all together, a winning equation! When Rojstaczer writes about mathematics, you'd think he was writing about poetry.
- Jonathan Evison
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Ronson
So sometimes if I'm working with a rapper, like Ghostface Killah or Nas, producing usually means, in hip-hop, that you make the music. You make the beat, and you give it to them. And they write the rhymes.
- Mark Ronson
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Gaitskill
Writing is.... being able to take something whole and fiercely alive that exists inside you in some unknowable combination of thought, feeling, physicality, and spirit, and to then store it like a genie in tense, tiny black symbols on a calm white page. If the wrong reader comes across the words, they will remain just words. But for the right readers, your vision blooms off the page and is absorbed into their minds like smoke, where it will re-form, whole and alive, fully adapted to its new environment.
- Mary Gaitskill
Collection: Writing
Image of Mary Gaitskill
I think the closest thing I can come to defining what that vital thing is for me - is that there's a sort of soul-quality in writing, if it's any good. It has a spirit or an energy to it that is very integral to who the writer is on a deep level. It's almost a cellular thing. It takes place in the cells of the writing, and it is what makes it alive or not.
- Mary Gaitskill
Collection: Writing
Image of Eddie Murphy
Anything you have to acquire a taste for was not meant to be eaten.
- Eddie Murphy
Collection: Writing
Image of Annie Ernaux
Maybe the true purpose of my life is for my body, my sensations and my thoughts to become writing, in other words, something intelligible and universal, causing my existence to merge into the lives and heads of other people.
- Annie Ernaux
Collection: Writing
Image of William Faulkner
Read, read, read. Read everything -- trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You'll absorb it. Then write. If it's good, you'll find out. If it's not, throw it out of the window.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Writing
Image of Jane Smiley
The desire to write a novel is the single required prerequisite for writing a novel.
- Jane Smiley
Collection: Writing
Image of Alain Robbe-Grillet
The true writer has nothing to say. What counts is the way he says it.
- Alain Robbe-Grillet
Collection: Writing
Image of Alain Robbe-Grillet
Premie' re approximation: j'e cris pour de truire, en les de crivant avec pre cision, des monstres nocturnes qui menacent d'envahir ma vie e veille e. First general point: I write to destroy, by describing exactly the nocturnal monsters that threaten to invade my waking life.
- Alain Robbe-Grillet
Collection: Writing
Image of Dennis Ritchie
The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it.
- Dennis Ritchie
Collection: Writing
Image of Dennis Ritchie
At least for the people who send me mail about a new language that they're designing, the general advice is: do it to learn about how to write a compiler
- Dennis Ritchie
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Lynch
If I were assigned poems I suppose I'd write more of them but it is entirely voluntary and for the most part ignored in the market sense of the word so the language to me is most intimate, most important, most sublime and most satisfying when it gets done.
- Thomas Lynch
Collection: Writing
Image of Will Oldham
I still make music. I still write music and I record music, I just don't trust music promotion [and] distribution right now enough to record a new set of diligently worked-upon compositions. I do trust the audience and the audiences very much.
- Will Oldham
Collection: Writing
Image of Will Oldham
Then little writings and recordings that thankfully continue to come up. I'm in this kind of wonderful, kind of awkward, off-putting, and strange position where there's nothing I want to do more than continue to make music, but the ways that I do things are not in tune with how I can do them commercially.
- Will Oldham
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Reiner
Writing is the basis of all, because creating something that didn't even exist before is like taking an empty canvass. It is a wonderful thing to make something out of nothing. You've got an empty page, you've got an idea, and then you start typing and that is the most thrilling thing of all. And then if it becomes a movie or something else that's a plus, but the original writing of it is what's very exciting.
- Carl Reiner
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Reiner
Improvisation is just writing in front of an audience.
- Carl Reiner
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Reiner
When I found out I could write I was shocked! I didn't know I could write.
- Carl Reiner
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucy Christopher
But what else can I do, other than to plead with you like this? Other than to write down my story, our story, to show you that what you've done . . . to make you realize that what you did wasn't fair, wasn't right.
- Lucy Christopher
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean Webster
Is it snowing where you are? All the world that I see from my tower is draped in white and the flakes are coming down as big as pop-corns. It's late afternoon - the sun is just setting (a cold yellow colour) behind some colder violet hills, and I am up in my window seat using the last light to write to you.
- Jean Webster
Collection: Writing
Image of Alan Perlis
You think you KNOW when you learn, are more sure when you can write, even more when you can teach, but certain when you can program.
- Alan Perlis
Collection: Writing
Image of Jean Plaidy
I found that married life gave me the necessary freedom to follow an ambition which had been with me since childhood; and so I started to write in earnest.
- Jean Plaidy
Collection: Writing
Image of Johannes Brahms
If we cannot write with the beauty of Mozart, let us at least try to write with his purity.
- Johannes Brahms
Collection: Writing
Image of Johannes Brahms
How lucky is the man who, like Mozart and others, goes to the tavern of an evening and writes some fresh music. For he lives while he is creating.
- Johannes Brahms
Collection: Writing
Image of Lawrence Hill
But I have long loved the written word, and come to see in it the power of the sleeping lion. This is my name. This is who I am. This is how I got here. In the absence of an audience, I will write down my story so that it waits like a restful beast with lungs breathing and heart beating.
- Lawrence Hill
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Rall
For an ordinary citizen, what is the common interaction you have with a police officer? When they pull you over for speeding, or when they write you a ticket for parking. The rest of the time is patrolling minority neighborhoods like an occupying army. It's suppression of blacks, and it's revenue enhancement. Surveillance is a Band-Aid. That's like saying, "Let's surveil the SS." No! Let's get rid of the SS!
- Ted Rall
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Rall
I would like to fire every cop in America and start from scratch. We don't need as many of them, and the whole model of policing is completely off the rails. For the most part, the police are engaged in very little protection of the public. That's probably 5 percent of what they do. The rest of it is writing tickets.
- Ted Rall
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne McCaffrey
Tell a story! Don't try to impress your reader with style or vocabulary or neatly turned phrases. Tell the story first!
- Anne McCaffrey
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne McCaffrey
Tell the readers a story! Because without a story, you are merely using words to prove you can string them together in logical sentences.
- Anne McCaffrey
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne McCaffrey
Each email contains an unsubscribe link. We will NEVER sell, rent, loan, or abuse your email address in ANY way. Writing has been so much a part of my life that I'm really quite annoyed that I can't do as much as I used to.
- Anne McCaffrey
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne McCaffrey
James Blish told me I had the worst case of "said bookism" (that is, using every word except said to indicate dialogue). He told me to limit the verbs to said, replied, asked, and answered and only when absolutely necessary.
- Anne McCaffrey
Collection: Writing
Image of Willard Van Orman Quine
The word 'definition' has come to have a dangerously reassuring sound, owing no doubt to its frequent occurrence in logical and mathematical writings.
- Willard Van Orman Quine
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Swift
You should never be ashamed to admit you have been wrong. It only proves you are wiser today than yesterday
- Jonathan Swift
Collection: Writing
Image of Dennis Potter
You just don't know writers. They'll use anything, anybody. They'll eat their young.
- Dennis Potter
Collection: Writing
Image of Matt de la Pena
Once I start writing, I am a huge reviser. To me writing is revising. I probably turn over every sentence that I write, to see if I have the rhythm right. That's why my first drafts take a really long time.
- Matt de la Pena
Collection: Writing