Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 20

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 20 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Romola Garai
If you read reviews that you think by their very nature are not respectful of the actresses involved or not appreciating the work as it should be, I think you should write to reviewers or comment and say, "Are you kidding me?"
- Romola Garai
Collection: Writing
Image of Tillie Olsen
The habits of a lifetime when everything else had to come before writing are not easily broken, even when circumstances now often make it possible for writing to be first; habits of years - responses to others, distractibility, responsibility for daily matters - stay with you, mark you, become you. The cost of discontinuity (that pattern still imposed on women) is such a weight of things unsaid, an accumulation of material so great, that everything starts up something else in me; what should take weeks take me sometimes months to write; what should take months, takes years.
- Tillie Olsen
Collection: Writing
Image of Tillie Olsen
Every woman who writes is a survivor.
- Tillie Olsen
Collection: Writing
Image of Tillie Olsen
Not to have an audience is a kind of death.
- Tillie Olsen
Collection: Writing
Image of John O'Hara
Becoming the reader is the essence of becoming a writer.
- John O'Hara
Collection: Writing
Image of Storm Constantine
I have been writing now for over a week. I find it cleansing, refreshing; it is good for me.” (p.531)
- Storm Constantine
Collection: Writing
Image of Markus Zusak
You'll have days of complete lack of faith in your abilities. But you have to keep coming back. That's when you know you're a writer - when you take the failures and appear at the desk again, over and over again.
- Markus Zusak
Collection: Writing
Image of Katherine Paterson
My writing comes from ideas that make a sound in my heart.
- Katherine Paterson
Collection: Writing
Image of Katherine Paterson
I am called to listen to the sound of my own heart -- to write the story within myself that demands to be told at that particular point in my life. And if I do this faithfully, clothing that idea in the flesh of human experience and setting it in a true place, the sound from my heart will resound in the reader's heart.
- Katherine Paterson
Collection: Writing
Image of Alberto Moravia
The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is constant, but nowadays the illiterates can read and write.
- Alberto Moravia
Collection: Writing
Image of Alberto Moravia
I don't think it's possible to write a good novel around a negative personality.
- Alberto Moravia
Collection: Writing
Image of Alberto Moravia
I like to compare my method with that of painters centuries ago, proceeding from layer to layer.
- Alberto Moravia
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Charles Wilson
Promises were like bad checks, easy to write and hard to cash.
- Robert Charles Wilson
Collection: Writing
Image of David Grossman
We write. How fortunate we are: The world does not close in on us. The world does not grow smaller.
- David Grossman
Collection: Writing
Image of David Grossman
I write. I imagine. The act of imagining in itself enlivens me. I am not frozen and paralyzed before the predator. I invent characters. At times I feel as if I am digging up people from the ice in which reality enshrouded them, but maybe, more than anything else, it is myself that I am now digging up.
- David Grossman
Collection: Writing
Image of David Grossman
I write, and I feel how the correct and precise use of words is sometimes like a remedy to an illness. Like a contraption for purifying the air, I breathe in and exhale the murkiness and manipulations of linguistic scoundrels and language rapists of all shades and colors. I write and I feel how the tenderness and intimacy I maintain with language, with its different layers, its eroticism and humor and soul, give me back the person I used to be, me, before my self became nationalized and confiscated by the conflict, by governments and armies, by despair and tragedy.
- David Grossman
Collection: Writing
Image of David Grossman
The primary urge that motivates and engenders the writer's desire to invent and tell a story, and to know himself. But the more I write, the more I feel the force of the other urge, which collaborates with and completes the first one: the desire to know the Other from within him. To feel what it means to be another person. To be able to touch, if only for a moment, the blaze that burns within another human being.
- David Grossman
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Kirkman
I write the way I write.
- Robert Kirkman
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Wilbur
Writing is?waiting for the word that may not be there until next Tuesday.
- Richard Wilbur
Collection: Writing
Image of Richard Wilbur
Writing poetry is talking to oneself; yet it is a mode of talking to oneself in which the self disappears; and the product's something that, though it may not be for everybody, is about everybody.
- Richard Wilbur
Collection: Writing
Image of John H. McWhorter
Prescriptive grammar has spread linguistic insecurity like a plague among English speakers for centuries, numbs us to the aesthetic richness of non-standard speech, and distracts us from attending to genuine issues of linguistic style in writing.
- John H. McWhorter
Collection: Writing
Image of John H. McWhorter
Texting is fingered speech. Now we can write the way we talk.
- John H. McWhorter
Collection: Writing
Image of Ralph Peters
When I'm writing about reality, I'm writing about death. When I'm writing fiction, I'm writing about life.
- Ralph Peters
Collection: Writing
Image of Sue Townsend
I asked Mr. Vann which O levels you need to write situation comedy for television. Mr. Vann said that you don't need qualifications at all, you just need to be a moron.
- Sue Townsend
Collection: Writing
Image of Irwin Shaw
Every novelist has a different purpose-and often several purposes which might even be contradictory.
- Irwin Shaw
Collection: Writing
Image of Irwin Shaw
Writing for the theater, you find yourself living a nocturnal life
- Irwin Shaw
Collection: Writing
Image of A.M. Homes
You really can't write well if you're thinking about what the reviewers might say.
- A.M. Homes
Collection: Writing
Image of A.M. Homes
I'm very interested in compassion - compassion for oneself and others. I write about very complicated characters and experiences and try to do it without judging the character or the action.
- A.M. Homes
Collection: Writing
Image of Georges Simenon
I'm a bit like a sponge. When I'm not writing I absorb life like water. When I write I squeeze the sponge a little - and out comes, not water but ink.
- Georges Simenon
Collection: Writing
Image of Georges Simenon
I write fast, because I have not the brains to write slow.
- Georges Simenon
Collection: Writing
Image of Georges Simenon
Writing is not a profession but a vocation of unhappiness. I don't think an artist can ever be happy.
- Georges Simenon
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Hall
Work is style, and there is style without thought; not in theory, only in fact. When I take a sentence in my hand, raise it to the light, rub my hand across it, disjoin it, put it back together again with a comma added, raising the pitch in the front part; when I rub the grain of it, comb the fur of it, re-assemble the bones of it, I am making something that carries with it the sound of a voice, the firmness of a hand. Maybe little more.
- Donald Hall
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Hall
To desire to write poems that endure-we undertake such a goal certain of two things: that in all likelihood we will fail, and if we succeed we will never know it
- Donald Hall
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Hall
If our goal is to write poetry, the only way we are likely to be any good is to try to be as great as the best.
- Donald Hall
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Hall
Today when I begin writing I’m aware: something that I don’t understand drives this engine.
- Donald Hall
Collection: Writing
Image of Frank Miller
The day you write to please everyone you no longer are in journalism. You are in show business.
- Frank Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Gerald Brenan
The only test of work of literature is that it shall please other ages than its own.
- Gerald Brenan
Collection: Writing
Image of Gerald Brenan
When I write a page that reads badly I know that it is myself who has written it. When it reads well it has come through from somewhere else.
- Gerald Brenan
Collection: Writing
Image of Martha Grimes
Writing is an antisocial act.
- Martha Grimes
Collection: Writing
Image of Kimberly Willis Holt
Write every day. Make writing a part of your life, but also dont be afraid of learning from others because I think you can. I still try to think of myself as a beginner because that way I can keep on learning.
- Kimberly Willis Holt
Collection: Writing
Image of John Sayles
As a screenwriter I'm often writing in genres where there have been thousands of movies; whereas when I direct movies they tend to be in between genres. They tend to have a little bit of a genre to them, but they're really about the people, and they're people we haven't met before.
- John Sayles
Collection: Writing
Image of John Sayles
I don't write [screenplay character] biographies beforehand. I usually go in knowing some sequences: this is where I want to start, this is where I want to end.
- John Sayles
Collection: Writing
Image of Samantha Hunt
There's a voice when I write. I speak everything aloud. My family is so accustomed to me talking to myself that often times they don't answer me when I am trying to speak to one of them.
- Samantha Hunt
Collection: Writing
Image of Deena Metzger
Stories heal us because we become whole through them. In the process of writing, of discovering our story, we restore those parts of ourselves that have been scattered, hidden, suppressed, denied, distorted, forbidden, and we come to understand that stories heal.
- Deena Metzger
Collection: Writing
Image of Joe Strummer
Don't write slogans, write truths.
- Joe Strummer
Collection: Writing
Image of Jack Nicholson
Just because you're perfectionist doesn't mean you're perfect.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Writing
Image of Ken Bruen
The writing is a joy, so seamless you nearly miss the sheer artistry of the style and the terrific, wry humour.
- Ken Bruen
Collection: Writing
Image of Hyman Rickover
Nothing so sharpens the thought process as writing down one's arguments. Weaknesses overlooked in oral discussion become painfully obvious on the written page.
- Hyman Rickover
Collection: Writing
Image of J. Patrick Lewis
Poetry is perfect verbs hunting for elusive nouns.
- J. Patrick Lewis
Collection: Writing