Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 140

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 140 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Jeanette Winterson
Turn up for work. Discipline allows creative freedom. No discipline equals no freedom.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Writing
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
I'll be 56 this year, I've got two kids, and I think it's probably time to go back to writing one-glove jokes.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Writing
Image of Jeanette Winterson
...there are two kinds of writing: the one you write and the one that writes you.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Writing
Image of Jon Stewart
The psychology degree is simply that I was a chemistry major, and they kept wanting the correct answer, whereas in psychology you basically write whatever you want, and chances are you get a B.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Mertz
Writing is like a bird-watcher watching for birds: the stories are there: you just have to train yourself to look for them.
- Barbara Mertz
Collection: Writing
Image of Taylor Swift
The words. I love words. I love to write. Being an artist is what I love.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Writing
Image of Taylor Swift
I'm so lucky that I get to write my own music and write my own stories, so every single time I look down in the audience and I see somebody singing the words back to me, it makes it all worth it.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Writing
Image of Ai Weiwei
Warhol influenced me because of his writing. If I had never read his writings and interviews, I would never have understood his work.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Writing
Image of Anais Nin
Keeping a Diary all my life helped me to discover some basic elements essential to the vitality of writing.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Writing
Image of Joyce Carol Oates
The use of language is all we have to pit against death and silence.
- Joyce Carol Oates
Collection: Writing
Image of Antonin Scalia
Having had the good fortune to serve beside her on both courts, I can attest that her opinions are always thoroughly considered, always carefully crafted and almost always correct (which is to say we sometimes disagree). That much is apparent for all to see. What only her colleagues know is that her suggestions improve the opinions the rest of us write, and that she is a source of collegiality and good judgment in all our work.
- Antonin Scalia
Collection: Writing
Image of Denise Levertov
Writing poetry is a process of can smell the poem before you see it....Like some animal.
- Denise Levertov
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
I use non-fiction work written by Whites in my research. It's indispensable. That wasn't the problem. I said that "The Wire" was a cliché! It's like my writing a series about Jewish life and casting all of the characters as inside traders.
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of Ishmael Reed
I'm not against White writers writing about Blacks as long as they are as objective as say James McPherson writing about an Irish American janitor in his brilliant short story "Gold Coast."
- Ishmael Reed
Collection: Writing
Image of J. K. Rowling
You can have a very intense relationship with fictional characters because they are in your own head.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Writing
Image of J. K. Rowling
In truth, I never consider the audience for whom I'm writing. I just write what I want to write.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Writing
Image of May Sarton
I live alone, perhaps for no good reason, for the reason that I am an impossible creature, set apart by a temperament I have never learned to use as it could be used, thrown off by a word, a glance, a rainy day, or one drink too many. My need to be alone is balanced against my fear of what will happen when suddenly I enter the huge empty silence if I cannot find support there. I go up to Heaven and down to Hell in an hour, and keep alive only by imposing upon myself inexorable routines. I write too many letters and too few poems.
- May Sarton
Collection: Writing
Image of May Sarton
I feel more alive when I'm writing than I do at any other time--except maybe when I'm making love.
- May Sarton
Collection: Writing
Image of Christian Nestell Bovee
There is probably no hell for authors in the next world - they suffer so much from critics and publishers in this.
- Christian Nestell Bovee
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Twain
No one can write perfect English and keep it up through a stretch of ten chapters. It has never been done.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Writing
Image of Irvine Welsh
If it's something that I feel uncomfortable with, that's a reason for me to write it. I kind of like to make myself feel uncomfortable. I think if you're starting to feel uncomfortable with something when you're writing it, that's the reason really to push on with it.
- Irvine Welsh
Collection: Writing
Image of Irvine Welsh
People even split up by text message, they dump each other by text. Everything seems so disposable, so throwaway, but you have to engage with that if you're writing about the modern world. You've also got all these pop references that you feel obligated to make. They're just part of the bricolage of the whole thing, whether or not these are actually significant elements themselves.
- Irvine Welsh
Collection: Writing
Image of Irvine Welsh
I can see myself wanting to write a historical novel - you don't need to worry about references to reality TV or pop music, you can just get on with the basics of story and character.
- Irvine Welsh
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukio Mishima
All my life I have been acutely aware of a contradiction in the very nature of my existence. For forty-five years I struggled to resolve this dilemma by writing plays and novels. The more I wrote, the more I realized mere words were not enough. So I found another form of expression.
- Yukio Mishima
Collection: Writing
Image of Yukio Mishima
Let us remember that the central reality must be sought in the writer's work: it is what the writer chose to write, or was compelled to write, that finally matters. And certainly Mishima's carefully premeditated death is part of his work.
- Yukio Mishima
Collection: Writing
Image of LeAnn Rimes
Even listening to a lot of other music inspires me, too. Like I'll find something and be like, "I love this group!" And I want to write something that's kind of like this.
- LeAnn Rimes
Collection: Writing
Image of LeAnn Rimes
We definitely set out to make a great 'radio' record. We set out to write great hooky choruses-but with verses that said something.
- LeAnn Rimes
Collection: Writing
Image of John Updike
There's always something new by looking at the same thing over and over.
- John Updike
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Parker
Genius can write on the back of old envelopes but mere talent requires the finest stationery available.
- Dorothy Parker
Collection: Writing
Image of William Faulkner
I had learned a little about writing from Soldier's Pay - how to approach language, words: not with seriousness so much as an essayist does, but with a kind of alert respect, as you approach dynamite; even with joy, as you approach women: perhaps with the same secretly unscrupulous intentions.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Writing
Image of William Faulkner
I discovered that my own little postage stamp of native soil was worth writing about and that I would never live long enough to exhaust it.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Writing
Image of William Faulkner
A writer is congenitally unable to tell the truth and that is why we call what he writes fiction.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Writing
Image of William Faulkner
Nothing can injure a man's writing if he's a first-rate writer. If a man is not a first-rate writer, there's not anything can help it much. The problem does not apply if he is not first rate because he has already sold his soul for a swimming pool.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
It is defeat that turns bone to flint; it is defeat that turns gristle to muscle; it is defeat that makes men invincible. Do not then be afraid of defeat. You are never so near to victory as when defeated in a good cause.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Twain
I don't speak German well but several experts have assured me that I write it like an angel. Maybe so, maybe so- I don't know. I've not yet made any acquaintances among the angels. That comes later, whenever it please the Deity. I'm not in any hurry.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Morrison
If writing is thinking and discovery and selection and order and meaning, it is also awe and reverence and mystery and magic.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Morrison
I always start out with an idea, even a boring idea, that becomes a question I don't have answers to.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Morrison
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't try to write through it, to force it. Many do, but that won't work. Just wait, it will come.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicki Minaj
I am so territorial, that [from the start] I just felt like whatever I was gonna do I was gonna write it myself, its my personal preference to always be in control of everything I do in life.
- Nicki Minaj
Collection: Writing
Image of Arthur Miller
My plays are always involved with society, but I'm writing about people, too, and it's clear over the years that audiences understand them and care about them. The political landscape changes, the issues change, but the people are still there. People don't really change that much.
- Arthur Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Waits
I like writing melody without an instrument. It's just so - it's more like the choreography of a bee; you just go.
- Tom Waits
Collection: Writing
Image of Anne Sexton
All I am is the trick of words writing themselves.
- Anne Sexton
Collection: Writing
Image of Gore Vidal
The most interesting thing about writing is the way that it obliterates time. Three hours seem like three minutes. Then there is the business of surprise. I never know what is coming next. The phrase that sounds in the head changes when it appears on the page. Then I start probing it with a pen, finding new meanings. Sometimes I burst out laughing at what is happening as I twist and turn sentences. Strange business, all in all. One never gets to the end of it. That’s why I go on, I suppose. To see what the next sentences I write will be.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Writing
Image of Gore Vidal
Write what you think, what you imagine, what you suspect!
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Writing
Image of Patrick Süskind
As long as I don't have an idea, I won't write anything.
- Patrick Süskind
Collection: Writing
Image of Joseph Brodsky
As to the state, from my point of view, the measure of a writer's patriotism is not oaths from a high platform, but how he writes in the language of the people among whom he lives .
- Joseph Brodsky
Collection: Writing
Image of Gloria Steinem
As an activist, you do find yourself directed more toward public action. But I've always tried to use stories from my own life in my writing. It has always been clear to me that the stories of each other's lives are our best textbooks.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Trump
I always talk about the reporters that grovel when they wanna write something that you wanna hear but not necessarily millions of people wanna hear or have to hear.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Writing
Image of Alice Walker
Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence - as it saves most writers who live in 'interesting' oppressive times and are not afflicted by personal immunity.
- Alice Walker
Collection: Writing